Methylene Blue in 10 Minutes

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The sounds kills me. You speak beautifully, you have a great voice. I'm an audio professional, a couple of plugins and a proper studio setup (just placements, not even fancy equipment, you have everything already) will fix you for good, you'll open a preset and you're done. I'm a big fan of yours, I've prepaid a vit101 book. Let me help you. It's not that hard. And everyone will be happy, too.


Thank you for both versions, and thank you so much for your work in general! I'll admit that I'm pretty susceptible to trying out the "next big thing" in the supplement and biohacking space based on several other podcasts. We're so lucky to have someone capable of this level of research actually putting out free content so that we can make better informed decisions.


I have Masters degree in nursing and this whole chemistry thing is WAY BEYOND MY DESIRE TO UNDERSTAND. What I DO know is that it is great for almost everything. I’m using it as a 70 year old who works out 4 days a week. I’m becoming less able to recover as I once did. Giving my mitochondria a blue bath. I use 10mg per day and will increase to 20 mg if things go ok. Low and slow.


I would like to hear the 5th grade explanation 😂


It cures gastritis flare ups within days in my experience.


Thanks for the shorter version. Can digest this one.


Would love you to have a discussion with Dr. Francisco Gonzalez-Lima.


8 mg is too high for a starter dose. start at 0.5, be cautious with certain MAOI-incompatible foods once exceeding 5mg. idk why but MB completely cured my acid reflux which I suffered from for a year. PPIs didn't help.


I have been using about 10 mg per day of methylene blue I weigh about 145 pounds and I have not found any adverse reaction to it whatsoever it’s possible that there may be bad reactions to farm very high amount is used but I don’t foresee ever having to go that way, having said this I would say methylene blue is probably pretty safe to use, and much of what I have researched and heard other researchers on, it is safe to use


The blue shirt was not a coincidence, was it?


I'd really like to see Dr Fernando Gonzalez-Lima's response to this


Methylene blue increased my HRV but then it gave me anxiety.


sooo, don`t use it, unless you`re sick?


How could it change my mind when I didn't understand most of what you said. Would be nice to have a dumbed down version for those of us who don't speak science


I used to get uti frequently. Since starting low dose MB I haven't had any.


What are complex 1, 2, 3, 4 disorders?


How could this help me repair mitochondrial damage caused by Cipro (Flouroquinalone antibiotic)?


Let's talk about the dosage here for the study and for our own logic for ingestion:
8mg to 250 mg dose is still based off of your weight and adjusted by the purity of the solution.
So a 1% MB solution is super low and that's all "we common people" can get a hold of (seems strong enough for me).
Let's say you are 150lbs and you are going to take the MAX dose (250mg) that would be 17, 010mg per day assuming that the solution was 100% solution right? Which it is not for us.

So if you are 150 lbs and taking a 250mg dose a day you would take 340 drops (0.02 drops in 1mg) per day
Since we can only buy 1% solutions should we account for that and multiply the dose by the dilution factor... this is 340 drops x 99.9 which is insanely high dose (it seems) and was that intravenously given? if not that would for sure make someone's stomach hurt and seems unreasonable. Possibly the dosage assumes a 1% solution and in that case 340 drops a day for a max dose sounds only slightly more reasonable but to me still seems extremely high. I would for sure assume side effects at that high of a dose.

Seeing that the studies did an extremely high dose I wonder what a lower dose solution would be like? Also it seems strange to mention a study that combined Meth Blue with poison and found that there were side effects... Why would you reference that and still find something negative about MB? MB negated the poison and that was all the study was designed to find out... deducing that there are negative side effects of MB AFTER IT NEGATED POISON is a strange conclusion and I can only suspect designed by BIG PHARMA to try to make MB look bad.


Always appreciate your thoughts, glad to hear I don’t have to add yet another anti-aging nad atp supplement


Hey Dr. Masterjohn sorry to change the subject but I came accross a form of B6 while studying it called pyridoxamine~, I see that it was banned some time ago by the FDA but I can't find much solid information about it anywhere, and didn't find much info even here on youtube, was wondering if you had any material on it or could make some.
