Stop Doing Knee Push Ups - Do This Instead!

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Stop Doing Knee Push Ups - Do This Instead!

Stop doing knee push ups as a way to modify and build up toward that first full push up from your toes. Instead start using incline push ups and eccentric variations to help you improve your upper body and core strength.

These are great ways to learn the proper recruitment patterns so you can master that full push up position more quickly.
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I've been doing them off the kitchen counter for weeks now. Instead of knees. Works great. Thank you.


This is one of the best bits of advice in training, especially for new peeps or those with injuries. It works for all movements too! Hoping you have a very warm and fun holiday season beautiful Cori =)


I am a co-director of a volleyball club, and have coached for years. I am always looking for variations of exercises to use for young, upcoming athletes with limited strength. Too often coaches push their athletes way harder than they should, and cause injury as a result. The exercises you demonstrate with a multitude of variations gives me the opportunity to use the same movements for all levels of age groups and experience. Moving from easy to complex as they get stronger makes the learning process faster, because they build off of each level, instead of having to learn something new. Thanks you!


Got this on my recommended. I didnt know this channel before, how did YouTube know I needed this without me searching for something like this at all 😱 but thanks, so helpful !


the worm dramatization has me in tears 😂


Cori, as always you make exercising so doable. much appreciate you


Thank you, really needed this.. I really struggle with push ups..


What an informative, clear video! I had noooo idea that this modification (that I've been doing for so long) wasn't really the best to build my strength. I always wondered why I never really got "better" or progressed to the full one. Thanks for repeating the e-centric one so often so that I can really get it right. I'm starting this tomorrow!💕🙏


The major issue I have with push ups is the placement of my hands. Would you happen to have a video that guides us through the proper arm placement please?


Thank you Cori for pointing out this very important detail. Come to think of it makes sense, but it takes someone like you and Kiwi to make it sink in.


Cori is truly one of the best YTers on fitness. I love her work and use it in my workouts.


This makes so much sense! Been trying to figure out how to help my clients get to full their first full push up! Thanks :)


This video is like a gift from gym gods. After trying lowering my body from plank position to the floor as you suggest to learn the muscles involved for push ups, I realized I was using all the wrong muscles in my previous attempts. I used to have pain in my shoulder and was shaking on the way down. THANK YOU!!!


That’s what I call some damn knowledge. I’ve been doing knees for the past weeks and I’ve improved quite a lot but now that I’m transitioning to regular push up I don’t see the results cuz my core isn’t strong enough. Now I know why. I’ll try incline even though I had trouble with wrist pain in my left wrist 🙏🏾 Thank you so much 🤙🏾


Ooo, I didn't know this. Thank you! (From a seasoned knee push-upererer)


This is a good idea. I can easily do this against a wall and likely at an incline as well. But I'm not quite at the point of being able to do a full regular pushup. I would need to build up a little more upper body strength first.


This actually works! I've never been able to do a push-up, and doing knee push-ups didn't help me at all. So I tried her techniques in this video (I started against the wall then just got lower and lower with my feet further out) and during a workout I had to do a full push-up as part of a set of reps, and I did a full one properly! I've never done that before. Thank you.


I use my kitchen counter. Way better for me than from the knees. Thanks for all the good info & insight into what is going on & what to watch for.


I never do knee push ups but i love the variations you show, very interesting.


Thank you, that is so helpful! I can only do three or four full push-ups and then go on to my knees. I will begin practicing using my weight bench as well.
