Protestant Until Proven Catholic?

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If you're convinced of the Resurrection of Jesus, wouldn't you just be Christian (perhaps a follower of "mere Christianity") and then decide if your ultimate authority is Protestantism (66 book canon, sola scriptura), Eastern Orthodoxy (79 book canon and sacred Tradition), or Catholicism (73 book canon, Sacred tradition, magisterium)? I'm concerned that if a belief system simply has less beliefs in it makes it some kind of default, then naturalism would be the default compared to Christianity since it entails fewer beliefs.


I don't think that when you believe in the Resurrection of Christ [Happy Easter] that automatically means Protestant until proven Catholic, because while one might not be convinced of the Marian Dogmas or the Papacy, one might equally be unconvinced of Sola Scriptura, Sola FIde, or even the authority of the Bible at all, or at least not convinced of the inerrancy of the Bible, even if it is broadly authoritative. This applies if you replace "unconvinced" in the last sentence with "uncertain of".

Also thank you Dr. Ortlund for raising the level of discussion between Protestants and Catholics. I think Catholics get tired of being called "Mary-worshippers" and I'm glad that there are people who take us more seriously than that, even if they have serious disagreements. God bless!


That is the reason why most people who convert to christianity from other religions are protestant and stay protestant. If you believe only Bible then you are protestant. Most people from other religions find it strange you adiotionally need to know to choose the right tradition adition to the bible.


Thanks Gavin
I thank God, he showed me his ways, I’m reformed Baptist and I thank God for pastors like you who teach with passion the gospel of grace.


I happen to be attracted to the Marion dogmas. What is offensive is their obligatory status. Out of nowhere, in the 19th century, you MUST believe this, or else. Something is wrong with this. The diety of Christ, the resurrection and so on seem essential. Mary's sinlessness does not.


The difference between Protestants and Catholics is that Protestants don't need to assert that their pastor is infallible or incapable of error. The Catholic does and its indefensible.


I’m not convinced of any of the Mary dogmas nor praying to saints, neither of Transubstantiation etc... There is so much in Catholicism that I cannot be persuaded to believe and therefore I am Protestant.


For me, I was Protestant my entire adult life, until age 48. And the reason I was Protestant was because I was deeply convinced of its Biblical truth. I've always thoroughly believed that a person's faith should be based on reason, and not just a "blind" faith. As such, I always continued to study scripture, Theology, Church History, etc. Eventually, through my continued studies, I became convinced of the truth of the Eastern Orthodox Church. That was 18 years ago, and I continue to be convinced of Her Truth. The beginning of that journey started when I became convinced by Scripture itself, that Sola Scriptura is not only NOT a Biblical teaching, but actually OPPOSES what Scripture teaches.


Anyone ever realize that Gavin Ortlund puts on Christ and kills the Old Man so what we get is the Gavin The Irenic; but in reality he possesses the intellect and probably physique to be a total monster. Look at that face, he looks like a boxer lol.


All Christians--baptized believers who attempt to follow Christ--are Catholics. They just aren't Roman Catholics (necessarily).

Regarding Mary's Assumption, NO Christian was required to believe it as a matter of faith/salvation until 1900 years after Jesus' Crucifixion.

Small problem there for those who want to mandate it. Indeed, it is arguable that it is those who keep on inventing new requirements who aren't really "Catholic."


I would personally love to be catholic or orthodox because of their beautiful liturgies, large communities, and visible connection to history. I just cannot wrap my head around the Marian dogmas, praying to saints, or the papacy. It all just seems so against scripture.


Nice breakdown. Glad
To have found you recently


This doesn't really follow, many early heresies in the first 5 centuries had either less required beliefs or were more intuitive than the orthodox position.


I was raised Catholic and went through all the sacraments in a family that was and still is weekly mass goers. I came to a genuine faith in Christ because of Protestantism. Over the past 2 years I have listened to all the arguments, read the fathers, read the official Catechism of the CC, read the reformers and have asked the Holy Spirit to lead me into all truth with an open and humble heart (as much as i possibly could given my bias of coming to Christ as a Protestant). I'm convinced the early church was not Roman Catholic and am comfortable following Christ in protest of Rome. Soli Deo Gloria.


After being Methodist for 20 years and knowing there is no Truth in a church that is splitting I came to the Church that cares more about God’s Truth than any other. The Catholic Church teaches me to submit to God’s Authority and not spend my life trying to figure Him out.


Whether you are Catholic, Orthodox or protestant, it will only be your faith in Christ that saves you. There are things the Catholic Church stood by during the time of Luther that we would consider abhorrent now. This should show since that was considered infallible yet contradicted scripture that whoever we identity as our authority should be not in people but in the Bible and our faith should only be in Christ.


I’m Presbyterian* and, during the insanity of C19, I enjoyed the daily masses posted here in YT by Bishop Barron. Again, this was during that time, I lightly considered maybe possibly switching, but all those post-Apostolic accretions, to say nothing of the violations of the Scriptures… I thank His Holiness, my High Priest, the LORD Jesus Christ for keeping me safe.
*Used to be such a great teaching denomination, but… modernity and all its dung.


That's a fair assessment honestly


Just follow the Bible period. Came out of the Orthodox Church and never going back. Extremely happy being in a Non Denominational Church.


Don't you think most Catholics are convinced of the larger system of beliefs by the authority magisterium and not the beliefs themselves? In other words, trying to decide whether you should be catholic by being seeking to be convinced of each catholic doctrine and dogma is a wild a goose chase, and may be, an excuse to avoid the main issue: the true church claim.
