Deja Vu is Explained from the Spiritual Perspective and Why We Experience it More These Days

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Today we're talking about deja vu, something that is becoming more and more common.







I have gotten a lot of questions about what it is. Where is this coming from? Today we're gonna be discussing some of the precursors to this, and what are the reasons that you may be experiencing deja vu in your life?

#dejavu #spirituality #awakening
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I am 29 years old and haven't experienced much deja vu in my adult life but I used to experience it on the regular throughout my entire childhood and teen years..thank you for sharing your perspective on this!


I had a deja vu walking down a hallway on my way to get married. I knew I did it before. It was clear as day. I was in that moment before. Marriage didn’t work out. At the time I thought to myself: “Is this a point of choice? If I did this before, was it a mistake and am I doing it again?” I have had a lot of deja vu’s throughout my life and sometimes they ramp up, having multiple ones in a week. Most of them I can predict what happens up to 30 seconds ahead, like predicting what someone will say if anyone is around me. I never know wether to take them as warnings to continue doing what I’m doing or to change direction.


i've had deja vu for the past 3 years, i dont see it as a bad thing i see it as a spiritual gift. <3


I must have been an extremely board and very wealthy person to have cooked up the life I am currently living! When I tell others about my past they are shocked. I'm not even telling them much about it. I can only image what one would think if I spilled it all! I dont think anyone would believe me!


Omg your spiral-circle-karmic knot explanation really hit me bc I definitely feel like I’ve been going through a “karmic knot” that’s been VERY hard to get out of. I keep experiencing the same things but just in slightly different ways. Personally for me, I definitely feel like it has to do with my trauma that’s been very hard to get my mind and emotions to pass through because I still feel “trapped” in time even if I’m not that little anymore. It most definitely has to do with a repeating trauma pattern that needs to break in order to “spiral” out of instead of just spinning in circles, like you said. Well, you know, it’s easier said than done esp for those who have never experienced something traumatic or close to it (not saying anyone deserves this) but it’s definitely a hard thing to experience and try to let go or move on from. Thank you so much for explaining! This was very enlightening.


Thank you! This message has helped me enormously! 🙏


I’ve always had deja vu for mundane things like conversations or going places, but the deja vu I had on my first date with my now wife was the most different and profound I’ve ever had. About halfway through the date I got a deja vu that this woman who I had just met was a member of my immediate family that I hadn’t seen in the longest time. It felt like she had been taken too soon and I had to live my entire life and reach old age before seeing her in the afterlife kind of a long time. I always wondered if it was a vision of a future event to come and that I would actually have to live without her or if it was a connection to the past lives and soul contracts of us both. This video gave me a little more peace of mind that it was the latter, so thank you!


Loved the last part about reoccurring dreams/nightmares. I used to have those as a kid, as well as deja vu. My daughter just had one last week and she was so tripped out by it. I was in her deja vu which feels validating but I haven’t had one myself in some time. I used to love that feeling of “I knew you were going to say that!” Or just watching as the scene unfolds exactly as you’ve expected. So cool.


We all live a dream, life is like a dream, when things happens and you look back everything that stayed in the past and you will remembered like it was a dream


I could be a glitch in the matrix. I don't get deja vu anymore. I lucid dream.


I had an extremely interesting deja vu experience. Ten year marks seem to be key moments for me. Please see the following...
The interesting thing about that 10 year mark is a dejavu i had had. TEN YEARS BEFORE I HAD MET MY HUSBAND.
Long before I had met him.
The dejavu was in my son's room. I didn't recognize it. It was the same room but why did it look so different? I had been having a lot of dejavu moments and had started trying to remember as many details as possible. I looked at the room taking it all in. Then scanned from left to right. When i got to the right, there was a man in the room with me. I had no idea who. As soon as i had seen him the dejavu was over.
I could feel him there from the moment I said wait! This is a dejavu! Scanned then he was gone.

Fast forward 10 years. I'm walking into the same room. I did the same again. Wait! This is a dejavu! I put my arm out and said wait! Again. I took it all in scanned left to right. The room looked exactly as it did 10 years prior in the dejavu. I understood why the room looked so different. The room was filled with boxes. It was Being used for storage while I painted the house and had carpet installed. My husband was with me now. Standing in the EXACT SPOT the stranger was in before. That stranger suddenly looked familiar. That stranger was my husband! I dont know how. But it was in fact him! When my dejavous started again in the present I shushed him. I told him wait! This is a dejavous. I walked through it all outloud. As I got closer to revealing that stranger was actually HIM his face got whiter and whiter.

Could he have traveled in time?
Your thoughts?
I know it wasn't just another dejavu. It had thrown me off so much i had to tell a friend later that day.
There has to be some kind of link. My husband wouldn't stop what I called ranting about how I had conspired to go against him 10 years before I had met him.that 10 years woukd have been during the same time!!


im so glad i found this video! your explanations are so great because i always knew that my deja vu have different variations whether i dreamed of it or it is a "new" vision but i didn't know how to phrase it or explain so it was truly helpful


Every time I experience them I feel kinda nauseous, almost like I´m about to throw up but I never actually do. It's a bad feeling but it does not happen often and I'm glad that they have a good meaning.


I love when I get signs that the universe 🌌 sends to me. I receive them in so many ways that only I understand & when I see them I start 🤣 lol & just say thank you.


OK Deja vu
We all rehearsed everything in time in the mind of God, , ,
When He got everything just as He wanted, , , ,
He said, ,, Let what's in Me, , be out there 😮
We have, , been there and done that, , in the mind of God 🤔


This is my theory on why we experience "deja vu." Almost everyone that had had an near death experience(NDE) has said the same thing for people who "self-terminate, " that they will have to repeat their exact same life all over again. They will keep repeating reliving their lives going through the exact same choices and exact mistakes and again come to the very moment where they "self-terminate"....hoping that this time they will learn and make a different choice. So, people who are experiencing "deva ju" are reliving their exact same life all over again. There is no right or wrong, only a learning lesson.


Thank you very much Mariya💗Much love and blessings for you ❤Beautiful and amazing soul ❤


Extremely intellectual high vibrational work. Thank you


Omg yes u are speaking to my soul. Iam remembering everything especially in dream states, I manifest them very fast in waking 3D. Iv done this so many times with my family I see everything, I get de ja vu 24/7. My dreams are powerful they show me everything wear as I know this is a higher purpose to this. As in my dreams I’m always in pain or poverty, my family controlling me, biggest lesson self love taking my power back. The more I’m seeing this the more I’m changing the never ending story on earth 🌍
Thankyou beautiful soul.
My soul is very powerful I feel it with my light language but iv self sacrificed lifetime after lifetime never fulfilling my dreams.


Good morning beautiful! ♾️💕♾️🙏🌅🌄 Those lamps are amazing, btw
