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Disclaimer: I am NOT a scholar, sheikh, imam, scientist, advisor, priest, rabbi, doctor, financial advisor… ANY OF THOSE. I’m just a guy who’s learning (just like you) and sharing what I’m learning and doing with you.
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Remember guys, do your own research before consuming anything recommended by any content creator. Just to make sure.


I'm going to be as respectful as possible because I genuinely care about people. I myself take a lot of supplements, so I have nothing against supplements. Speaking as someone who practices medicine: What is absolutely terrifying is that you didn't disclose that this supplement (which is also used as a medication) has severe and easily fatal interactions with very common medications and supplements that people use literally every day. It also has a risk of hemolytic anemia (your blood cells literally split apart). You dissed SSRIs for side effects, this also has side effects. Anything we consume that has a biochemical effect is going to have side effects. Given tons of people are going to purchase it off the recommendation, 2 things: 1) EVERYONE please please pleasee look up all interactions and make sure you ARE NOT ON ANY MEDICATIONS OR SUPPLEMENTS THAT INTERACT WITH THIS before purchasing 2) Also, make sure to mention you are on this if you go to the doctor, hospital or anyplace where they document a medical history. As he mentioned, do not assume higher dose equals better effect, follow the instructions of dosage on the bottle.

Mohammed, I know you said you studied medical sciences, you don't sound like someone who did, and I don't say that as a diss. The worst thing with overdosing on magnesium is not "being on the toilet", it's vomiting, heart blocks, muscle paralysis, neurological effects, hypotension... The worst thing with overdosing on creatine is not dry skin, it's acute kidney failure. If your video gets demonetized, it's not because "they're hiding something", it's because there's legal ramifications for what you're saying. Your disclaimer in your description isn't going to legally stand because you gave a medical claim at the beginning without the proper credentials, and you recommended this supplement without the proper warnings. If I were you, to make sure that if someone lands themselves in the hospital or worse passes away because they didn't take the precautions thinking it was completely safe, list the interactions and the warnings.

Honestly, I would just take this video down and if you're insistent, put up a new one with careful language without any claims, just your personal experience. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. I say this because I know you mean well, but there are huge implications for these claims and recommendations that can be catastrophic for people. Most people don't think the way we think in the medical field, so they won't even remember to double check the risks first.


just dont take it together with SSRIs (for example in antidepressants) because that may cause serotonine-syndrome which is very extreme and deadly


This stuff works. I used to have an inside lip lesion for 2 years. This thing really knocked my confidence, it was so ugly. I went to the famous Harley Street clinic in London for consultation to get it cut out. I paid something like £300 for the consultation and it was going to cost a further £1500 for the removal. I booked to go ahead with the operation but then later cancelled because I knew it was something I could get rid of myself, I just didn't know how yet. Months went by and I came across some interview about methalyne blue and structured water. So I bought the liquid bottles. At first it didn't seem like it was doing anything, in fact the lesion was getting bigger. I kept taking every morning regardless. This became a habit where I forgot the reason why I was taking this stuff for. Until one day after 4 months, I looked into the bathroom mirror, pulled my lower lip down, and as if by magic, the lesion was no longer there. It had given me other benefits too like more energy, strength and brain clarity. Amazing!


Dr Berg has an excellent video on methalyne blue


Love you mo❤❤❤❤ you provide so much value to us.


Make sure you get usp standard methylene blue. All the other kinds have all kinds of heavy metal toxins etc etc.


Hey man appreciate what you do

I’m glad you made this I’ve heard of mb before so I’m more interested in it


So if you only have much money which top supplements do you recommend?


sad to hear it doesnt fix the bones tho, because I have a huge bone cyst


I searched it up to buy it but it's shows me aquarium MB can anybody tell me where to buy it or the aquarium one is the one idk I'm confused


I think also the tests of its safety are single one off incidents and not consistent use


Serious question, how do we know which one to take?


O have a serious question:
In Romania I only find methylene blue for external use. Is it ok to ingest it?


can u talk about how to stop being lazy and wasting time . And actually enjoy doing a benefit stuff .


All this wisdom bro & you forget your passport
thank you for me making me feel normal


what about l5 radiculopathy or nerve damage


This is like ashwagandha except energizing


Never heard of this before but surprised this is being recommended over natural remedies? Raw milk is great why do I need blue stuff from a lab? (Serious question)


Can I get the link from where you get it? Pleaseee
