'The BIGGEST MISTAKE People Make When DATING' (Don't Do This!) | Stephan Speaks

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The BIGGEST MISTAKE People Make When DATING | Stephan Speaks...In this dating advice video, I will give you the biggest mistake people make when dating that should not be overlooked. You may see these dating mistakes on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to this dating advice and be sure to watch the entire video so that you can get dating help and avoid making these dating mistakes.

I don't want you to automatically run when you see the dating mistakes, which I discuss in this relationship advice video. As a life coach, I want to give you dating help that will assist you to address properly the dating mistakes in your relationships. However, if the dating mistakes are not corrected after addressing them, then proceed with letting them go.

Again, the dating mistakes go both ways. You may find these dating mistakes when dating a man or while dating a woman. Therefore, you need to make sure they don't apply to you. If they do, apply the dating help, dating advice, as well as relationship advice I share in this video to do your part to correct them.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you will avoid the dating mistake and have a healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- The biggest mistake people make in dating
- Dating mistakes
- Dating advice
- Dating expert
- Dating coach
- Dating help
- Life coach
- Online dating
- Relationship expert
- Dating tips for women
- Dating tips for men
- Dating coach for men
- Dating coach for women
- Dating advice for men
- Dating advice for women
- Best dating tips
- Dating help
- Online dating tips
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women and men video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "The BIGGEST MISTAKE People Make When DATING | Stephan Speaks"

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Рекомендации по теме

The first rule of love is to learn to love yourself, if you cannot love yourself, you cannot love anyone🙏


Queens..questions are needed..because when we don't ask questions..that's when we end up hurt!!


5.The hard part isn’t getting your body in shape. The hard part is getting your mind in shape


Who else appreciates this advice? I know I definitely do! 💯


I will never understand why someone wants to pretend to be something you’re not. It all comes back full force. I decided to stay single until I find what I desire. Half ass crap is not worth it.


I gave every date one shot. I knew immediately if that person was for me or not. I didn't bother to go on a 2nd date. My discernment allowed me to weed out all of the men that could have potentially deviated my path. Pay attention to what you feel, the red flags and do NOT settle. Happily married now btw!


I do have dating fatigue. Taking a break and working on myself.


An inconsistent action is a consistent answer and by his actions he’s showing you that he doesn’t want to be with you. Those who believe in Christ must pray for the spirit of discernment.


Yoo honestly I definitely have to say the biggest mistake is Pre Marital Sex. That's how we mess up a good thing or what could've been a good thing.


Just be real be who you are . It’s gonna come out eventually. Heal first and Self Love it’s important before jumping into any relationship.


Sometimes dating feels like going on an under cover op to gather Intel for yourself 🧐🤣


I’m nervous about dating because I’ve never had a healthy man in my life. Right now I’m focusing on me and GOD! I know The LORD will reveal to me the one for me.🙏🏽


Dating Fatigue -letting someone stay longer than they should.
Leaving that in 2020


Overanalyzing and not taking things at face value.


The confusing part for me is being up front and disclosing our expectations... I’ve also been advised that giving too much information, talking too much early in the dating process is actually a mistake, especially one that women make because a lot of men like to use the info we give them to manipulate and falsely claim to be on the same page acting like they are compatible when they really aren’t... just playing the game to get what they want


This is exactly why I lay everything on the table in the very early stage of any relationship or dating ! So important. Very well explained


The word "date" triggers a certain behavior in people. Maybe we should just start off saying let's have a "conversation" .. Maybe start with phone calls before lunch or dinner. Consistency, timeliness, interest etc can still be evaluated.


I’ve met more than a few men who don’t ask questions. Sometimes I feel they don’t ask because they are fearful of being asked questions and having to be open and vulnerable.


Manipulating others to get what you want won’t keep anyone because eventually the real you will reveal. Don’t be afraid to ask respectable questions while getting involved with someone.


The hard part is waiting for God's timing.
