The ONE Text Message To Send After Begging and Pleading Your Ex...
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Hey guys, Brad Browning here. And in this super short video, I’m going to talk about the ONE text message that you should send your ex if you’ve done a lot of begging and pleading directly after the breakup. Now, I feel like have to start off videos like this with a really quick disclaimer – if you haven’t watched any of my videos on what to do directly after your breakup, or if you haven’t heard about my “No Contact” technique, then I would encourage you to watch those videos first before you watch this one.
But, unlike my other tips, this is a text message that you can send directly BEFORE your period of No Contact. And I’ll explain why in just a second...
Some of you may have heard of my Clean Slate E-mail… and if you’ve done a TON of begging and pleading (the point where you really feel like you’ve ruined your chances), then using this email will force your ex to forget about his or her negative emotions. And this text message accomplishes something similar. This is how it works…
See, to get your ex to come crawling back to you, you have to rebuild the attraction that you’ve lost during your relationship. I mean, picture what dating was like at the BEGINNING of your relationship… everything was new, fresh, and mysterious. You were both trying to impress each other constantly... and every touch, hug, and kiss felt electric. This level of increased PHYSICAL attraction usually dies off as the relationship evolves… BUT your level of EMOTIONAL attraction MUST to stay high for the relationship to continue to work out.
And there are a ton of NEGATIVE behaviours that you can exhibit throughout a relationship that forces this crucial Emotional Attraction to fade. Begging and pleading, I would say, are probably some of the worst offenders…
But don’t worry, all is not lost… there IS a path to get your ex back if you’ve committed some of these “Relationship Crimes”. And this text message will help you get on this path.
I call this magical text message “The Eraser Text Message.”
So you could text your ex something like…
“Hey, sorry I was acting that way a few days ago. That wasn’t me. I was honestly just stressed about other things in my life too and it won’t happen again. Wish you well.”
Or here’s another example…
“Sorry for my erratic behaviour. I’ve honestly been going through a lot outside of this breakup and it was taking a toll. Maybe I’ll run into you again.”
And that’s it. The reason this text message is so effective is because for one, you’re coming up with a reason WHY you were acting so irrationally. And depending on how erratic you were acting, your ex may very well forgive you on the spot and move on. If you send this text message right before your 30 days of No Contact, you will leave your ex feeling much better about how things ended between the two of you.
And second, this text message is the complete OPPOSITE of how you’ve been acting right after the breakup. It does this by your ending your interaction definitively – as in, it doesn’t ask a question and it doesn’t plead for a response… it just ends the conversation, full stop. That means your ex won’t feel compelled or pressured to respond to it… and ideally, you don’t WANT them to respond. You just want to initiate your 30 days of No Contact on the best terms possible.
See, what you’re trying to do with my “Eraser Text Message” is force your ex to return to what I call “Emotional Neutral”… that is, you want your ex to NOT harbour any negative emotions towards you at all. In order for you to get your ex back, you HAVE to remove these negative emotions because they only serve as obstacles. There are many other ways to get your ex to return to this state, but for the sake of brevity, I won’t get into them here. I have plenty of other videos on the topic.
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