How Much Protein Do You Really Need? (Quick Guide)

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In this video, you'll find a quick guide on how much protein do you really need to build muscle or maintain lean body mass while dieting.

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Protein intake is determined by your lean body mass. The role of protein in the body is to build and repair the structure of muscles/tissue.

In contrast, carbohydrate and fat intake is are based on percentages of energy since their primary role is to provide energy.

The recommended protein intake for a fat loss diet is 1.1 - 1.3 grams per lbs of Lean Body Mass.

Protein isn't a magic compound that will prevent muscle loss if you go any higher than 1.3g /lbs of LBM.

And to preserve the maximum amount of lean body mass it's necessary to combine that recommended protein intake with an adequate training plan.

Progressing in the gym is what will make the most difference when it comes to preserving and building muscle mass.

One other thing to consider when you're dieting is that going too high on protein will limit the number of carbohydrates and fats you can include in your diet.

So the lesson is to think long term rather than going super high protein and very low on carbs/fat.

Besides that greater levels of activity increase protein requirements.

So if you're doing cardio and training 5+ times a week then it's best to aim for the higher end of the range and go to 1.3g per lbs of LBM.

On top of that even doing that 1.3g per lbs of LBM intake consistently wouldn't cause any harm. So if you want to be on the safe side when dieting you can do that and you'll also get the benefits of increase satiety.

For maintenance or bulking the recommended intake is between 0.83 - 1.1g per lbs of LBM.

During this time you can go higher if you want but there's no need for that. Unless you're a vegan in which case you need to increase your protein intake by 20-30% to get the same amount of leucine.

Besides if you're just starting and you're in the newbie gains phase I would recommend going to the higher end of the protein intake to 1.1g per lbs of LBM per day because you have a lot of muscle gaining potential.

With training age, the demand for protein goes down so it's not necessary to do more than 0.83g per lbs of LBM per day.


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Music: Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart [NCS Release]
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In the UK the general consensus is between 1.2-2.0g per KILOGRAM. Therefore in pounds thats ranging from 0.5g-0.85g per pound.


Thnx dude u r awesome, You have earned a Subscriber 😘


Hey Mario, finally videos that work...  all my life ive been on and off the gym and at the age of 40 (180lbs) ive never really achieved what id always inspired for, I think a lot of this is as you say down to marketing BS, (get naturally shredded in 8 weeks @ 10% BF if you buy this or do that)  for me I feels a big part of this was down to conflicting information and understanding of whats actually needed to achieve my goal along with dedication or course, not just in terms of Calories but how Calories are made up of Macronutrients and there split.  I have to say, when I came across your video I thought "here we go again someone else stating how to get ripped fast" but after watching the first video I found myself watching the next video then the next video "actually I think Im most of the way though"   I'm still a little confused on the makeup of Macronutrients for example, protein...   you have  (The recommended protein intake for a fat loss diet is 1.1 - 1.3 grams per lbs of Lean Body Mass on the How Much Protein Do You Really Need? video)  although (Protein Based of your lean body mass, typically 0.83-1.3g per lbs or lean body mass on the How Many Calories a Day to Gain Muscle or Lose Weight? video) are different but I don't understand why.  I don't normally bother adding comments but I found your videos factual (honest and to the point), clear and fairly easy to understand, and by having a better understanding and applying some of your facts I'm actually starting to make progress in my shape and fat loss.  I particularly like how you show your workings out and explanations in the description so I wanted to say amazing work keep up the factual calculations, descriptions and videos.   Now I'm starting to understand how all the different parts are put together I would be very grateful if you could you help me understand and clarify the Macronutrients makeup that would work for me.Thanks


Hi Mario, I hope you're well ☺

in terms of to maximize protein synthesis, how many grams of protein per meal would you recommend ?


Nice video. Fan of your channel. Quick question, you said for the fat loss that it is 1.1 to 1.3 per lean body mass? Not per body weight? Just wanted to confirm ..


Thanks for the video tomorrow is time to weight myself ill give an update i had 37% fat an i def look skinnier. Lets hope for the best. And I believe i should be on that high end protein intake.


Recently i discover you on youtube and i wanna ask you for help. I'm 15 years old, 188cm and around 68-70 kg. In march i was around 80 kg and i lose 12 kg in 2 months for medical reasons how doesn't really mater now becous they'r gone. I never make sport or lift a weight in my life. When i look in the mirror i see a skiny guy with a little fat around the stomach. So i decide to make a change in my life and to begin a new one with sport and healthy alimentation. But is a problem becous like you living in a country like Romania don't bring you to much money to do more things and becouse only my father work i can't go to gym :( But i really wanna change my life so i decide to start doing workouts at home. And her is what i wanna ask you, coul you recommand me a good beginner workout fore home?
I wanna thank you for your good video and information you give to people. Keep it up man. Sorry for my bad english. :)
And Happy New Year!!!


it Doesnt Matter About Fitting in it Matters More About I Liking Myself


Is it possible to eat 1.3 grams of protein per lean body mass while eating 1, 500 calories a day? I am having trouble trying to do this.


Hi Mario. It's strange cuz so many guys talk about the same proportion (1.1-1.3 or 0.8-1.1) but always talk about the total weight and you talk about the lean body mass. Can you help me with me this? Because it really matters in the calculation. Are they wrong?


Just a quick question, so, myself 80kg ( 177 pounds ) ( 15%body fat ) considering I take 1 gram of protein

that's 177 * 85% * 1 = 150 grams of protein,

is this correct? Cheers.


Hi Mario
when I count my protein intake, should I count complete protein only, or should I count protein that's inside the rice, pasta etc.
I hope you find the time to answer.


Hello Mario, I want to thank you for your advices. However, I want to talk more about acidity.

If you eat so much protein => meat will acidify your body and by that you worse all function of your body. Also you cant look so youth if you eat so much protein. I think that there is no such a thing like being muscular and healthy. Maybe it is a myth created by our ego.

How to be healthy and muscular? Im trying so many years but i always end up with some acne cuz of eating too much proteins or sick of saturated fats.. always!

What do you think man?


hi, am having medical problems, long story short i cant exercise my body .
how much protein do i need?, 193 now i weight 98 kg, looking for 82 like i used to be . how much protein do i need just to maintain my muscle while loosing fat.
cause every where i go on youtube, youtubers are talking about the cutting phase and going to the gym.
thanks in advance.


I'm 16 and currently weighing 174lb during a bulking phase however I only get around 120g or protein a day, would you recommend I try to get more protein into my diet?


Great. Does it matter if we eat too many carbs? Half kg of pasta a day? and then gym or something? : p

I heared a lot of things about not going to high with carbs. But i don't know.


So many grams for protein for lets say a person at 75kg. And how do You divide it throughout the day?
