What happens when you experience a deja vu? | 1MinuteDoc

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We all recognise that feeling when we have experienced something before.
The French even have a word for this: deja-vu. Meaning seen before.
For some deja vu's are the reason to believe in time travelling or reincarnation.
But there are also more rational explanations.
One is that at the moment of deja vu a little malfunction takes place in the brain.
Usually what we see is signaled by the area in our brain that makes us consious in what we observe.
After that we store it on our internal hard drive as memory.
With deja vu the malfunction causes this process goes the other way around.
Another theory by neuro scientists is that the part of our brain that distinguishes different images, the Gyrus Dentatus, does not work properly.
Because of this we perceive different situations as similar.
This is caused by the shortage of a certain protein.
So don't feel alone. We all recognise that feeling when we have experienced something before.
The French even have a word for this: deja-vu. Meaning seen before.
For some deja vu's are the reason to believe in time travelling or reincarnation.
But there are also more rational explanations.
One is that at the moment of deja vu a little malfunction takes place in the brain.
Usually what we see is signaled by the area in our brain that makes us consious in what we observe.
After that we store it on our internal hard drive as memory.
With deja vu the malfunction causes this process goes the other way around.
Another theory by neuro scientists is that the part of our brain that distinguishes different images, the Gyrus Dentatus, does not work properly.
Because of this we perceive different situations as similar.
This is caused by the shortage of a certain protein.
So don't feel alone. We all recognise that feeling when we have experienced something before.
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