Healthy gut, slim body? You need this… | Ep192

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Got Butyrate? Yes, this stuff ACTUALLY does a body good!

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for awhile, you know I love this gut-health boosting, POSTbiotic called butyrate.

In my upcoming book “Unlocking the Keto Code”, I’ll reveal how butyrate is a health rockstar for many reasons, including its ability to help optimize your mitochondrial function.

And my special guest, John Eid, Chief Science Officer and co-founder of Pendulum, is also a big butyrate fan. In fact, he’s built a career around it by researching genomic technology and the microbiome for over 2 decades.

On this episode, he gives us a fascinating 411 on all things butyrate.

We also discuss why this special postbiotic is so essential for wellness and how to make sure your body produces enough of it so you live a long, healthy life!

On this episode you’ll learn:
Why your “gut garden” wont flourish without THESE 3 compounds (and how to get more of them) (6:00)
The “currency” of the gut – and why it’s so essential for overall health (including the prevention of metabolic illness) (9:00)
How to know if your body is producing butyrate or not (and how to test yourself right at home) (12:00)
2 delicious, easy ways to stimulate your body’s production of butyrate (14:30)
Why THIS my be to blame for stubborn weight loss – and how to restore your body’s ability to burn fat (19:00)
My FAVORITE gut bug, why it’s so essential for overall health, and how YOU can get it in supplement form (for the very first time!) (23:30)
Why MOST people are running low on this important gut buddy – and how to support your body's supply (30:00)
How 2 of my patients with high-insulin levels completely reversed their health – by making ONE change (33:00)

Mentioned on this episode:
Pendulum Life Website (use code GUNDRY for 20% off)

#akkermansia #Probiotics #Butyrate
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I am not exagerating, these guys are heroes of the real world. The information they provide makes me eager to search more information and get into deeper knowdlege about health. I never get tired of thanking these people. Great Job!!!


Hey my name is Natalie I’m 11 and my mom is a big fan of yours. Her name is reina Jacoby and she watches your podcasts almost every day. You have helped her through her auto immune decease and Her R.A is doing so much better thanks to your diet !it would mean a lot to her if you would mention her in you podcast.she is the most amazing person ever and she means the world to me.
Thank you so much


Dr. Gundry…you are a true hero! Finally someone is telling us the truth about how our bodies work and more importantly why our bodies are responding to the foods and diets we’ve been encouraged to subscribe to. My lifelong battle with eczema, bloating & pain is over because of your program! THANK YOU!!!!💗⭐️💗⭐️💗⭐️💗


I've had unexplainable symptoms for two years like stomach pain and getting extreme cold sensations and chills after eating, especially acidic and spicy foods. Getting extremely cold at night was also an issue to the point where I had to make tea in the middle of the night to warm up from the inside, because nothing else helped. I would be suicidal at times because it was so unbearable. I've had a gastroscopy done three months ago and was diagnosed with an inflamed stomach. it has been coming back every couple of days for the past two years, but nobody could really figure out why. Been taking sodium butyrate 2 to 3 times a day for two weeks now and I am a totally different person. Finally happy again. I swear by this stuff. Definitely recommend for anyone with digestion issues. ✨🥰


Here’s my ‘gut feeling’. I was born in 1944 after a 32 hour labour. I developed pneumonia soon after. Doctors pumped me full of antibiotics (the Wonder drugs) and kept pumping me with antibiotics at every opportunity. As a child I spent a lot of time in hospitals where I was pumped full of antibiotics. My quality or lack of quality of life suffered for 35 years until I finally found a doctor who understood and treated gut ecology. My ‘gut feeling’ tells me Dr. Gundry knows of what he speaks.


