How to make friends quickly in Dnd 5e! - Advanced guide to Necromancy (ft. chickens)

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One great use of the "command undead" is to control a mummy lord. It has 11 Int so you can keep it forever and it can animate more undeads for you so you can have your undead army and save your spellslots.


I now am terrified at the thought of the necromancy farmer scorned who sicks his plague riddled farm animals after those who steal his magically experimental crops xD


We all need a few extra friends when playing DnD


If the rest of the party is bored of waiting for all of your minions’ actions to resolve, order some of them to follow the orders of the other players’ characters until you tell them to stop. Give them an equal fraction of your doots. They might enjoy having some skeletal friends


High quality chicken footage, the reason I subscribe. 10/10 Pack Tactics


Feeblemind is an excellent combo with command undead. As long as you can make it fail the Feeblemind save, you've basically already gotten the undead permanently under your control. Only downside is that you give up the potential of any speaking abilities and spellcasting of the undead in question, but almost anything else will still work with it.


You forgot to note that Inured to Death allows things like the spell Aid to permanently increase maximum HP.
As when the spell ends, your hit point maximum cannot be reduced.


I have a house rule that summon undead does work with grim harvest, because your magic is constantly fueling the summon. (Because concentration); but animate dead does not trigger grim harvest because it's not a constant magic flow. (Non-concentration)

So tldr, if the spell requires concentration it will still trigger grim harvest, regardless if it is a summon or not.


This would pair excellently with a Shepard Druid. Damn I want to make a 2 player combo


I'm going to be running a ship based campaign soon and I gave my players the option of wanting it to be more realistic or not. They chose realism, so I had to bring up a crew, at first there was no issue, but then I brought up cost. Now one of them is dedicating themselves to be a necromancer and save up bodies to just man the ship. Gold reaps what dreams seek.


My funny idea is combining control undead with the spell feeblemind on a death tyrant. Mainly for its cone that turns anything that dies into a zombie it controls, which therefore you control by proxy.


Unethical Unlife Pro Tip: Remember Recasting is only to maintain control over the undead that you've raised! They don't go away on their own! If you have access to lots of bodies, you can store uncontrolled, dangerous undead in secure locations as traps for unwitting enemies. Or spend a few weeks filling up steel-reinforced wagons with a horde of skeletons that you can cart around and release in a pinch!


When he says that a spell “tricks you into melee” because it’s a touch spell, that’s only half true. Remember, that you can always cast these spells through your familiar.


one thing i always love about your sponsorships is that you say "me and *blank* hope to earn your subscription". I feel like it really nails home the fact that you're genuinely giving something of value to your viewers and not just puppeting a product you don't believe in and hoping it catches on.


Now I am terrified by the exiled Goblin Necromancer that has Raised the bones from behind the local butcher's shop to begin his reign of terror.


It wasn't a game breaking combo, but a guy I was playing with used a Necro with Wither and Bloom and the Durable feat. We were level 8 or 9 at the time. He kills some with it while standing in the AoE. Regained something like 17 hp from that cast.


Fun fact: if you utilise ALL of your spell slots, you can control up to 128 undead! Thats too many and also really cool!


For the longest time I had the idea of somehow tricking a white dragon into changing to a dracolich. If you use the rules for dracoliches in the monster manual it becomes an undead and retains it's 10 int, so you could control it for some Sindragosa vibes. Surely it's not the stongest thing you could come up with but it's cool none the less


My favorite necromancy build is a "holy necromancer". Get gets consent from soldiers, farmers, peasants, ect in a form of life/death insurance. By the middle of the campaign his actions were even sanctioned by the local church who held on to corpses for him to return and use. The king very much like the idea of having his fallen soldiers continue to serve and protect their home. Knights and peasants were eager to take gold in the knowledge that their corpses would be respected and would continue to help serve the kingdom. Farmers working the field who don't require food, clothing, resources become very useful. A paladin in our party got to lead a horde of undead "knights". He was quickly a fan. Best part about it was my necromancer was lawful good. The amount of power you can get when you have the Church and Kingdom on your side and no one to question you...


if you don't want to wait or hope to find a powerful undead, you can use create undead to create one and command it to fail it's save against your spell, which will save on slots used to keep undead under your control and allow you more minions, besides, you can save this feature for when you do finally run into that powerful undead you normally can't just create. It's also worth noting that Undead Thralls benefits any undead creature you create using spells, so Summon Undead gains the benefits of the increased damage on weapon attacks and more HP, adding a bit more bulk and damage to these summons that other wizards don't get.
