The BIGGEST Mistake People Make With Puppy House Training

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Puppy house training can feel like a losing battle even when you think you're doing everything right! In this video, we will talk about the biggest mistake that you're making if you feel like your puppy just isn't getting it. It's understandable to be frustrated with the puppy potty training process when you're constantly cleaning up little messes around your home. After watching this video, you'll have a new appreciation for how your puppy sees the world, and you'll have a better understanding of what steps you need to take next to help your puppy to be successful in the house training process! The paper towel companies don't want you to know this;)

Still feel like you’re struggling with house training? You need to watch THIS: The BIGGEST Mistake New Puppy Owners Make...

We Also Have A Podcast!

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken
#puppypottytraining #puppytraining
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I started with pads. But then I just watched the puppy. Everytime I saw her sniffing around on the floor, I scooped her up and brought her outside. As soon as she peed or pooped, I praised her and rewarded her with a treat. After a week, no more accidents.


One thing I hate about the Internet is people bragging about having their puppy house trained in 2weeks.
It defeats everyone dealing with different environment and different pup personality/health/breed.


The best piece of wisdom I’ve learned watching all these videos as a new puppy owner, is that if they have an accident, it’s my fault. The puppy is doing what it’s supposed to do. He’s a baby, he’s got a small bladder, he gotta go lol if he has an accident, it’s bc I either wasn’t watching close enough or I wasn’t fast enough. He’s doing great tho, thanks to all these tips I’m learning!


If you’re watching and frustrated or feeling like it’s not working, I watched this when my puppy was 8 weeks, and started to try with minor improvements, it was like a switch flipped in her head and my last puppy around 12-13 weeks. So I just watched this again, and it really
Helped, if you’re at the 8ish weeks mark, hang in there and stay at it ! Then come back to refresh yourself, seemed to really help !


I have a small dog so I had just pee pad trained her. I watched her like a hawk so she was fully trained in just 3 days. I was impressed by how quickly she picked it up and learned. As far as crate training I used to put her in there with a treat and 3 years later I still praise her when she goes in so it's become a pleasant and rewarding experience for her.


Our puppy does so well for a few days then goes inside the next day. Sometimes he goes potty outside then 5 min. Later goes on the carpet


I'm puppy sitting/training my mom's puppy rn and she's so so good! I know her signals - she crouches down and rushes as if looking for a toilet and she whines at me when she needs to go. She goes almost as soon as I put her down. She's the best dog and the easiest to train so far.


I just got a puppy and I was feeling a failure because I can't house train him. I'm so glad I found this channel . I can do this 😎👍


Thank you Ken, puppy training can feel like banging my head against a wall sometimes. I just have to remember to be patient & consistent, success is incremental!


"How much is in there??" LOL Exactly what we've all wondered


One year for Christmas, we put bells on the outside door. Our German Shepherd just started to ring it to go outside, she trained herself! Every time she has to go, she rings the bell. We are getting another puppy in about a month, we are gonna also train the baby to ring the bell, just like her older sis.


The puppy I've had for six days now has only had one indoor accident, only a little and thankfully on the tile floor because he was overly excited. Took him out to finish. That was on the second day and is still his only accident so far. Hes catching the hang of it really well so far.


Man idk if I can do this haven't got the puppy yet was supposed to go pick him up today but after watching this idk man I have a 4 year old and a 12 month old. Idk how I'm going to watch the dog like a hawk especially when my husband is at work


I am so glad I saw this video, this is what I have been doing with my 8 week schnauzer for a week now and he is doing great! I am so proud of him!


i loved the phrase "your puppy isnt trying to be defiant"... um, yes, she is! ours has started revenge peeing!!! if you tell her no one too many time (chasing the cat, chewing on a chair, just flat out biting) one too many no's and she's squatting while she stares at us!


The first week I got my pomsky puppy I almost had a mental breakdown 😂 I am to OCD for puppy potty training!! But he is much better now.


I got my puppy at 3 months old and took me 2 weeks to train her (on a pee pad). I didn’t study, didn’t work, only stayed at home with her while sleeping in the living room next to her. It was tough. But I was happy because I felt like she understood and did well. A couple of months ago, she started doing at the border of the pad (like it would touch the floor) but I didn’t think much of it because it was still in the pad. But last week, at her 7 months, she suddenly started doing it everywhere! Everyday in the sofa and every other day in the living room floor, her pad always clean. Yesterday I took her outside for 8 freaking hours. Not once she wanted to pee. I supervised her and no pee nor poop, and went to bed like that. Not peed until the next day. Right now I am literally crying because she just doesn’t want to listen anymore and my sofa is ruined and I keep cleaning the floors twice a day and my exams are coming soon and even though I stay at home, she pees every time I go to the bathroom or leave to drink water, I cannot even correct bc I just don’t see when she pees. I don’t hate her, I love her, but rn I hate this situation and can’t help but cry really hard...


7 week old puppy is doing amazing! Only 1 accident and has been home for 2 days. Thank you!!


Literally googled "how to stop puppy from peeing inside" because I went to poop and my puppy followed me and as I was pooping she starred me in the eye and pooped next to the washing machine because she knew I couldn't do anything about it🤦‍♀️


Thanks SO much for sharing this - it's really important to know what not to do as well as what to do to ensure training puppies is done correctly. Thanks again, keep up the great work!
