TWO Secret Ingredients For HUGE Potato Yields

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We had a bag of organic Yukon Gold potatoes in our pantry that fell behind our pantry rack. When we fished it out, every potato had sprouted multiple times. With no place to plant them, we tried putting them in large black contractor's trash bags. We planted them in about 3 inches of compost, and as they grew, we added leaf mold, and a human-grade mineral supplement. From the 14 potatoes planted, we harvested over 70 potatoes, most over 2 pounds. They were extremely sweet, almost like candy.


I just wanted to say thank you so much for being an honest seller. I ordered from two other places and they took my money and never sent my orders and when i contacted them they never responded. Ive watched your videos for years and felt i could trust you so i checked out your site. I was pleasantly surprised to find your seeds only costing two bucks and i received my order very quickly. You guys are great and im only ordering from you in the future. Just wanted to say thanks for being an honest company.
Update: Its now August 2nd and my seeds all performed great!


Tip for those who suffer from wire worms! Plant dwarf marigolds everywhere among your potatoes! Last year worked like a charm for me, after years of wire worms destroying my crop. I always have interspersed marigolds among most of my veggie crops, but last year was the first i did with potatoes. And thank god i did!


Here is how I grow potatoes. I put the seed potatoes in a little bit of compost and then I cover them with the leaves and debris that I rake out of my tiny "forest" edge. That's it, and as the plants grow, I add leaf "compost" and debris (small sticks, twigs, whatever my rake catches) on top of the plants every time they poke a few inches up. That's it, that is all I do. My potato harvest easily doubles in size every year and I never plant them twice in the same space, be it in the ground or in a container.
Where I planted them in the ground last year does look "spent" and I am not planting anything in that space this year. Not even the grass is growing there yet. But I love to plant them in containers. I admit, I also let that compost rest for the following year. It just gets "spent" on potatoes.
But I am a lazy gardener. If it doesn't grow by God's good grace, I move on to the next thing. I also save these unfussy seeds. :)


Minor correction you are single digging not double digging.. double digging swaps soil from 2 spade depths down to ontop of the first spadefulls topsoil.


We are Michigan homesteaders in Clarkston, MI on 10 acres. Getting tougher in our 70s😉. We previously lived on 3.5 acres in Algonac, MI on Mill St. We just grow some of what we eat and also buy from local farmers. Your guidance in these YouTube videos is greatly appreciated👍 When food gets scarce, the farmer friends we do business with will help us get thru and that is great to have.


I go to the supermarket and buy the 2 organic varieties that work in my area. I let them eye up and I put them in the ground and water and fertilize. Works for me!


Long video to find the 2 ingredients. At about 10:40 you find the two, Alfalfa pellets for slow release nitrogen and sulfer for acidity.


I've been gardening for 13 years now and this is the first year I'll be adding potatoes to the mix. Thanks for the great how-to! You're quickly becoming one of my favorite garden youtubers.


I'd love to see a follow-up video of the potato harvest!


In Ontario, some growers recommend planting potatoes after the Strawberry Full Moon (mid June) to make sure the soil has sufficiently warmed up and the life cycle of the potato beetle has passed. In cold wet climates, potatoes may rot if planted too early in the ground and it may enhance the life cycle of the potato beetle in your soil.

Your raised bed helps with the drainage and also helps the soil warm up sooner. The same is true for grow pots and bags.

Thanks for the video.


The secret ingredients are dirt and potatoes


I’m sorry correct you but potatoes like tomatoes do have determinate AND indeterminate varieties like your russets and butterballs. Usually they refer to potatoes as short mid and long season varieties but like tomatoes their growth patterns are similar. Short or determinate varieties grow and developed spuds on a single plain or layer -grow flower mature and die where indeterminate or long season varieties continue to grow set out new roots and more spuds as long as there is more soil on top and a longer growing season like 120 -140 days so hilling does help produce more spuds as well as protect from sun. I grow in large bags and for short season varieties like Yukon golds I grow them in 2 layers 3 spuds each and with my long season varieties I just grow 2 in the bottom and continue hilling to the top and have started adding a 8” bag extension to increase yield and it works! Love your advice and have learned a lot . Hope mine helps thanks


Here's what works for me the last 3 years, when I see my first blossom forming I use one cup of potassium per 10 feet of potatoes ( 0-0-60) and try and work it in then water in, it gives me 0ne third bigger potatoes it seems. Great video Luke.


Just planted my potatoes yesterday, but I've done most of what you've said so I hope for a huge yield this year!


I hope MIG adds potatoes to the inventory next year, so I can get all my needs at one location. Thanks Luke!! Great Video as always.


So...I was very interested in this way of growing potatoes and, last April, I tried it with Maris Pipers.
I dug the trenches and put alphalpha and sulphur into the bottom of each trench.
I planted the potatos about 6 inches apart.
Last week (end of August), I harvested the first bed and, sadly, it was a huge disappointment.
First of all, at least half of the potatoes were small; about the size of a typical new potato.
Secondly, the yield was tiny: between two and three potatoes per plant.
What was interesting was that the foliage grew very much higher than usual. My hypothesis is that the alphalpha and sulpher benefitted the foliage at the expense of the crop.


I just watched you video from 3 years ago. Love to see a 2023 update!


My Pontiac Reds did quiet well in my 5 gallon buckets last year! I dumped out those buckets last year and laughed my head off in delight! I’ve never grew potato’s before. I did plant my potatoes a week ago, so I sure hope they’ll be Ok. I’m growing in 20 gallon grow bags along with my 5 gallon buckets. I’m so excited. But I’m hoping their going to be ok….their by the side of garage where it does stay warmer due to the wood. Fingers crossed….


Hi Luke, recently found your channel. I like the way you tell it straight. We plan on using some of your techniques and tips adapted to Florida gardening, which is a LOT more challenging than you might think. I got excited about Farmish but there is no activity that I can detect in the state of Florida. Keep up the great work. I'm installing a grow light today. My biggest challenge is getting seeds to germinate.
