Methylene Blue: They're LYING to You

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Hello, Hippocampus here. Medicine, psychology, and biology have been left in awe at the supposed supplement known as Methylene Blue. What once began as an anti-malarial back in the 19th century, has now become a popular supplement amongst the fitness/influencer community. Whilst it seems as though it can aid mentality, focus, cognition, sperm count, energy, performance and even fight against many diseases including cancer, other literature suggests it will kill you. So what should you believe?

#hippocampus #psychology #biology #medicine #documentary #education #depression #methyleneblue #supplements #fitness #cancer
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Here's some points to address a few comments:
1. One of my main takes of this video is that shops/influencers out there are 100% trying to scam you. Saying a product WILL do something when no research has found this is not okay. Save your money and if you are to buy it, do it from a trusted website. Some have mentioned the FDA, and yeah I get that, they're profit driven, but these shops are too. Hell, these are the same people that sell fat burners are BCAAs.
2. MB does seem decent for treating illness, its original purpose, but if you want a good pump, have a preworkout or a coffee. In regards to mentality, the placebo effect is insanely powerful. If you give someone ill a placebo and tell them it's a placebo, they will STILL get better! Amazing, right? That's what seems to be going on here in my opinion. If you want greater oxygen uptake, try CoQ10.
3. I am not liaising with "Big Pharma" lmao. Not everything is a conspiracy/not everyone is affiliated in weird American problems! People ask for research on topics so here it is... with anecdotal evidence should you not trust the science.
4. If you wanna take MB, take it! That's the beauty of choice! I'm not gonna stop you lol.


Remember, a cured patient is a lost customer.


The industrial medical complex doesn't want cheap cures. Tests can very easily be skewed.


I have a lighter form of Chronic Fatigue and started developing balance problems. Took one drop of Methylen Blue and it cleared up after 2-3 hours. Now taking two drops three times daily. Brain fog gone, balance problems gone.


approved by the fda means nothing to me anymore tbh after that oxycotin scandal


Methylene blue is a prescription used for 100 years so claiming it's not approved by the fda is misleading.


I dont know where the video editor got his information of. First it doesnt increase nitroc oxide by NOS, it decreases Nitric oxide regarding lots of studies. Where are the related studies for that wrong statement in the video?
Second if the video editor talks about a comparison study between rats and 26 humans (26? What kind of study to use it for argumentation is that?) why dont we talk about the dosages here? And the human equivalent to rat dosages?
How to get an opinion about placebo vs intakes without that information?
Third what about the statements used over and over again that the evidence isnt clear on this or that. Regarding published studies, and there are lots of, it also depends on dosages, especially MAO inhibition to increase neurotransmitters or the fear of serotonin syndrome... If its published a lot, why not doing the research and explain it in the video..
And its ridiculous to show us a 100 year old study with a dog, and then stating its just a study with one dog. There are lots of more detailed studies since 100 years ago. One can get the impression that the video editor wants to show us exactly just what he wants to get his arguments and the goal of the video reached.
Its no help either to argue with a second dog study.
The video editor said, he searched for hours and cant find any evidence for something..really? If i search for hours i find a bunch of anything. Its a kind of not willing to find something that doesnt fit in his own theory, right?
By the way, methylen blue does not inhibit NfKb. What told you that? Methylen blue activates NRF2 and by that antioxidative pathways by the body. And methylene blue while shuttling electrons increases hydrogen peroxide production, that increases NfKb..

Im impressed of such a wrong interpretation video.. people do your own research!


It must work, because the masters are panicking.


MB has really helped me with my depression and anxiety. I feel more level now it's the only thing apart from SSRIs that's actually worked for my depression.


Lol. Take too much tylenol and see what happens...and it's not that much. Methylene blue improves mitochondrial function and is antibacterial. It works.


i no longer trust science and so called health professionals. the only way is to test for yourself. i have been loosing energy for years and have been trying to counter with all sorts of vitamins, some work for very short periods of time, most nothing. started methblue a month ago and have seen significant improvement in energy at work (hard labor), no more brain fog either, i'm still testing but am encouraged, and about over dosing, nearly impossilbe i think, as i doubt i will ever be able to even take the minimum of 0.5 ml per kilo of body weight because its just too nasty to drink.


I’ve had 2 strokes in the last 2.5 years and I could feel the symptoms I had before my first one building up again, a horrible ‘dirty’ headache, lethargy, I know what it feels like and I was heading for another one, someone I know recommended MB and it’s making a massive difference, the headache clears almost immediately after taking it, I feel so much better, it’s early days I only started a few days ago but the impact it’s making is unbelievable..


Methylene blue has been a life saver for me where conventional medicine has failed


FDA in bed with big promotes bad diets to cause chronic supplemts that help you they tell you its not approved!!


I've been taking capsules recently, and I do notice that it gives me extra energy and that I can be way more productive late in the afternoon and evening. Sometimes it is a little too much though, and maybe could lead to insomnia. So just be careful and listen to your body, and certainly don't take it if you are on other medications that could be dangerous.


Really helps with my cognitive decline


Sorry, but you missed the mechanism of action
Between 2 and 20% of the electrons produced are lost on the electron transport chain
MB has the ability to capture these electrons and return them back into use, improving the production of ATP
The first time I used it I found myself walking as fast as I did when I was a 15 year old boy, and this happened after months on a dark room due to resilient depression


I’ve seen multiple videos from MEDICAL DOCTORS and PHD talking about how good MB is for so many things, and who have been taking it themselves.


I’m using it for healing from cancer ❤


Am considering MB as a long COVID treatment. It boosts mitochondrial function, reduces ROS and helps with viral infection. There are some indications that it is effective in very small doses.
