What Is Deja Vu And Why Does Deja Vu Happen To Us

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What Is Deja Vu And Why Does Deja Vu Happen To Us. Have you ever seen a person and feel like you’ve seen them before? Even though you might have never seen that person before. That feeling that you’ve seen them before or have done something before is called deja vu. Logically you know you haven’t experienced this moment before, but your brain is telling you otherwise. Today, we will go over this feeling and what I think about it.

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Hi Susan! I’ve always felt very close to my great grandpa that I never met. They lived in Mexico, so I never saw a picture of him until about 10/15 years ago. When I visited his house for the first and second time I felt very familiar as if I had already been there before. I didn’t grow up having pictures of his ranch or anything but I feel like I know him well enough. I named my son after him. My great grandpa was born in 1911 and my son was born 110 years later.


Psychic Medium *Susan Rowlen when visiting Greece when very young I had Deja Vu knew I was there before* Listening from Mass USA TYVM 💙 Susan


Thank you.Ive had these experiences many, many times over the years.And at the time when they happened, I beleaved as you do, .that they really did happen to me in a previous life.Ive had that knowing since I was young.I didn't just dismiss these feelings, that my mind was playing tricks on me.God bless you.


I see peeks into the future. Deja vu is realizing/remembering this.


I've had Deja Vu more times than I can count!! I haven't had it happen in a while. But, I've had it happen so strong sometimes that it lasted for several, several seconds. Sometimes it only lasts for a millisecond.
I've never known why, or what it meant. I just know that it has happened so much that when my ex told me he didn't know what it was and had never experienced it, I thought he was crazy. I figured everyone experienced it just like me.


Glad you took the time to answer my question, thank you Susan 💜


Deja vu happened many times in my life. Love it! Also i didnt know you were Greek…that is why your face is very familiar….you look Greek so much! Xo from Athens Greece


Intressting Susan! 🍀🌺
Thank You have a great day, Blesses frome me in Scandinavia 🙏❤💖❤💖🙏


I had a very strange deja vu a few years ago. I had a dream about 6 months prior to going on holiday to the South of France about a Market square, I saw buildings clearly & 'felt' the atmosphere in the dream. On the actual real holiday we went out one night for an evening meal into the Centre de la Ville and there it was....the EXACT same market square, I had a strange feeling sweep over me, I felt I was revisiting, though this was my first visit and I had never been to the South of France before. I felt the most at home I had ever felt in a foreign country. After some research I found out we had French ancestry on my Father's side from a few centuries ago, they were Hugeonot French protestants, who fled the area due to the persecution of the French Catholics in the 16th & 17th century to other parts of Europe. I have always had a fascination of all things French from being a very young child and used to read books on the subject and was drawn to French dubbed films even though I'm English. Even now I still remark I was born on the wrong side of The Channel!


Hi Susan back in 2016 the job I had closed, August 16th. Five years later 2021 the job I had closed June 16th. Was this dejavu? When I get the money I would love for u to do a physic medium reading for me. Thank you for all u do❤❤❤


Thank you so much. Great discussion. I’ve had deja vu several times alone with my son.

The last one was in 2013. Dreamed i was at another job in my dream and was so real I woke up very upset and took me awhile to realize it was a dream... just to have it happen a couple months later. No I never got another job as I was in my mid 60’s and ended up getting a very bad respiratory infection where I literally lost my voice for. over 6 weeks.


What does it mean if you have dejja vu for days at a time


When you dream and then the dreams come true just like the dream? Is this also deja vu
