The REAL Reason Why Protestants Don’t Become Catholic

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Convert here. I was raised in a vehemently anti-catholic family. I eventually left my baptist faith and went atheist but in my pursuit of truth, went catholic. What greg is saying here is definitely true. I pray for my baptist family members though I don't openly proselytize them


The truth shall set you you are willing to see the truth.


I was a major anti catholic my whole life up to 3 years ago. I started to listen to Catholic Apologists and it chipped away my biases and now fast forward 3 years, I'm in RCIA and extremely happy with my faith and parish!


You present all the information to them and explain the authority on which the Church resides and 90% won't listen. So we keep praying


I’ve never been more bullied by any of their faith than my Protestants for being Catholic. It started when I was in 5th grade. Their parents are teaching them this hatred.


Protestant here. I agree with most of what you said. I have been raised Protestant and told the Catholic church is full of false beliefs, idolatry, etc. Why would I need to look into it anymore than I look into Buddhism or any other religion? I was taught it was wrong.


I had to re-watch this video. Because I just confronted a protestant and you were totally right about what you say


I’ve never been more bullied by Protestants than when I decided to convert from a non-denominational church(I was also employed there). The hatred and bigotry was overwhelming. When I have had conversations with them about Catholicism they seem to be unwilling to even consider the true church fathers. In their futile thinking, Martin Luther, John Calvin etc are where the church began for them. The game-changer for me was learning where the church began and that the church fathers were Catholic. Since converting, and receiving Jesus in the Eucharist body, soul, blood and divinity is the true faith that I was longing for and could never make sense of as a Protestant.


Interesting take. I really dont care. I'm looking for a catholic man and would NEVER marry a non-catholic. I pray for church unity and defend the faith when need be.


I'm a recent convert (I've yet to be formed), and I understand your points.
I think the anti-Catholicism is a very, very, very steep wall to climb, it is so deeply engrained.
So I do understand if it would fall under invincible ignorance, but then again we have a great responsibility to desire for and to follow truth.
For Jesus is truth, so the closer you get to the truth the closer you get to Jesus.

But here's the thing, people are so devoutly convinced that they got it right, that it is a hinderance.
It took me years to become Catholic, I was very anti-Catholic as well, actually my reason for looking into the faith was to bring it down with
arguments which I could use while evangelising Catholics (isn't that ironic).
But I was determined that if I where to use arguments, they'd either had to be absolutely true, or that I'd not use them.
Slowly but certainly I found that the Catholic Church's' teaching made a lot of sense.

But back to the point of the invincible ignorance, a verse that comes to mind is
John 7 : 40Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?”
41Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.

Thinking to know the truth can be really devastating, people are obliged to look into things.
I think lazyness, and not being willing to look into things is why we have so many Protestants, and also why there is such a big decline
in the Catholic faith.

I absolutely love the Catholic Church, I absolutely love the Church Fathers and the Catechism.
Always in my mind it's sort of a struggle to read, because I have thoughts that it is dry, and boring, or tedious;
but always when I read, I get so filled with joy, the Catechism is such a brilliant Holy-Spirit filled piece of work.
And how great is it to read about the saints who are about to be Martyred, and to see how seriously they took unity, the Eucharist, bishops.
I can't imagine ever going back.

Peace of Christ!


the societal and family pressure is steep. You see the protestant husband who sees the truth, tells the wife, and the wife henpecks him never to convert.


I can definitely see this. Because you bring up truth to them. That a lot of their theological thinking was not ever believed by Christ or the early church yet they still retain their belief. Their heart has been hardened. God bless them


Humility makes a person learn truth. Pride blinds.


Thought provoking video Gregory. I think if you see protestant post in the comments later on they’ll say it’s because they know the truth or Dale passive aggressively quote some scripture below. Ultimately our job is to preach the truth about how the Holy Spirit protect the Catholic Church from air and everything at the church teaches in faith and morals is correct. Like Jesus said if they don’t want to hear it, you shake the dust off the sandals and move on. And continue to pray for them


It is all truth. They don't meet catholic who know their faith PLUS they have so much prejudice against what they think the faith is


It’s hard to imagine everything that you believe is true is not true. And always special courageous people who are typically pretty well steeped in history can make that change


As someone who is in RCIA. I see several of the same old tired misconceptions and prejudices. I think invincible ignorance will apply to a lot of people due to the scandals of the church. Particularly the abuse scandals. Those scandals are the reason the church is almost forced to be as understanding and ecumenical as it has become.


You make some great points. As a former long-time Protestant, would love to talk about this more in an interview. Sorry but I lost your contact info.


I want to be Catholic🫀I've always wanted deep down inside to be Catholic🫀I'm going to become Catholic🫀My Mother is a Southern Methodist and I grew up in the protestant churches that seemed devoid of True Respect and Ceremony which I've always felt was watered down in the protestant churches🫀My Mother doesn't approve of the Catholic Faith🫀I am understanding the rich meaning behind Blessed Mary and The Saints through videos like this🫀Thank You for them🫀I am Overjoyed to really understand that there is no Idolatry Involved🫀I was so ignorant about that fact because of how I grew up🫀Yahushua HaMashiach is opening my mind and leading me to Catholicism🫀I Look forward to learning all about the Catholic Faith🫀God Bless You And Protect You All Always In Yahushua HaMashiach📿Jesus Christ Our Lord🫀


Cradle Catholic here. Some possible reasons why someone does not come from Protestantism to Catholicism are:
-- absence of a Catholic with compelling apologetic answers to his/her objections;
-- emotional hurt produced by the bad behavior of some Catholics;
-- hatred and terror produced by anti-Catholic propaganda;
-- fear of leaving friends and relatives of his/her congregation.
Just my two cents. Charitable dialogues should be based on knowledge of the Bible, the Catechism, History, and Philosophy. Let’s face Protestants with the life of Francis of Assisi, the thought of Thomas Aquinas, the art of Michelangelo, the real History of the Church. Let’s show them fraternal Catholic congregations. Let’s pray for them. Keep up the good work, Greg. God bless you and your family.
