How to Heal From a Breakup/Broken Heart

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Sometimes it’s worry for their future…. Or death of the hope you had for a future. Sometimes it literally is them and their spirit. I don’t think it’s always just traits or things we’re missing. Each person is literally one of a kind.


He made me feel sexy Thais 😭 who gon do that now? My mother?! 😭😭😭😭😭


I'm too heartbroken to do 'the work' right now, I but when I start to heal, I will come back to this video. My heart hurts so much. I miss them so badly.


Thank you so much for this video Thais. I'm going through the very recent end of a 9 year relationship and a broken engagement and it has been really rough, especially as someone with a preoccupied anxious attachment style. I'm going to try out the things you outlined in this video.

I really enjoy your content and the warmth and knowledge in your videos, I have been learning a lot about myself. Thank you for doing what you do


Great am now at a stage after a recent breakup of being grateful for the experience, as it has moved me to take action and join the Personal Development School.
I can't keep making the same relationship mistakes and missing out on potentially great relationships.
Onwards & upwards now. 🌼


... oof

I'm less than 2 minutes into this video, and that hypothetical story you're telling about coming to someone with a need for support, kindness, and emotional connection while having a hard time, and being met with that person telling you they don't have time and don't want to hear it... is exactly the story of the last-straw incident that compelled me to break up with someone recently. Bloody hurts, that does.


I absolutely love the way you explain things. Thank you for the peace and comfort you radiate through your videos. Thank your for all you share 💕🙏🏻


Thank you Thais, your channel is a blessing


How does this have less than 5k views? Solid guidance thank you 👍🏻 you got a new sub


I found this video very insightful and helped put things in perspective for me ! I love your channel!


Oh my God... This advice is priceless. The best video on the topic I've seen (and I've seen a lot lol). I hope more people get to see it, much needed info...


Thanks for your help, I'll do this!


My gf just broke up with me. I must say that my emotions immediately shut down. I felt nothing, and I still do. It caused me to say something extremely out of turn. Something very awful while she was crying.

I'm going to say this right now, this is not normal. This is not some "superpower", this is hell. Not being able to grieve with them in that moment is awful.


I miss her kisses, hugs, and cuddles. And her smell. Can't really fix or heal that. That's dependent on someone else.


In Susan Winter language, it’s the “Dream”.


My FA ex used to split up with me every 8 weeks and come back within 2 days... This time she left on 26th December and she's not come back... But this time was weird. She said she had lost the will to carry on trying to work on us. Yet she was the one who was pushing me away and being negative and constantly causing arguments.

They need space. They have a trigger and they run a mile. Sometimes they come back.. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they come back quickly.. Sometimes they take a good while to reflect and then slowly come back...

ALL Fearful Avoidants have some type of childhood trauma. So any triggers in adult life can cause real extreme flight episodes. My ex told me in March that she felt rejected by me and she couldn't be with someone who she felt didn't want her. (this was all in her head) but because her father continuously rejected her as a child... She had a trigger and all the trauma emotions came out and she ran a mile. She's not come back in 5 months and I'm not expecting her to.
