Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

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In this video, we're going to explore the science behind creatine, and answer some of the most common questions about the supplement.

Creatine is a supplement that has been used by athletes for years to build muscle, improve performance and gain strength. In this video, we'll explore how creatine works, and discuss the best way to take it. We'll also discuss if creatine is safe, and whether or not you need to cycle off of it.

So whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, this video is a great introduction to the science behind creatine!
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First YouTube short on the channel! I’m hoping I can make simple, “need-to-know” summaries with these shorts for those who prefer to just get the key takeaways on a topic.

Here is a list of references for the video if you want to dig deeper for yourself:


Wasted a half hour watching videos, when this cuts right to the point and makes it simple. Thank you man


Danggg, 1/4 are non-responders. That number is kind of a bummer haha


im a 5’3 female who has been on creatine for a month while in a 5 day split workout routine and so far i’ve been loving it!


literally been doing gym for 2 months now and started taking creatine when I started, from eating properly and taking creatine, ive gained 22 lbs, going from 63 kg to now 74 kg.


The only downside is the amount of looks I get from my colleagues for my absurd amount of pee breaks 😂


Don't do loading phases if you have a sensitive stomach. It will fuel the most epic bout of diarrhea if you're sensitive to it. Maintenence phase its all good though.


I've started creatine recently, and it's helped so much with recovery and ice. I've seen so many results.


Age 72 i added creatine 15 months ago. I have been working out for nearly 10 years. Early last year i started 16:8 intermittent fast and i lost 15 or 16 pounds. However, i lost muscle mass (my daughter noticed it in my biceps) which is reported with IF. I added creatine and fully regained my muscle mass and kept the weight off.


The “no adverse affects”, applies only to kidney health (it’s right there in the text on the screen). It does raise blood pressure, so talk to your doctor if that’s a concern for you. I used to take it and had good results, but can’t anymore because of this. And follow the instructions on the container. Some types may recommend cycling off and getting back on.


DONT DO LOADING PHASES IF YOU HAVE HEART ISSUES, I have a minor heart arythmia which many people have. Basically my heart sometimes flutters extremely quick. I did the 20g a day loading phase and it made it so much worse. And since it stays in your system you have to skip out on it for 2 weeks. Just do the maintenance phase. I have been doing 5g a day for years now and its fine.


I remember just hitting the gym without being so technical. Just add that extra layer of stress of something to think about.


I have some type of IBS and I have a buddy who has Crohn's disease both of us experience significant pain in our kidneys when we took this product. I tried multiple brands, always creatine monohydrate.. I hate when people say there's no side effects or that it's completely safe, like any drug there will always be people who get adverse reactions. Just take no supplements and work out to feel good


No body talks about the brain health from creatine. It gives clarity, helps anxiety, improves rem sleep.


I just started taking creatine and I don't know if it's placebo or what but I'm crushing the hell out of my workouts and basically added an extra set on all my exercises. And recovery has been super good too, very little to no soreness at all.


I started taking creatine a week ago i have increased muscle size and definition after 132 days of working out this last week has been a succes


After 12 years i went 3 month ago again back to the gym. Only upper body training. 3 times a week. Was amazed how the Power came back. Then i read about Creatin and days later at the supermarket i saw Creatin Monohydrate 250 grams for 13 Euro. I didn’t buy it. Went home and looked at Amazon and BAM 1 kg Creatin Monohydrate for 21 Euro. I bought it and took it w/o loading phase 5 grams into my after workout Proteinshake and after day 12 i went to the gym and was again amazed how much more power it gave to me. More Reps and/or more weight. I additionally bicycle 3 times a week (catching E-Bikes😈) and i feel my legs are more refreshed the next day. Good stuff 👍


It’s important to keep fluid intake high to help the liver process and reduce common side effects such as dehydration, upset stomach, and muscle cramps.


I’m a woman taking Creatine and I notice that I can hydrate so much easier when I take it. It’s not a struggle to drink water. The water goes where it needs to go instead of peeing it out or rolling around in my stomach.


I hopped off creatine after being on it for over a year
Made me look bloated or swelled up like a balloon
Once i got off and rid of creatine in my system and burned off the excess water weight, my actual results of my muscle gains showed 10x more!
