How to spot RED FLAG warning signs & symptoms of PANCREATIC CANCER... Doctor O'Donovan explains

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Doctor O'Donovan explains important red flag warning signs and symptoms of pancreas cancer. He draws upon National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline NG12 and outlines when a patient should be immediately referred under a 2 week wait rule (2ww) for a suspected cancer review and which patients need urgent CT / ultrasound imaging.

This video will be of interest to medical professionals (doctors, nurses etc.), health care students (medical and nursing students), those preparing for exams - (medical school finals, GP AKT, USMLE,) and the general public interested in health education. It is designed with the non-specialist in mind.

More information on pancreatic cancer:

Information on NICE guidelines for warning signs of cancer:

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The video is intended as an educational resource only. The information within this video or on this channel isn't designed to replace professional input, so if you have any medical issues please consult a medical provider. No professional relationship is being created by watching this video. Dr. O’Donovan cannot give any individual medical advice. All information should be verified for accuracy by the individual user. Dr O’Donovan accepts no responsibility for individual interpretation of data, although it is always accurate to the best of his knowledge at the time of the video being published. This is not a clinical information video or intended to be used as a clinical resource. It is only intended as an educational video.
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I can’t watch this video. My mum died of pancreatic cancer and I was told that it is very difficult to spot. If her doctor hadn’t spent months treating her for “a touch of arthritis” in her back, she might be here today. I can barely stand to see the word “cancer” - I hope it never happens to anyone.


My cousin beat pancreatic cancer and lived 25 years after her surgery and treatment. Unfortunately, her kidneys gave out and then while on dialysis the cancer came back in her liver and she passed away shortly afterwards. However, she was truly grateful for the 25 extra years she was given after her pancreatic cancer diagnosis.


Still missing my Dad who passed in 2021 after a 6-month battle fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He complained some about a back ache and feeling tired but thought it was from being 74yrs old .. then one day he gets up and notices the whites of his eyes are yellow and his skin is yellow looking, i take him in to his family doctor for a check and they immediately tell me to take him to the ER .. 3 hours later they break the news "we are transporting him to James Cancer hospital, we think he has cancer" this was during the Covid 19 rage and ZERO visitors were allowed in that hospital, my Dad was all alone there for 4-days until they sent him back home with the diagnosis stage 4 pancreatic cancer 😢😢😢😢😢 cancer is so cruel .. i miss my Dad, my friend 🙏
Gary Darfus
10-11-46 ~ 6-2-21


3 years this February 2024 since I had whipple procedure. Doing great and plan to be here for a long time 😊


My dad was 66 when it took him. He was constipated, we don't know how long because he didn't discuss his health EVER, used to brag that he was in " perfect Olympian condition". He finally went because of the constipation, found out after that his "pancreas was full of tumors". The aggressive chemo DID NOT help. He said he " kept smelling almonds" before his diagnosis. He passed away 6 weeks after his diagnosis, of a heart attack actually. At least he didn't have to suffer long.


Short and sweet and to the point. Thanks for not taking 30 minutes to give us the info. 👍👍👍


I hope and pray for my wife she had it near 8 years ago but got the surgery she didn't get out off hospital for over 5 months as complications sent in after surgery had to get 2 more operation. She didn't want to know anyone she was just skin and bone lying there. But I told her I would marry her if she gets better and gets out of hospital we had 4 children together and never married but God is my judge she pulled thro and we got married after being 23 years together. So I'm glad she went to hospital that day on her own she said that day to me I feel sick. So I want to thank the doctors and nurses for sending her back to me. 👏👏👏


My mother 77 years old just passed away from PC. We caught it early about a year ago, which was stage 1. Then after 1 chemo, it grew to stage 4. Stronger chemo helped shrink it. About a month ago the cancer completely encased the deudenum. I was very close to my mother, and I am grieving her loss.


