7 Signs Your Breakup Is Temporary

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Can't figure out the hot and cold treatment? Check out this video

One question I'm asked constantly by viewers like you and by my coaching clients is, "how can I tell if my breakup is only temporary?" And that, folks, is what I'll be discussing right here in this brand new video.

Now, how do you tell if your breakup is not going to last? How do you know if your ex is going to take you back? Well, here are the top 7 signs…

Sign #1: Your ex is sending mixed messages.
If your ex has been giving you the "hot and cold" treatment since breaking up, that is actually often a strong indication that he or she is internally conflicted about the decision to break up… and may soon give in to their feelings and decide to take you back.

What do I mean by "mixed messages"? Well, for example, if your ex sends you a late-night text saying "I miss you" one day, and then the next day they completely ignore you or tell you they never want to talk to you again… that's a mixed message.

Again, these type of back-and-forth signals that your ex is sending are almost always an indication that your ex is having second thoughts about breaking up. It can be because they initially thought that going your separate ways was the right thing to do, but now they're struggling emotionally with the breakup and fighting an internal battle with themselves trying to decide if they made a mistake breaking up with you.

I've made another previous video on this exact topic, which you can watch by clicking the pop-up banner up in the corner here, or by clicking on the link that I'll put in the description below.

Sign #2: Your ex is contacting you frequently.
This is another strong indication that your ex isn't fully committed to the breakup… or at least, they're not 100% confident that they're ready to let you walk out of their life. If they're reaching out to you on their own frequently, especially if it's not for any reason other than to "catch up" or "see how you're doing", then clearly they still need and want you in their life.

Sign #3: Your ex gets emotional.
Think about it for a second… if you had broken up with someone and you were totally confident it was the right decision -- if you were truly over them, and ready to move on without looking back -- would you still be emotional when thinking about that person? Would you break into tears when you saw that person, or tell him or her about how much heartache the breaking is causing you? Probably not.

For that reason, your ex becoming emotional around you after breaking up -- or even just showing any kind of pain and loneliness in general -- is a strong indicator of someone who hasn't moved on and might be so emotionally affected by the breakup that they might break down and beg for you come back.

Sign #4: Your ex is still angry at you.
This is a weird one, and a lot of people are skeptical when I tell them that an angry ex is often actually a good thing if you want to get back together. In my many years of experience as a breakup coach, however, it's become clear to me that this is often a very positive sign. Why? Well, it's pretty simple: if your ex is still angry at you, they're still emotionally invested in you and your time together.

*** More from Brad Browning:
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Brad, you are very wise. I followed your advice about 30 day no contact, my girl who broke up with me, couldn't stand that I was not talking to her or reaching out and i was willing to leave her alone to better myself. She was so proud that I was doing positive things to make my life/ myself better. We are back together and happier than before. My advice: it's hard to loss a person you love but use that time to CHANGE you. I agree with every thing you have said. Keep up the great work Brad. You are wonderful.


Honestly bro, you helped me get her back the first time and now I'm in the same boat again, but I just wanted to thank you for being such a genuine dude that actually wants to help. You're inspiring.


No contact rule is something essential not optional after breakup because it allows us to reflect on ourselves and make a big change . We should do that not because we want our ex back, but this should be done because we deserve change and develop ourselves into better. Thanks for ur splendiferous videos . I really benefited from them and gave me a self-confidence to move on .


Your videos are helping me cope with the excruciating pain of loss. Thank you so much.


I'm that guy in my breakup. I was so stupid I initiated the breakup without thinking of how badly it'll affect her and I didn't realize that I misunderstood our argument and thought I was simply treating her badly, which really wasn't the case.

After a day of our breakup I told her that I needed more time to work on myself to know what I really want and she said ok.
We still talk, but I'm hoping that after a month or two I'd have the courage to ask her to take me back. I regret messing up our already good relationship just because I thought I was "not good enough", despite her always reassuring me otherwise.


