Why A Breakup Is ALWAYS A Test By Your Ex
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A breakup is always a test from your ex even if they didn't plan for it to be.
How can that be?
Coach Lee is known for this highly-successful philosophy and explains it in this video.
The breakup is a test you must pass if you want to get back together with them because your ex will judge you based on how you respond to the breakup.
After all, it's the last meaningful contact they have with you unless the two of you get back together.
So you don't want your response to a breakup to be negative, awkward, weak, and frustrating to your ex.
What you want to be frustrating and difficult is for your ex to be without you, NOT, to be with you. So if you back off and leave your ex alone after he/she dumps you, then being around you wasn't awkward because you were begging or crying.
That way, you leave them to the next frame instead which is for them to feel the negatives of not being with you. That is so important.
Here's why:
Your ex must not like being apart from you in order to get back together with you. But if you don't leave them alone, you fail the breakup test, because your ex doesn't like being around you instead.
Obviously, the difference is tremendous. Many people overlook how important this is but with Coach Lee's help, hopefully you won't and you will be able to pass the breakup test with flying colors so that you can get your ex back long term.