Silence Makes Your Ex Desperate (Here's The Proof)

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A few years ago
I asked a simple question to the members of my private community,
“I’m working on creating a video on the power of silence and I need real life examples of freakouts by exes during the no contact rule.”
89 people responded with wild stories,
Like an ex admitting to starting fights just to get our clientto talk to them
Or sending a gif in a text saying “I will not be ignored”
Or by starting out sending rude/hateful messages and then doing a complete turnaround 27 days later.
But nothing...and I mean nothing stood out to me more than this comment,
Where this woman said her ex called her 72 times in 5 days over facebook messenger and then literally goes on to give a day by day breakdown of how it all played out.
So, what is going on here? Is this normal?
Well, that's what we are going to explore today.
Silence Makes Your Ex Desperate (Here's The Proof)
Why Silence Makes Your Ex Come Back
No Contact Works EVEN After You BEGGED Your Ex!
The ONE Text Message To Send After Begging and Pleading Your Ex...
This Is What Happens When You Stop Chasing An Avoidant
My Ex Seems Happy After Breakup
Get Your Ex Back WITHOUT Looking Desperate...
STOP WAITING For His Text & DO THIS Instead... | Matthew Hussey
The man stole my fiancée, so I will use the same method
Why Your Ex Might Trick You To Break No Contact
No Contact Rule vs. Radio Silence Technique To Get An Ex Back
The BIG SIGNS You Should KEEP TRYING With Him | Matthew Hussey
6 Tips To Get A Stubborn Ex Back
If He’s Not Contacting You, These 5 Things Make Him Chase You Again + 5 Behaviors That Turn Him OFF!...
How to Stay Silent After a Breakup (And Why It’s So Powerful) ~Stoicism
Mistakes You Must Not Make In No Contact
Does Silence Make A Man Miss You?
Is Your Anxiety Sabotaging Your Relationship? (Matthew Hussey)
Acting Desperate After A Breakup?
The 'No Contact Rule' Explained | Matthew Hussey
How To Get Her Back After Being Needy. #1 Thing You Must Do!
Your Cut-off Game! | Tony Gaskins
Encouragement During No Contact
Why Dr. Phil Abruptly Ends Interview and Asks Guest to Leave Stage | Dr. Phil