Why Men Always Come Back After a Breakup (When You Do THIS!)

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In this video, we'll discuss why men always return after a breakup. Ladies, we know that this situation is not easy. You want to get him back, and you think it is impossible. But I always say men come back, and they will come back the moment they lose you, the moment they see you're changing, and the moment you have done a good personal transformation. We'll discuss the reasons why guys tend to return to your life after you've moved on, and why it's so important for you to understand and accept this behavior.

If you're struggling after a break-up, watch this video and learn about the reasons why men always come back. It might not be what you expect, but trust us, it'll make the process a lot easier.

0:00:00- The Importance of Personal Transformation in Relationships
0:02:21- The Fear of Being Chased: Why Men Come Back
0:04:42- The Psychology of Why Men Come Back After a Breakup
0:10:19- The Dangers of Taking Men for Granted
0:16:05- The Dangers of Manipulative Men in Relationships
0:17:45- The Different Reasons Why Men Come Back After Being Distant
0:19:06- The Benefits of Making Yourself Less Available to Men

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⭐ ABOUT LOVE ADVICE TV: Our mission is to help people find happiness in love, and to provide individuals and couples with the communication tools and relevant techniques to be together in healthy sustainable relationships. Over the years, we have helped people in all types of breakups, separation, and divorce successfully get back together. I highly encourage you to look into how we’ve been so successful.

#getyourexback #loveadvice #breakupadvice
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I got rejected by 2 narcissists. I was going crazy when we broke up but it is a blessing in disguise ladies. Don’t look back and live in the present. You will find someone amazing. Also don’t give more than they give you.


Totally exhausting..why can’t we just be our natural authentic self? With NO GAMES


The worst you treat them the better they treat you


When u get ur ex back u won't want them u r ultimately healed🤗


I will never never trust man again I have hurt left and right am so happy now alone with jesus thanks very much sir


When you try to be honest and give your whole life to them then they didn't appreciate. I'm heart broken right now but i think i need to let him go so he can do what he want and never beg him to come back!!!


I have learned to love and cherish myself and not forcing any man to love me. For me, rejection is sometimes protection.No matter how I love you by the time I notice that it's weighing on me, I let go.


Can never trust a person who walked away !
He leaves his out


Any men that tests you is not worthy of your time. I don't care about their intentions of testing the women. If is about their "values" because he will never be satisfied. These are men that have low self esteem.


If he loves u will never leave u or treat u otherwise


How to master fear of abandonment: don’t date others who trigger your fear of abandonment.


You play such games with me you never going to see me again


When man get out to your relationship, no need begged or cry show to him you can stand with out him.


I am not chasing anyone. No matter what happens between us. I value your advice but this is my decision in not chasing someone or contacting someone who I have broken up with or who has broken up with me.


No real lover leaves you behind only to come back again when you have already gotten used to be by yourself or even having a date. It is unfair for such a situation to arise in a relationship. Some men have appalling attitudes towards women. Going around making everyone to fall in love with them. It is just not right.


I took the courage to stand for my standards and call his BS out when he was not respecting me, in order to facilitate leveling up and he preferred to break up with me instead of working on improving our relationship. It was the relationship with the most quality I had in the last 20 years....(imagine how bad was the previous) its been 5 months and I am still suffering and missing him incredibly, and I regret for pushing him hard to confirm in the way I wanted to resolve our conflict. The harsh truth is that patriarchy has created an unfair environment for women in the relationship world and if women dynamically try to claim their wants and standards, most likely will be dumbed, because the male fragile egos cannot handle it!


I did the leaving and they wanted me back. They were not worth the sacrifices the relationships required.


Relationships mirror where we are out of relationship with ourselves. When we utilize relationships as reflective, we are in right relationship with self. When we look to the other to validate and recognize us, we are out of relationship with self.


i did many mistakes bc of trauma response and i always made him feel guilty. i was needy, pushy didn’t trust him and was critizicing him so much. i now woke up. i got it. i‘m willing to change but he said that he feels bad for a long time and is disconnected. i love him so much and i now know that i have to do more things alone and work on everything. i hope we find back together bc he is the most wonderful, intelligent, beautiful and most loving man in the world 😭


I don’t think it’s because they like the chase. I think it’s because it’s less work to get back in and to get their own needs met.
