Is Fruit Just As 'Bad' As Processed Sugar? - This Will Shock You! | Jessie Inchauspé

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The start of this video is actually a part of a longer conversation about spike in the blood sugar level.
A piece of fruit with high/higher sugar content will create a spike and that is not ideal for the body. To mitigate that, Jessie is recommending that you eat nuts before or with your fruit. The nuts have higher fiber content that will in turn coat the walls of your intestines and that will slow down the absorption of the sugars, and not lead to a sudden spike in the blood glucose level.
They're not saying don't eat fruits.


Since my wife passed away in December I have gone on a major health kick. I joined my local gym and pool. I also started going to Slimming World. Since then my type 2 diabetes has gone into remission (I was on 4 metformin but have dropped to 3 with my next check next month to hopefully drop another). I'm eating way more fruit, vegetables, lean meat and fish and far less processed food. I have also gone tea total and avoid sweets, chocolate, biscuits and crisps. The one treat I still have is diet soda (nobody is perfect right). I feel so much better in myself, I have gone from 48" waist to 38" and in weight I have gone from 21.2 stones to 17.7. I have a goal of 16 stones which I feel is easily achievable. My biggest advise to anyone struggling with weight is to learn to cook things from scratch that is the only way to truly know what you are eating in terms of the amount of fats and sugars. I just wish my wife could see me now 😢 x


She has a very nice middle ground approach. You still can eat what you want, it's about switching up the order, and avoiding the sugar overdoses - especially on an empty stomach. I have a biochemistry degree and her science is solid as per my understanding with this background.


I am confused why many can't understand what she's saying.. it is so clear, she did not say not to eat sweets she says you can still eat but you have to start with fiber to avoid glucose spike.
English is not my language but I can undestand her.


Its quite amazing to see so many people misunderstanding this video. People love to jump in with bad comments when they don't understand what they are hearing. First off, they did not say you should not eat fruit; they said limit your intake of it and research shows that is correct. More and more new information comes out everyday. I would rather hear the info and choose for myself than wish years later I could have avoided it. Fruit is NOT the fruit it used to be which was healthy and SOIL is not the same as it has been sprayed with chemicals. Stop asking for evidence and do your own research before insulting someone who did. If you want to continue your way of life and eating, then do so but do it without expressing anger at those who struggle to make the public aware of hidden health issues. Some people eat fruit and do really well as well as those who do poor with fruit. At least if you come for information on a video, expect to not be bias and hear it through. It seems many come to these videos just to argue. And as for click bait... really? The title gives an idea of the video yet YOU still clicked on it. Ask yourself why.


Moderation, and diversity, are the keys . She's spot on . Listen with an open mind .


Interesting comments - did anyone actually watch the video? She's not saying not to eat fruit - just limit it, the fibre is a good thing.


No way will I give up eating fruit, doesn't matter what you consume, someone wants to tell you that it's bad for you, I am my own nutritional expert, 76 years old and doing just fine. People don't believe my age when I tell them..


Love her personality ! She is so upbeat ! And Chill! And smart ! I truly Appreciate her .


I am one of those, who are super happy about your teachings and I must say, oh, what a relief, finally I have scientific proof of what I thought was right and stick to it with no guilty conscience, that I am doing something wrong, because of lack of knowing. Thanks, Jessie! 🙏👑


I usually don’t comment, but wanted to say I truly appreciate you both!


In 2009 I came in contact with LCHF and I thought it seemed completely crazy. But when I understood this with insulin surges, I understood what it was all about. I do an experiment with my own body and skip the sugar. Just a few weeks later, I understand what is happening to me. Wow... I have to continue this and see where it will go. In recent years, I have been thinking more about the fact that this trip will give me a healthier old age. Now I'm setting my goal to be 100 years old And that journey there should be as healthy and healthy as possible. I'm now 65 and feel in top shape.


I totally get the “ put the clothes on the food!” I’ve been doing that and it does help a lot ! Just love this woman’s HONESTY !




The lady and her approaches are amazing! Thank you, Jessie!


I have eaten mostly fruit for 4 years now in the form of smoothies (not juice) and raw fruit - maybe about 50% in the last two years. Medical scientists would do well to test the metabolism of fructose/glucose from fruit (Shop bought or wild) or fructose from processed food. There is is huge difference in my experience. Ie after losing weight dramatically the first three weeks, I put on no fat whatsoever despite eating bins worth of fruit - 6 pints a day. However as soon as I switched to processed sugar fructose, I put on fat. While I was trying to get rid of migraines every four days, there were other collateral benefits - didn't get a virus, IBS went, psoriasis went, night sight improved, nasal polyps shrank by 80%, post nasal drip abated, on the 4th day all stiffness and heaviness in the body get right out of bed and walk. The downsides were dental caries during lockdown..however these were ONLY because dry fruit eg dates, mangos etc were getting stuck between my teeth and I needed to be told to gently water floss between the teeth each day (no caries in 2 years since starting this practice). I had a thorough blood test done on the 2nd year and all parameters were within normal including Vitamin B that fruit lack. While it is a big push to do just fruit, and I'd only recommend it if you are really chronically ill, at least all of us could eat higher percentage. I used modern fruit varieties despite their being bred and possibly? having lost some useful components. 
I am sure that there is a difference in the way natural fructose and all other sugars in fruit are metabolised in the body compared to the way processed sugars are. I urge the medical scientists to research this. My prediction would be that you would have a huge backlash against your findings but stick with it and you would be known as a paradigm-breaker within your field later in life.


I used to have about 1kg of fresh fruit for lunch everyday, I did it for 3 years and felt like superman, so much energy and not a single cold even though I was travelling on the train and tube everyday, also I never mixed carbs and protein in a meal, I was never hungry and never snacked.


My new diabetologist recommended me Jessie Inchauspé's channel and I wish I'd have known it a few years ago. Her approaches and tips are sound and well explained but more than anything: PRACTICAL. With only minor tweaks to your usual diet (if it isn't utterly unhealthy), you can have great successes. The dietarian in my former doctor's team focused mainly on substitutes for certain ingredients or trying to ignore specific food, which might be more expensive or not to your taste, in the end.


I love the compassion shown by both you Dr. Chatterjee and Jesse and your expertise that I am benefiting from. 💜💜


Fructose is the problem, especially for children. It causes fatty liver disease if consumed in excess, and is about as damaging to the liver as alchohol. Fructose is also created when corn starch or sucrose breaks down after digestion, and in corn products like corn syrup. The problem with fructose is that we eat too much of it in unnarural form - fruit juices, sucrose (sugar) in everything, and fruits throughout the year as a staple. This is not normal for humans - fruits were available in short seasons before global agricultural shipping. Fruit juices do not grow on trees, and sugar, honey etc. were rare commodities.
