Why Does Déjà Vu Happen? Sadhguru Answers

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Sadhguru answers a question on déjà vu, and speaks about the elaborate nature of the mind and how it functions.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

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Deja vu makes me feel like i can see the future but i forgot it but when it happens i remember it😂


Deja Reve: When you see a event or something else In a dream and that occurs in reality later
Deja Vu: when you see a event and feel like that event happened before
Jamais Vu: (opposite of deja Vu) when you experience a event that you know you've experienced before but feels like you're experiencing it for the first time
(Edit): presque vu: it is the tip of the tounge fenomenon in which you know something but can't quite recall it


The funny thing about my deja-vu is, when I realise it's deja-vu, that itself is deja-vu. So it's like an infinite thing. Don't know if that makes sense.


"The schizophrenic is drowning in the same waters 
in which the mystic swims with delight." ~Joseph Cambpell


The human brain is an unsolved mystery, the greatest computer ever. Most people, most of the time probably ignore these experiences as one off or coincidences or feel uneasy, but they can strengthen if we choose to tune in to them or pay more attention.


I face reverse Deja Vu i.e. 95% of persons who see me for the first time say: I think we have met earlier?


My experience with Deja vu is that when it happens it is confirmation that I am on the path I created as a soul before I incarnated. I have recollection from the soul planning board and being with my guides before I incarnated (granted many will have never had this particular experience) through an out of body experience I had in my teens. This is what my guides tell me is true. I share this as perhaps others might be helped. Peace to all...


It took me a while to realize what my deja vu experiences are. I used to have them often as a child and as an adult it’s pretty rare but when I do- it’s me living a reality that I dreamt of previously. And it’s very very specific down to the details of that moment. Finally one day while experiencing it I remembered having the dream before- and it all clicked. I dream my future and then it happens later on down the road.


God once told me "in order for the future to be predicted, it must already exist".

So basically we are "acting out" what already is.

Deja Vu is the experience of seeing that future in the present.

That is why in order to change YOUR future, you must work on changing yourself. And still some things can not be changed because everything happens for a reason.

And everything happens for a reason because everything is based of the choices we or others make.

This is my short version of this wisdom.

Sometimes it is difficult to change wisdom into knowledge.

But here is knowledge for those who wonder from my personal theory.


"Once you start believing it, you will see it will start happening everywhere"
Isn't that the point of spiritualism? Isn't this happening everywhere a confirmation that it is true?


Déjà vu is like a vision of a situation you see in your dream. After waking up you don't remember that vision, but later on (1week-1month-6months) you feel like this has happened before (same clothes, same person, same place, same objects, same temperature), you know what will happen within 2-3 seconds.


Its kinda cute how many people are finding seeing this video as a Déjà Vu. 😅😛


For me, whenever deja vu happens i know what's gonna happen in a moment and then it actually does. And sometimes the feeling lasts for like 10 secs idk.


2 years back ..I was obsessed with psychology..I was seeing everything logically...I'm so glad ..I met sadhguru😊


Please, stop this 'hollywood style' production. It gets in the way of the messege, it does not help in any way. Please, no music, no video edition. Just Sadhguru speaking, its all that´s needed. Thank you.


i used to have Deja vu when i was in school as frequent as 3-4 times a month. It was mostly with the situation, people, place it used to feel as if i have already been to this situation, place, people etc.. it was so real one wont believe it. I never knew it has name as Deja Vu until now. My Guruji who used to teach me meditation in Varanasi used to tell me it's one in million who has it and you are blessed with it . He used to say do meditation in the morning at 5am at river Ganga's bank it will sharpen your visions more. Since no one else used to understand this is possible either my family or friends in-fact me myself doubted my ability so it went into ignorance but this Deja Vu continued to happen all my school life mostly. Thereafter i have never had this. Now i am 35.


It has happened to me many times. Lasting about 10-30 seconds of pure and exact living memory. Not a familiar feeling. EVERYTHING is exact. As if I'm reliving the exact moment, with things I've never seen or experienced before. Complete with remembering what comes next. Never met anyone that could help me develop it or expound on it.


Once a legend said : "isn't it?"


Today is result of yesterday and an opportunity for tomorrow as well.


I do believe that everything experienced is stored in the mind/brain: I lived in France when I was a young woman, and my French wasn't very good, but obviously I heard it all around me all the time. My partner told me that when I was asleep, I spoke in my sleep in perfect French with a perfect accent, using words and phrases and grammar that he knew I didn't 'know'.