I know he said he was done for good because I tired him out from the past but I would rather start over with him than be with someone else because he was the only person I felt most comfortable and vulnerable with. Unfortunately, our turmoil has made him fall out of love in ther relationship while I was beginning to commit even more. We both wish that I was the way that I am now earlier in the relationship instead of becoming bitter, etc. I hope our breakup is temporary and we will find a way to reconnect again.


Hey Brad! Very informative video. Thanks a lot for making this for people like us.
Back in October 2022, i behaved very roughly with her and she told me that she doesn't wanna have any commitments but she just wants to stay friends. I couldn't take it and i kep begging her. In November, i woke up in the hospital and they tell me that they found me hanging in my room and i was in life support for 7 days. After that she used to come visit me in the hospital and i knew that she took me back. Since then we were having good times. But months ago i made the same mistake and we had a harsh conversation like we never had before and she said that she doesn't wanna be committed to me anymore but stay as friends. This time i didn't do anything like beg her or crying i just told her that i will stay as friends and wont ever have expectations from her. I miss her so much i truly cant stay without her. She says for now she's focusing in life and doesnt have time to think about all these stuffs. What should i do? Please help me i need her back


It’s been 2 months. Texted her on Tuesday. We talked a little bit but she said she is still “grieving the loss of our relationship and dog”


The feeling when he does none of these and flat out silence since the day he broke up


Hi Brad thank you so much for your videos.
All these signs are in ME.
I was the one who dumped him, now I miss him so much.
I decided to try your method. I took your quiz and scored 66, not a big score, but I guess I still have chance to win him back.
Started no contact for 2 weeks now. Focusing on being a better version of me, including meeting a psychiatrist for my mental issues.

I watch your video almost everyday to motivate me. Hopefully this method can be applied to gay man like me.

Thanks man, really appreciate what you do.


Amazing Brad ❤❤❤
This Video is very important
Thank you !!


I love all your videos helped me so much xxx


I got the sign no. 1. she said she loves me but after few days she said "i dont know"
She still angry at me, asking mutual friends and emotional in social media. And most of all, i got 75 score in your quiz brad


Hey Brad! It's been 2 months since I've broken up. I followed 30 days of nc rule. Or actually 2 months of NC. I'm not exactly over him but I'm doing so much better now. Thank you for guiding me. So I met him twice last week. And since our break up he was cool with us being friends. He kinda lost attraction.First time I called him asking for favor and since our colleges are really close he asked me to meet and accompany him for some work that he had. And we spent almost 4-5 hours together talking a lot, like old friends meeting. Second time a couple of friends met and he was among them. And all of us spent good time together. Now the thing is, I noticed something on our first meet that I kinda avoided thinking maybe it's just my thinking. But then our friends who met us that day said the same thing to me after he left i.e. he's being pretentious. He's trying not to face anything. It's like he's pretending about being really cool. So how long is he gonna pretend? How long will that last?


I'm in the beginning stages of a divorce from a 13 year marriage. I've tried everything to make him stay but he won't. Apparently the first 4 items you said have been my whole life these past 8 months. I hope you're right! We have kids so 30-45 days no contact is difficult.


my gf and i broke up end of July and we didn't talk for around 2-3 weeks (sometimes a small talk here and there) but now we're still talking daily. We've had talks about how... she said she sees me as a friend only but her actions are always different. She still has old habits of being touchy with me, still using her relationship voice with me, still wearing my clothes, etc. Even this past weekend, she came to my mom's birthday dinner (my parents knows we broke up but my parents like her so they asked me to invite her). We hung out that day and she also has started to call me often to just talk. Its been clear there's still emotional attachment on both our ends so it's hard to believe her when she says that she only "sees me as a friend" now. We've talked about getting back together and the issues we had, which a lot of it was me not opening up and making her feel like I didn't want to fix or improve. I've been making big changes right now and she's been very supportive. We both agreed that maybe right now isn't the time for us to get back together because she's also busy with her school stuff as am I. Not sure what your opinion on this situation is.


Man you deserve more subscriber's❤️


This video ohh my God very important thank you so much ❤❤💙💙💙


I’m speaking it into existence, I will get her back !


Hello Brad we always fight with my husband for many things came to point our marriage is falling apart why is it when he's not around I feel empowered and happy
