6 Tips To Get A Stubborn Ex Back
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So how do you get a stubborn ex back? In this video, I’m going to answer precisely this.
How’s it going everyone? My name’s Brad Browning, AKA The Ex Back Geek. I’m YouTube’s number one break and marriage expert, and I’ve been helping men and women fix their ailing relationships for over 12 years now. So if you’re looking to get back together with an ex, or if you marriage is in need of help, then subscribe to my channel... and be sure to hit that little “bell” icon beside the subscribe button so that you can get notified every single time I release a brand-new video!
So without any further BS, I’m going to talk about the top 6 tips that you can use right now to make sure that your stubborn ex boyfriend or girlfriend comes flying back into your arms for good.
Are you ready? Alright, let’s do this
1.) What you have to do in this situation is to make your ex FEEL like they’re in the control. You have to allow your ex to feel like they’re dictating what’s happening between you two. You need to convince your ex to come back on their OWN volition, because the harder you press a stubborn ex to change their mind, the more “dug in” they’ll want to be and the MORE they’ll resist your advances
2.) The second tip that I have is to make sure that you’re not forcing a relationship with your ex. Again, you need to make them feel that they’re coming back to YOU and not the other way around. The more you beg and plead for your ex to come back to you, the more stubborn your ex will get. I know this totally sounds counter intuitive – after all, this tactic always works in Hollywood movies, right?
3.) Give them the space they need. Again, I’ve talked about No Contact here… but I really need to emphasize this… especially when you’re dealing with a stubborn ex. You’re not going to change their minds overnight, no matter what. In fact, the more stubborn they are, usually the more time it takes for them to allow their feelings to change.
4.) At some point after a period of radio silence, you’re going to want to set up a meet with your ex. I’m not going to go into detail on how to do this as I have dozens of other videos on how you can set up a proper date with your ex… so if you’re curious to learn more about that then watch those videos after this one.
You can do this by incorporating what I call “Value Stories” – these are subtle yet powerful stories that exhibit a ton of sexual and emotional value. Once your ex hears enough of these sorts of stories, they’ll want to come back to you… even despite their reservations before.
5.) Begin building sexual connection again. Remember, subtly is the name of the game here. You’re not going to get your ex back by kicking in the door and pushing your agenda on them. You’re going to have to utilize SUBTLE, psychological tools and tricks to make your ex to come running back to you.
6.) Build EMOTIONAL attraction. Making your stubborn ex come back to you isn’t just about sex. It’s also about building that inner connection with them and giving them that warm, fuzzy feeling everyone keeps talking about.
This is an area that only YOU can master since they’re YOUR memories, but subtly reminding your stubborn ex of these nostalgic emotions will psychologically force your ex to fall back into your arms (and into your bed)… for good.
Anyways, that’s all that I have for you guys today. I hope you found this video helpful. If not, then feel free to ask me questions in the comments section below and I’ll get back to you.
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