How to STOP Overthinking (EASIEST WAY)

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This video will show you EXACTLY how to STOP overthinking and overanalyzing. I will provide a powerful process that can easily get great results while also using analogies that make it easy to apply. Transcript below...

"Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now, in this video, I’ll be showing you how to stop overthinking, over-analyzing and how to actually trust the course of your life. Now, this video can help transform the way that you think and the way that you identify with what you think. For me, this is one of the most powerful ideas that really transformed my life. I’ll give a little bit of a back story. I've explained some of these ideas before but this … a question that I got asked yesterday in the comments on yesterday’s video and what I want to do is kind of explain it in a way that I think is packaged and is easy to understand.
"Now, I used to be somebody that was very identified with negative thinking. It would make me very anxious. Just to give a little bit of a back story, I went through a lot of pain growing up. I went through a lot of situations and from that, there are two routes I could have gone. I could have gone down the road of feeling victim like guilty mentality, like why did this happen and constantly beat myself up about it. The other road was the road that I eventually got to because the pain got so much that I had to learn how to dis-identify with the things that have happened to really feel them and then to let them go and not to let that be my story anymore.
"The way that I did that was I remember I learned how to meditate and I was so focused on trying to control my thoughts. It was shortly after I learned and watched the movie The Secret so I’m like, “Oh, my thoughts are very powerful. They’re creating my kind of experiences.” That’s when I started to, in a way, sabotage myself because I was so focused on controlling. What I found was, is the more that I try to control what I was thinking, the more that it actually resisted, the more that I actually was like me versus me. It was like there was almost this resistance that I was naturally building.
"I remember about two or three days into meditating, I began to just simply observe my thoughts. It was almost like there’s the reactive mind and there’s the spot that we could get into, there’s this little bit of space where we can observe that reactive mind. We can learn to observe what we’re thinking of. I remember that it was a paradox because as I wasn’t trying to control my mind, as I was just observing the thoughts that would flow into my mind, they would come in, they would go out, they would eventually start to slow down.
"The key to this is understanding that this is not about controlling your mind, that if you try to control, that will build resistance. Instead, allow the thoughts to be there and observe them from a neutral place. Now, in order to understand the neutral place, I've used this analogy before but imagine that you are sitting at a park on a park bench and you are just there observing your surroundings, just relaxing. If you watch people walk by, you're just observing them walk by. You're not judging them. You're not putting labels to them and if you do have, the mind puts a label on them, you're not identified with it. You're just observing what’s happening.
"Now, in the way that a dog might walk by you, you would just observe the dog walking by. You wouldn’t try to follow the dog. You wouldn’t try to control the way the dog is moving. The same way, treat the thoughts the same way. Don’t try to control the thoughts that come into the mind. Just watch them as they go through. Just allow them to be there in the paradox, is that in allowing them to be there, eventually, they will go away more and more.
"Now, think of your mind in the neural networks of how we think in the form of momentum. When we give momentum to the way that we’re thinking, when we give identification with those thoughts, we are strengthening the neural circuitry in our brain. We are making it have more and more power over us but the moment we observe those thoughts, the moment we start to neutralize the charge of that momentum, then we can put it in the direction of where we want to go.
"The key to this over-analyzing and overthinking is observation. Understand it might feel a little bit hard at first but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. For me, it took a couple times of meditating before I got just a taste of it. It was like I did it and like a day or two later, I did it again and it was a little bit easier to get to that space. You'll find there’s also a feeling that comes with this. A simple technique to really get out of overthinking is to bring the awareness not to the intellectual-ness, not to the head bring it into the body by feeling into...

This video is about Stop Overthinking and Trust Yourself (EASIEST WAY)
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My biggest problem is dwelling about the past and fearing about the future instead of living in the present :(


I couldn’t even focus on the video because I was overthinking about something 😭


I always overthink about my overthinking help !


Overthinking trapped me in the house, push people away, have harsh insecurities. I can't move forward because i am stuck in one time zone from the pressure.


I overthink EVERYTHING . Like "am I okay?" "Why am I always in a bad mood?" "Is my relationship going to shit?" etc etc. You know why??! Because I overthink so much that I put up a barrier between just EXPERIENCING life and being present. Need to watch this EVERY DAY until I GET IT haha


I’m always like “did I say this right?” “Did I do something wrong” “am I the reason for this”


It's hard to stop over thinking, especially over night, my mind "wakes up"during the night and it drives me insane and makes think about problems and how to solve that impossible to solve problem.