I had a bout of pancreatitis, the hospital starved me for a week, took a dozen blood tests, looking for a reason for inflammation of the pancreas. I was released with no cause found. A month later on holiday in Cyprus I had a much worse attack that was life threatening, again I was starved, treated with antibiotics for infection of the liver, and more blood tests. It turned out the stratospheric increase in digestive enzymes causing inflammation of the pancreas, was due to my body no longer being tolerant to animal fats, red meat and dairy in particular.I had a lucky escape and now obviously follow a different diet, alcohol must also be kept to a bare minimum. 4 years now without an attack


I don't know why this popped up in my videos but my brother just had a birthday. He died in 2017 with pancreatic cancer. In January of 2017, he had yellowing skin, whitish poops, abdominal pain, weight loss, constipation, liver enzymes off the charts and then by June had overnight insulin dependent diabetes. Nobody, not his GP, emergency doctors or an endocrine specialist were able to diagnose it. Some apologized later for their tunnel vision. Nobody looked at the bigger story. Anyone who has these symptoms must demand care and advocate themselves right away. Wait, wait and more wait, "oh that's not my specialty"; that's Canada's health care system. I am saddened and frightened by doctors who are "just practicing medicine", as we were quoted by 1 oncologist. This is a great video.


I am a 10 year pancreatic cancer survivor as of December 11. My cancer had spread to the liver but I was younger and healthy enough for the Whipple Procedure. My heart aches for the families here that have lost loved ones from pancreatic cancer. There are many different types of pancreatic cancer and mine was “the good kind” as it was slow growing. The Lord has left me here for a purpose and I am a true walking miracle! PS. I was never jaundice. My symptoms were heartburn type pain and very tired, fatigued.


One of our dear friends in the animal rescue world passed away within four months of being diagnosed. She had been a picture of health. It was so ironic - one of the dogs she had asked us please to adopt, as he was in terrible condition and had been handed in at the SPCA to be put down for old age, and she knew no one else would adopt him and wanted him to have a last year or 2 of love and attention, has outlived her by 4 years already. He's 18 at least, partially blind and deaf, but going so strong on his raw food diet. RIP Georgië


My cancer symptom was severe stomach pain and a flu like feeling. Mis diagnosed for. 3 year but I was luck the cancer was in the tail and after surgery to remove half my pancreas and spleen and lymph nodes I an 8 years clear.


I couldn't say my late wife presented with any symptoms until a skin growth in her groin came back as a nasty secondary cancer. 1 month later after multiple rounds of tests she was already at Stage 4 with it spread from her Pancreas to Liver, Kidneys, Lung and Spine. 7 months later and she was taken from us. I shudder every time I hear the words Pancreatic Cancer.🙁


Steve Jobs died of neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer, as did Aretha Franklin. It’s a different kind of cancer to pancreatic cancer with different prognosis and treatment. We need to raise awareness that there are two types of pancreatic cancer. I was misdiagnosed for years and my cancer was inoperable by the time it was diagnosed as neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer.


My Grandpa passed away in 2013 from PC. He was having major right shoulder pain. He got his shoulder checked out and the doctors said there was not enough damage to be causing this much pain. He the got a full body can.. 8 turnouts on his pancreas and 7 on his liver. It was too late and passed away 1 month after diagnosis. We are still traumatized by this.


My 51 year old cousin just passed away from pancreatic cancer. Diagnosed in September and passed away Boxing Day. Gone too soon and taken so quick. 😔😢


My mother (79 yrs) presented to her GP in April with jaundice, weight loss, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite and back pain and was put on the fast track 2 week diagnostic pathway. Unfortunately the GP referred her for an endoscopy and once consulted with the gastro consultant was told this was not appropriate so she had to wait another 2 weeks to be seen for other tests. To cut a long story short her jaundice cleared, her other symptoms abated and she was cleared for Pan C with the assumption her common bile duct had been blocked by a stone! Great video btw and thank you for your clarification!


I don't know why I watched this. I think I have a different stage 4 cancer every week


Wife was diagnosed stage 4. Her main symptom was pain beneath the rib in the region of the pancreas that radiated to the back. I knew the survival rates were terrible but I was horrified reading the details in the days waiting for the biopsy results. She almost made it a year from diagnosis which was actually a little above average 10 years ago. She passed at the age of 43. I haven't followed closely but they might be doing slightly better now in terms of outcomes.
