❤️ 10 Signs That Your Cat Really LOVES You | Furry Feline Facts 😻

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❤️ 10 Signs That Your Cat Really LOVES You | Furry Feline Facts 😻

If you're a cat person, of course, you already have that affection and deep love towards
your feline pet; it's a given. In fact, you may even love your cat more than your humans friends.
But you have to admit that even if they say love should be unconditional, you're also dying to know whether your cat loves you back, or even just for a little bit, maybe?

You may not have noticed but your cat has probably shown you a lot of times that it's
very much affectionate towards you. They do this mostly through their body language
because of course, they don't talk ''hooman'' and we also don't talk "cat".

Sometimes, it's really tricky to understand cats but trust me if your cat gives you the privilege of
any of these Signs...well... feel lucky and very loved by them. Oh and don't forget to return that love back to them.

Those signs brings us a lot of information and interesting facts to help understanding cat minds.
I bet that everyone loves some cat purring sound and even some cat kneading, right?
But don't worry we got you covered with al those signs.
Let's find out how to understand our furry friends.

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1. Purring
2. Curling the tail around your legs
3. Showing the belly
4. Licking your hair and ears
5. Slow blinking
6. Kneading
7. Following you around
8. Gentle nibbling
9. Bringing presents
10. Headbutts


When you adopt a cat so the cat adopts you back.


Im crying over it. that i realize my cat love me too. i've been trying to get a real love from my cat now i know they love me back!!! It got me emotional


Me, a cat person that dosent have a cat but still expects cats in the streets to show me signs of love:


I do love my cats more than I love humans. My cats are trustworthy, and loving, and sincere. Most humans these days…..aren’t. Lol.


My cat was not interested in me that he ignores me but then I started watching their videos and they told me to give them time and space and from that day I give him time and space and many other things they told and I noticed that he started coming to me and rubs around me but I think I have to practice more so I can gain love of him it helped me a lot . THANK YOU 😄😄😄😄😄😄🥰🥰🥰🥰


My late kitty Magnolia loved to be held. If she was petted or brushed, it was a bonus, but she loved being held more than anything else, and she would purr like crazy!

She was also the only cat I ever knew that would come when you called her by name, each and every time!


Awwww (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡..
1. Purring
2. Showing belly
3. Liking your hair or ears
4. Your cats give you head butts
5. Follows you around
6.paw kneading


My tuxedo cat loves to be told he’s the most beautiful cat on the planet, the smartest, the best hunter, etc. He preens like a champ when I tell him these things.


I'm very happy to say that my kitty actually displays every characteristic that you have mentioned. She brings me a great amount of joy. She's also very verbal, l talk to her a lot and she responds in the most wonderful way. She almost sings. It's hard to describe but she's done it since she was a tiny kitten, and it's delightful.


I love cats, , I adopted two, a boy and a girl, they're so special!!


My cats headbonks me, snuggles, purrs and kneads on me everyday 😍


I've had many many cats over the years, one was a headbutter in the middle of the night usually fast asleep she must have ran from the bottom of the stairs to me and whack haha 😄 love your channel I've subscribed and thumbs up 👍


My cat does everything except bring me “presents”. Thank God!


My cat.talks to me along. I dont meow at her lol, but I find myself constantly communicating and talking back to her as we walk around the house. She head bumps me every morning and right before she curls up to go to bed; it's a daily routine that I look forward to every day.


When I used to have cats, they would purr.
One of them would show the tummy.
Another would chew or lick my hair.
They would blink at me...
They would knead my legs.
They would follow me..
Sometimes they would nibble me.
They would rub their head onto me.


Never had cats before until 4 months ago. Glad to know we're doing things right!! They're too sweet


My cat licks and head bumps me, whenever I come home she climbs into my bed and snuggles with me.😭🐈💕😩


I have this stray cat which is abused, I often seen her at the garbage area looking for food. When she sees me she runs away.. I always leaving a cat food at my door and after 2 months she showed up I was confused cause hes not scared anymore she meows at me and invited her to come inside she's 5 years with me now. That eye contact that the cat slowly closes is the sweetest.. now I have 9 cats all strays.. 🥰


Loved your video- thank you! My cat is 11, have had her for only 4yrs, she was my brother’s. She’s an indoor kitty so I don’t get presents as mice or birds, Or head bumps. I get all the other signs. She was somewhat timid, but is much better now. My love bug. 🐾🐾