Guilt is a powerful and all consuming emotion.


my problem isn’t the overthinking, my problem is the feeling i feel when i overthink i wanna stop feeling anxious


Don't say, " why me"
Say, "try me"


I did a lot of research on this topic, also because I have a history with obsessive overthinking. What helped me to understand the concept even more, is when I realized, that there are different types of "thoughts" or "thought patterns", that showed up in my mind over and over again, so I simply started to label them. There's the "pessimist" the "self-criticizer" the "worrier" and so on. Once you understand what these "people" do and what their line of argument is you can easily step out of the scenario and just watch them "do their thing". As if they were an actor, who is practicing his script over and over again. You can even ask yourself "so what is he going to say next?"
It's just important to find a metaphor that works for you, so that you really understand the feeling of being separate from your thoughts.


I get tears in my eyes from your video. It's very hot or cold when it comes to my overthinking. There are days where I'm just constantly busy (school, work, friends, music) and I do not overthink. And there are days I'm literally driving myself crazy and sometimes causes insomnia. Over the last few days it has gone from bad to worse. And somehow your video appeared out of nowhere. It makes me feel I'm not crazy. I'm just driving myself crazy. I'm definitely going to use your technique. Definitely an extra like and you've just got a new subscriber!


I can’t stop overthinking. Like about everything and I can’t stop and I feel like I have to think about every concept and I can’t stop thinking about what other people think. I can’t think like I used to. I’m so scareddd for my future and I’m only 13. I feel like this is going to be my life. I’ve tried everything and it just gets worse. I feel like there’s nothing I can do about it.


I never comment on videos but I really have to comment once again to express my gratitude, you don't understand man. After 2 years of chronic overthinking and unimaginable pain, to not be able to just be myself and live my reality.. for two years of no productivity and suffering.. this really helped me the most. Every time I feel like I'm overthinking again I try your method and I get out of it, slowly but surely I'll be out for good. You really gave me the simplest and most efficient way to get out of this. I'm glad there are people out there like you who have studied this and put it in simple ways just to help others. Thank you so much my man, keep spreading that knowledge for others. Much love




Relating in a big way! Fortunately... I realized I needed guidance and that is what brought me to your channel. The "Raising your vibration" video you've shared with the park analysis and being present in the moment has opened an obveous blockage and revealed a solution to a part of my being that I wasnt aware of. I had done a heart chakra meditation prior to your vibrational guide and it was enlightening to actually "see and feel" the changes. When I did the chakra meditation I was going through the releasing of the toxins in my heart and what poured out was so unexpected yet enlightening. All the past hurts... disappointments... anxieties... losses... grudges and resentments seem to flow out riding on a waterfall of tears... allowing me to let go of part of me that has been ingrained in my being for meny years. I woke up to a new way of feeling and thinking. The sun is shining brighter and there is a new hope and understanding that has me excited and feeling free and strong in a way I've never experienced. Days later I meditated on your "Raising your vibration" lesson and as I observed myself "sitting in the park" being guided to let go of all the baggage in my heart there was a totally different experience. This time I saw hands being held and a young boy. (I lost my only child almost five years ago and that will always be carried in my heart along with the hand holding hope of a balanced partner one day. Being present in the moment and observing my thoughts brought me such peace... a feeling of having some control in my existence at a higher level. As I was meditating on clearing out my heart I saw "myself" letting go of everything. I watched myself in a warm light reaching up to the universe and observed a white dove swooping down and taking it from my hands straight up as to communicate that all the negative self talk and garbage was being taken so far away that it will no longer nest in my heart or call that space home. Evicted! It was an amazing experience! I so greatly appreciate the guidence of your passion and purpose in raising the vibration of the world. I was lead to YOU for a reason. I have to add that I was quite skeptical but thought I'd try something outside the box since my ways seem to only be hindering my growth and peace in this life. I am a believer... not in the head but in my heart! Keep sharing the vibes! Much love and peace.


Thanks. You just kick started my transformation from an overthinker to an observer.


I could feel my body just tensing, but after you told me to just let it happen and observe my body. This is just game changing. Thank you so much!!!


Who else is watching this cuz your over thinking and it's already 12AM


2 years later I had to come back to this video. Very great reminders Aaron. I appreciate your existence.