The carivore diet and garlic with liver cleansing teas and cats claw is what brought me back to life. I also get out in the sunshine 🌞😎


Thank you both for this fascinating video. I've known for a decade now that illness begins in the gut. I believe it 150%. I know 2 very chronicly ill people and they BOTH have horrible digestion and elimination problems, and multiple other serious illnesses too (Diabetes and fibromyalgia) and I just know that the diabetes and fibro are both an end result of the gut issue. It's the root of the problem. I just finished reading a book that goes onto explain how these illnesses are a result of loss of digestive enzymes and gut bacterias, which break down and deliver our nutrients to the areas in the body that we need to function. Loss of enzymes and strains of bacteria result in deficiencies which lead to illness. I am not a doctor, this is what i've read and understand from others. I wish more medical professionals would do research into this and stop pushing toxic pharmaceuticals on people. Let food be your medicine, God knew what He was doing when He created our incredible body. Just feed and water it properly and it will grow and thrive.


I am just staring my journey on a healthier life. keto diet with supplements to start now i'm getting to understand the microbiome. This video is so informative to help me understand whats going on inside my gut


but it is not only butyrate. it is also propionate and acetate to make the L cells make more GLP-1 and PYY.
if you drink water with ACV before going to bed and are a bit insulin resistant, then you will notice a lower fasting blood sugar in the morning.
the reason is that ACV has 4-8% acetate in it. it boosts GLP-1 production in the L cells.
that goes to the alpha cells in the pancreas and the alpha cells reduce glucagon production. and glucagon is the driver of gluconeogenesis in the liver.
in people with type 2 diabetes exactly this pathway is disrupted because the L cells are not supplied enough with these SCFAs.
why I know this? after 18 months of doing keto and losing 25kg and getting rid of all problems, i got some tooth infection and an ear infection and the doctors prescribed 4 packs of anti-biotics.
and they did their job very well. they killed the infectious bacteria but also the good gut bacteria. i did not know that 4 years ago and my weight went up 20kg since then.
now i know about that and now i try to heal the gut with probiotics that i multiply with making yogurt with them + milk +inulin.
now it seems that hunger goes away and my keto/low carb diet starts to work again and my weight goes down again.


So many diets are not sustainable, (like Carnivore & Keto). After awhile you feel deprived because of all the restrictions & soo bored, because man cannot live by meat alone. Thankfully I found Dr. Gundry


Dr. Gundry is also a great interviewer.


Hi Dr Gundry. I just like you talking about everything. You keep it intelligent and simple these guests although knowledgable the way they speak for most part make too complicated 🙏💕


We are having some pre cooked daily lentils and sweet potatoes. I have some Inulin powder, and will include that as well.
Intermittent Fasting seems to me to be the best way to increase Ketone levels, and when that happens, it seems to be associated with several beneficial physiological effects. One of which is particularly interesting is that there's an increase in Oxygen saturation in the blood.


Excellent guest & product.
Consider interviewing Kiran Krishnan from Microbiome Labs or Tina Anderson from Thrive Health.
Also Steven Wright from Healthy Gut and the company Body Bio. Huge benefits


I can't believe how many supplements all the YouTube doctors talk about. If I took all of them, my liver would stop functioning! How about looking at n-acetylglucosamine or NAG for leaky gut protection? Can you do a video on that?


Frankly, of course, I see the intelligence of this podcast. However, the cost is prohibitive at $165.00 per month, as an example for one suggested for Type 2 diabetes supplement. Perhaps, that's fine for folks with a 'very' serious existing problem or plenty of money. But, for most of us, I guess we'll just add more inulin to our diet. Thank you.


Dr Gundry, Have you herd of BPC 157 for healing of our gut? What is your opinion of this peptide?


I bought it online and started it today.
I cant wait to see results, I am healthy diet but imbalances in the gut


Inulin is a very long chain sugar which can become more difficult for the elderly to digest. Not always a good idea.


Thanks Dr. Gundry, as always, just amazing. I enjoy a lot your podcast because I learn and enhance my knowledge. I have a question. Is there a possibility that we ran out of good probiotics in our gut? Thanks in advance!!!
