God Works Outside Protestantism!

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Protestantism does not claim to be the one true church, but rather to be a renewal effort within the one true church.

Truth Unites is a mixture of apologetics and theology, with an irenic focus.

Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) serves as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai.







00:00 - Introduction
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I am Orthodox! I was Protestant. I work in a homeless ministry with Catholics. The Holy Spirit is working in and through people in all the camps! I have seen this myself. Glory to Christ!


I am Lutheran myself, and this is such a refreshing message to hear! I come from a Catholic family on my mom's side (though she herself is Protestant) and I am really tired of people dismissing Catholics wholesale as heathen or assuming that all Catholics agree with every decision ever made by the Catholic Church. I have my fair share of major disagreements with the Catholic Church, but by default I consider them brothers and sisters in Christ.


Great point. One of the reasons I am a protestant.


Amen! Truth unites! It is a bit of a hard sell for plenty of my fellow protestants, at least American ones, that I have interacted with over the years... it is definitely a belief in plenty of protestant churches that Roman Catholics are not Christians. I do not think they even have a category to understand what they think of Eastern Ortodoxy, if they do at all. Hopefully that will change over time and Churches will start to be able to recognize their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ without having to sacrifice doctrine and we can all stop getting so distracted by infighting as the Church. Plenty of hearts everywhere will need to be transformed for sure though, including my own.


Gavin, I am currently watching the debate between you and Trent Horn.
You did a phenomenal job. I know they make take a toll on you. I’m sure they would on me, but you have a gift—a real gift. Grace and peace to you, brother!!


sure it does! blessings to all my Catholic and Orthodox bros from a Lutheran brother


We must all unite. Stop the hatred over minor details. JESUS IS GOD. he came down to earth to take our sins. He paid the penalty for all believers in him. Catholic Baptist orthodox. Jesus and the trinity. Read your Bible


Very few Baptists would agree with this statement.


Christ is not divided. Nor is His body


Question. How can someone who believed the gospel be an idolater? How can someone understand the grace of God in salvation by faith in Jesus, know the old and new testament, study diligently guided by the Holy Spirit into all truth... And then bow down to a useless statue of St. John, or Mary, or an Angel, and kiss their feet with tears in their eyes?

Something is wrong in this picture, and is not the guidance if the Holy Spirit, that's for sure.

Is hard to accept, but those are either false converts or people that couldn't care less about the word of God and only honor Him with their lips but not their actions.

The other alternative is to believe that anyone who claims to be a christian, of any denomination, is going to be saved. That would make the narrow door the biggest metaphorical door in history. Like 50% of the world population would be saved if that was the case. That's some serious renovations that the lord has been making since he declared his words 2000 years ago. And is going to get even bigger when the "coexist" movement really takes off.

Sorry but there is only a narrow door that leads to heaven. Salvation by faith alone in Jesus. If people really believed this truth there would be no idolatry in their lives.


Okay but didn’t they believe they had a false gospel and are only saved in spite of Catholicism? So, the only reason they would have been saved was if they were ignorant of what Catholicism taught?


I dont have to know church history to know John 3:16, 17 is true. The Holy Spirit lives in me and every bit of the Bible is true and the 66 books of the Bible are divinely inspired.


the Reformers called the catholic church the Rev17harlot, and the papacy the antichrist.
Geneva translation

inversion of 1500 years of history

can't have it both ways

Ephesians 4:3-6 KJV
Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. [4] There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; [5] One Lord, one faith, one baptism, [6] One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
1 Corinthians 10:17 KJV
For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread.


I watched your debate with Trent Horn and you are very phenomenal in losing big time in that debate! I hope you just follow the foot steps of Redeemed Zoomer!


Ecclesia in carne revelata est Corpus Christi Mysticum:

1 Corinthians 10:17 (KJV):"For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread."

Romans 12:4-5 (KJV):"For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So, we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another."

1 Corinthians 12:12-13 (KJV):"For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit."

1 Corinthians 12:27 (KJV):"Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular."

Colossians 1:18 (KJV):"And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence."

Colossians 2:19 (KJV):"And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God."

Ephesians 1:22-23 (KJV):"And hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all."

Ephesians 4:15-16 (KJV):"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love."

Ephesians 5:30 (KJV):"For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones."

Ephesians 2:19-22 (KJV):"Now, therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit."


The problem is with people whose reaction to this is “Yay! Finally a Protestant is admitting [my church] is the true church” instead of “Yay! Our gracious Father sees the heart and honors His word and won’t let it return void even if we don’t have everything right!” There are far too many of the former.


And with what authority can Calvin make such claim? Why should he be taken seriously? Is he a patriarch? A bishop?


I hear ya, but the problem is what they “officially” teach. They teach a false gospel. I know a bunch of people will bark in response, but it is the truth, I’m not saying it to start a fight or be mean. It is contradictory to scripture. Yes, it is possible for true saving faith in RC and eastern orthodox, but it is in spite of their official doctrines, not because of it. Of course God is working everywhere bringing his elect to him, but I think it is very dangerous to say what you are saying. I get it, I know your heart is in the right place and you mean well, but I think it could be misunderstood as to say that being in the Roman system or EO is fine. I think You know it isn’t. I just worry people will get the wrong impression. It’s not just a preference things. Which place you like more. Which mundane details you like more. It’s about the gospel. The salvation of souls and the mass for instance does NOT bring the gospel. Also, I admit that many Protestant churches fall in this same category, of not actually teaching the biblical gospel. The difference is that their official teachings, of main line magisterial reformed traditions, are sound biblical teachings, even if not being taught clearly from the pulpit as often as it should be. I think it is very dangerous to tell someone they are fine where they are, if they don’t have the gospel. Protestant, EO or Rome.


So many catholics are angry in the comments. Quick to call you a heretic and expose their unchrist-like behavior. But I believe it is the holy spirit that draws them here. So they we can as brothers finally be one again.
I pray for my catholic and orthodox brothers. Especially those who label us heretics.


I had to laugh at the title of this video. 😅
I was once a Protestant ... then I discovered that if your church isn't Catholic or Eastern Orthodox, you're in a fake church.
