You May Never Eat Fruit Again after Watching This

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If you're like most people, you probably believe that fruit is healthy. But is fruit really the best food for you? In this video, I'm going to share 5 reasons I believe fruit isn't really all that great for you.

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PS. When I began my journey to solve my hip issue, I did a lot of research to find answers to my hip inflammation before landing on the keto diet. I realize, that there may be people who do not know how to find a mentor for weight loss and especially, finding the right mentor for weight loss. I really hope that these videos help you to see that my goal is to be that right mentor for weight loss. Because I will continually do the research necessary to give you the most up to date information that I have.

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My father ate fruit and veggies for years he lived till 91


by far the hardest part of fasting is the boredom. If you've never done a multiday fast, you have no idea the enormous amount of your daily time is spent thinking about, preparing, or eating food. Depending on your lifestyle, it can be really hard to fill all that extra free time. If you want a fast to be easy, start it when you are very busy


I quitted fruits since I switch to keto diet 7 months ago, I feel alot better. No more fatigue, no more bloating and no more joints pains ❤


I don't miss it anymore, the only fruit I have are avocados, it's so engrained that fruits are healthy I usually don't talk about it. When you want to kick sugar addiction don't eat fruits or even zero calorie drinks with sugar replacements.


I've learned vegetables and fruit have been modified from wild to be edible by making them sweeter and naturally contain chemicals to protect themselves from predators, like us. Grains, seeds, nuts, rice, legumes naturally contain phytic acid which block absorption of nutrients. Soaking at least overnight or fermenting removes it. I have joint pain and digestive issues when I eat any of these, and cravings. My food eats my vegetation.


The various sugars in fruits and vegetables come with natural fiber that regulates the absorption of the sugars .


Only meat here for a while now zero fruit, no carbs, zero cravings, zero supplements with an electorolite drink once in awhile. Down 115 lbs and have not been in this good of shape since I got out of basic training back in 1998


Great video. Most people don't know that the fruits and veggies we eat nowadays are not found in nature but are man-made.


This lady is walking testimony look at that glow ☀️


Even how good a thing is, someone will come out and say it is bad, how bad a thing is, some one will come out and say it is good, the best way to live is live with your instinct, eat what you love moderately.


Oh Lord. What about the fiber of the fruit? The fiber slows down absorption of the sugar/ fructose. Do some exercise weights. Walk, move, Burn it off. I notice people who eat healthy move around and eat fruits and veggies. I use to do keto it set me on track not to eat carbs. Lost some weight. Carbs, fructose, sugar is every where.


I like to follow Dr. Fettke's advice, eat fresh and LOCAL. Even with that I only will have a very small serving of either Strawberries or Blueberries about once a week.


There is context to everything.... Fruit and vegetables are not the enemy. PROCESSED foods are. If you are diabetic, yes, apples, bananas, papaya will be bad for you, but you can still eat blueberries, strawberries. Please, don't demonize something that is not the enemy, it depends on the context. And no, the sugar in fruit is not the same as the sugar in chocolate. There is fiber, which makes a huge difference. Please, do not spread false information...


Bravo, that was so beautifully explained. Having to make peace with letting go of the sacred apple will be much easier, thanks to this info!


Excellent breakdown.
You're walking down my street!
I decided to cut back on fruit recently!
Fish, green leafy, cod liver oil, avocados, for me.


You have a great presentation style, clear, easy to understand, and a calming voice :)


Thank you. I drive for Uber and last week a rider and I were discussing health and losing weight when she shared with me that Broccoli and some other fruits and vegetables were man-made, so I looked it up and 🙄it's EVIDENTLY true! According to "Tasting Table", there are 13 types of produce that are man-made or engineered. I wonder which are really safe to eat or worth eating for our health?


My story is parallel to yours except I eat an abundance of fruit now and I’m in tip top shape. My analysis is that I’m from the tropical islands and so fruit is what produced me “so to speak” so nevertheless those chocolate bars, meats etc had me sick and fat. So go figure what’s happening here with claims that fruit is bad if it’s so good for me in “particular”


You know how much different types of fruit that is out there, a couple of thousand I believe and as humans here on this earth we’re not supposed to eat not one, let’s really think about that. Also, most importantly, I think it’s how much you consume and how it’s processed, my opinion! Thank you for this video and keep doing your thing!
