Why Does Déjà Vu Happen? Sadhguru Answers

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Sadhguru answers a question on déjà vu, and speaks about the elaborate nature of the mind and how it functions.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

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Spiritual point talking about dejavu using the Matrix movie and deep spiritual truth..

Remember the part of the movie where Neo thinks that he had just had dejavu. They told Neo this was happening because the agents had changed the matrix for their own benefit.

Wow; God showed me something about dejavu a long time ago. I'm still not sure if I can share the whole thing; I'll begin to share what I feel lead to.

Have you ever had dejavu?

Have you heard about it?

It's when we have a feeling that at a moment in time it seems like we've been there before or we've dreamed this moment before.

I've experienced this in my own life many times, Maybe some of you have as well.

My deal was, I wanted to know what was really taking place when this would happen.

Remember the part in the Matrix movie when Neo saw the Black cat and it kind of glitches and then starts over again? Neo ask them what that meant, they told him that it means someone had tampered with the Matrix program, changed it some how.

God showed me a little about when he planned everything from the foundation of the world.

He planned every little detail from start to finish. It has all been programmed into our minds. The program can be adjusted by God; us and the enemy.

Our minds are like computers, we can be programmed or de- programmed and reprogrammed.

But to have a dejavu moment is when something triggers us to run across one of those programs that has already been programmed into our minds from the very beginning.

It can be triggered by something we eat or maybe by a drug we took or even a familiar smell.

Making you feel like you've been there before. Has this ever happened to you?

Have you ever wondered about those wonderful people we call autistic?

How were these autistic people born with such advanced abilities and knowledge?

Have you ever watched the movie "Rain Man?"

In one part of the "Rain Man" movie the man with autism and his brother where in a restaurant and a box of tooth picks fall to the table onto the floor.

The man with autism was able to tell the waitress how many tooth picks where on the floor before they stopped moving.

How can people with autism do this?

My own theory is that in the birth process; that part of their mind that was programmed but blocked (by God; because of the fall of man, Adam and Eve really messed us up, like all of us would have.) from that mess up it has blocked that kind of information and ability from all of us.

Yet some how these people born with autism, at birth this ability was opened up to them.

Causing them to be able to calculate numbers in their mind that most of us wouldn't know how to calculate on a calculator.

The brilliance that was programmed in from the very beginning was made accessible to them. Interesting right?

There have been people who have tumors in their brain pushing up against other parts of their brains and all of a sudden they begin to have special abilities and advanced knowledge.

The movie "Phenomenon" with actor John Travolta shows this very scenario.

The tumor is pressing into that part of the brain that has been blocked from us, gaining access to these hidden abilities and knowledge which is in all of our brains that was blocked from us because of the fall of mankind, starting with Adam and Eve.

I watched a documentary on Nostradamus. They showed how he discovered how to use drugs to enhance his mind.

It caused him to see many things he probably wasn't supposed to see. He tried to enter the spiritual realm through the wrong door.

So you see there is always more to the story than what we've been told or what we've put the personal effert into studying out for ourselves.

The picture is always bigger than we can see it. What we think we know may not always be enough.

Keeping an open mind will always allow us to see the deeper things of God.


I think it’s a trigger in your memory to remember what you forgot we forget when we’re born and when we die we only remember life not death not birth


If there's one thing you do right, it's YOU MAKE SURE THE VIDEO VOLUME IS LOUD ENOUGH!! THANK YOU!!! 💕💖 Wait, it feels like ive told you this exact same thing before!!!


Yes I met you before! You ask me a question?
