Ever Had Deja Vu? This Is Why.

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Thoughty2 (Arran) is a British YouTuber and gatekeeper of useless facts. Thoughty2 creates mind-blowing factual videos about science, tech, history, opinion and just about everything else.

Writing: Jake Waller
Script Development: Steven Rix
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Every time I hear people talk about deja vu, they always say that stuff just FEELS familiar, but for me, deja vu is when I seem to already have a memory of a new moment.


Sometimes I dream future events then feel like deja vu when they happen


I sometimes get half way through a conversation and realise that everything happening in that second feels like déjà vu, every single sense.


It always feels like a fleeting situation unlocks a memory of a dream I had some months earlier. Followed by a slight feeling of impending doom


The annoying thing about deja vu is that it usually comes to you while you're talking about or doing the most random shit ever, not normal stuff, so you convince yourself there's no way you're fake-remembering something this oddly specific


Anyone else's deja vu come from their dreams by recognizing it years later while going through life?


Every time I get Deja vu I feel like it’s not the first time I’ve experienced the same deja vu. It’s really strange, it feels like “oh Thus is weird, this is like the 6th time I’ve been in this exact situation” and I never thought it to be just my mind.


I have had 4 dreams in my life where I was doing something fairly ordinary but in a place I hadn’t been before, and actually remembered it upon waking and thought it was odd that I had dreamed it. Then a few days to a week later it happened, I can’t begin to explain how utterly unnerving that is


When I was 15 we moved to an area we had never been to. After living there a couple of weeks I caught a bus to the next suburb. When the bus turned a corner I was suddenly struck by déjà vu. I knew each house, in detail, the colours of each letter box, I even recognised the people I saw in their front yards, with details as how they were dressed. It was a very weird experience which only lasted for that street, once the bus turned into the next street it was gone.


when i do feel deja vu, it is in the middle random discussions. feels like i have had this exact conversation before and know what people will say before they say it. when in reality i probably have not had that discussion before and have no idea where it is going. at times i feel deja vu about my deja vu and it feels like a loop.


Sometimes I get Deja vu, but then I remember my life’s just boring and repetitive as shit


I am beginning to think my deja vu is simply multiple experiences of parallel worlds of timelines we live in.


But I've experienced Deja Vu where even the sounds and what people say feels the same. It's like I knew they were going to say that.


Anyone else ever had a dream but you felt you’ve already had that same dream multiple times? Can’t just be me.


What if you dream about something forget it, then it happens, and you remember the dream? this has happened to me A LOT.


I've had partial seizures all my life, though I never knew they were seizures until I was in high school. The auras I experience that warn me a seizure is coming is always a feeling of deja vu. But more like a sensation that I have dreamt the current scenario before. When I would experience these auras when I was growing up I LOVED the sensation so I never complained about it to my parents. It felt like a high, and it still does even today. But now since the goal is for me to stop having seizures I believe I have actually mentally stopped a potential seizure by concentrating and reminding myself that I have never dreamt of this situation. That everything that is happening is completely knew. That it's all in my head. My therapist referred to it as me "grounding myself". It has often worked, but since I enjoy the sensation so much I find myself having trouble trying to ground myself.


When I have Deja vu, even after I realize im having it, the next few things that happen feel like it happened exactly that way also, if that makes and sense lol


It honestly feels like I’m reliving a moment and when I get to that point I know exactly what’s going to happen


Great vid - i'm sure I have seen it before?


Deja Vu is SUCH a strange phenomenon, because it cannot be recorded or shared in any practical societal way, but most of us know exactly how it feels. How do we explain it to the rest? It's like trying to explain "anger" to an android without using the word "angry" (or technically "feel" if it was an android).
