Why I Take Methylene Blue (And Why You Might Want To As Well)

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If you’ve been around the biohacking / health optimization world for any amount of time, you’ve likely heard of people taking Methylene Blue.

But like so many other health optimization tools out there, there's a lot of conflicting information about it.

Is it right for you? Should you try it? What are the benefits? Are there any risks? How much should you take?

In this video we'll discuss what methylene blue is, why I take it, and why you might want to try it too.



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I take Methylene blue [98, 5% purity] for almost 10 years already. Still alive. Dont know is it works and im aging slower, but im looking younger than my age people, but anyway, a lot of people feel palcebo effects and dont udnerstand MB pathways and where and how it works.


Thank you for a very clear and concise explanation of methylene blue.


This is my experience with MB…I just wrote this comment on another MB video when this one popped up and thought I’d add to this one.

Three years after a major concussion and still injured, Methylene Blue was THE game changer for my brain within two days and having continued weekly improvement.

What made the difference was taking 2-3 doses 6 hours apart because of its half life.

Still working through drops per dose. At this time it’s 4-5 drops (2-2.5 mg) first thing in the morning, 3-4 drops (1.5-2 mg) for second dose and then IF I take a 3rd dose, 2-3 drops.
Each week I gradually increase my drops per dose while slowly try to find my sweet spot. One month ago was my initial dose of 3 drops.

Hyperbaric also was great for several months but super time consuming and expensive. After 20 sessions I stopped these sessions and noticed my brain function had lost some gains which brought me to MB.

This is the first time that I believe my brain is the most back since pre-concussion. I still have slight short term memory issues but working through that.

The difference I have especially noticed is that when I think and process now, my brain is super quick, super sharp, creativity back when one month ago, while *trying* to think, my brain “dragged” and I couldn’t keep up with conversations, humor, problem solving. It felt as if I was walking through fog trying to find my lost brain.
Hell is having the awareness of how fast my brain used to process but having no idea how to bring it back.

Before Methylene Blue I felt lost and embarrassed and secluded myself. Now I feel like a child who has rediscovered the best playground. Our brain is our operating system and I will never again take it for granted. I have been extremely humbled these last three years.

Also, I will never take for granted as I had, how serious concussions can be. I have such respect for the healing capacity of our brain when we feed it what it needs so it can do its thing. Such gratitude for the YouTube content producers who brought MB into my algorithm.

PS. Creatine is also important to take immediately after a concussion and keep taking. Has to do with resetting the mitochondria after your injury. Many videos about this. I suggest to everyone I know to take a daily dose of creatine to keep the brain nice and fluffy in case of a future accident, so the brain has the tools to quickly heal. I discovered this about creatine 2-1/2 months after my accident. Had I been taking it already, I believe, my healing would have been a fraction of time instead of years.

Taking MB and creatine every day with a few days break here and there for the rest of my life.

I can never hear enough about the fast growing research about Methylene Blue.

Good luck to all.


PS. To prevent teeth staining, we put our drops in a shot glass with water, shoot that to the back of your throat and chase with a glass of water as you swallow both at the same time.


Take it with Soda water the aerated water helps with less blue.


The biggest effect for me talking MB is my hearing is SUPERB... super sensetive. Also taking MB removes variuos sounds from ears..dont know how it's called in english but some people hear high pitched noise and so on regulary in their ears. with MB i never hear such noises. As i wrote in previuos comment - im MB user for almost 10 years, it's not a over night effect.
There is also better mitochondria i can feel than my peers but i cant proove it. But i have much higher endurance than 10 years younger people, and i im software developer who always sits with computer day and night. and still have great shape, nice endurance in my 40s.
It DOES NOT have any mental effects. like many claiming.


Thrush infection is treated with MB. Especially bad cases in newborns when breastfeeding and contracting from Mom's skin.


Good stuff, just don’t take it if you have dentures, it will stain them dark blue


Great overview! Just took mine a few minutes ago! Thanks 👍


Why don't you just put it in an 'empty capsules' so you don't get a blue tongue?


I feel my cognition is sharper -red light therapy +methylene blue


that's the stuff I treat my Goldfish exterior skin problems I didn't know it was consumable


Anyone taking MB regularly noticing effects on ability to avoid respiratory diseases?


I read that it inhibits nitric oxide. Since this is a major vasodilatorn what are your thughts?


I only really see a drug interaction with IV methylene blue and SSRI’s, not oral MB. I believe that dose of methylene blue was like 1mg/kg over like 30 min .. that’s a pretty big dose. A couple drops of a 1 percent solution are only like 1mg.
I feel pretty sure if you’re on a low dose of an SSRI that you can start testing with a couple drops of MB … and eventually ween off the SSRI if it’s right for you.


is there a clinical paper you can share the link of on human. Preferably a randomized double blind placebo-controlled study. Thanks


If i add vitamin C, which take away the blue color and make it clear,
Does it neutralize the MB benefits though ?


Does this kill the good bacteria how does it decide between good and bad .


Is efficacy reduced, if it’s reduced before consumed? Also, are you saying that it releases/increases serotonin? Thanks


My dr prescribed Urogesic blu for bladder bacteria. My eyes dilated so big I couldn't see for a full day. I also became slow in thinking but fearful.
I stoped taking the blu and it all went away( paranoia, slow moving thinking huge pulls to the point I couldn't see)
Does anyone know what would cause that?
No I'm not on any antidepressants or Ssi's


Amazing !
I wonder what the dosage for malaria might be?
