10 Signs You're A Genuine Empath

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Empaths are often overlooked, misunderstood, and undervalued, in spite of their incredible gift to understand and connect with people on a much richer and deeper level. Why? Values like drive, ambition, and competitiveness come to replace empathy in today’s success-oriented society. This is why being an empath is uncommon these days.

Want to know more about what certain traits and characteristics make an empath? Watch this video!

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Kossak, M. (2015). Attunement in expressive arts therapy: Toward an understanding of embodied empath. Charles C Thomas Publisher.
Greiner, J. (2018). Empath: Understanding Your Gift, Protecting your Energy and Finding Peace in a Chaotic World. Roland Bind.
Schott, M. R. (2020). The Empath: Individual and Socio-Cultural Considerations of Deep Empathic Sensitivity (Doctoral dissertation, University of West Georgia).
Рекомендации по теме

0:48 You're highly intuitive
1:19 You're highly conflict-averse
1:43 You're everyone's "therapist" or "life coach"
2:13 You need time to recharge
2:37 You tend to self-isolate
3:03 You dislike crowded spaces
3:26 You're overwhelmed by intimacy
3:54 You have difficulty setting boundaries
4:20 You feel like you don't fit in a lot of the time


It’s a gift and a curse. People tend to take advantage of us


Ive always been highly empathic and hit all the boxes with this vid. Being an empath is a double-edge sword. Caring too much and being empathic about things that are too powerful can rip you apart.


There are some points that I want to emphasize here, assuming that I am an empath. We can engage into conflict, but we only try to choose battles worth fighting. Some conflicts only drain you for the sake of toxicity, no room for improvement. Intimacy can also be applied to these, some people only drain you, energy takers, who don't care about you and are just pure selfish people. That's why, I learned the very hard way, and choose my circle because of this. Some people painfully hurt me, never apologized, and ruined me for no apparent reason at all. I choose people now, who will inspire and uplift my spirit. Toxic people are so common nowadays, best try to avoid them.


I wondered for a while why I feel most at ease when my family members are all asleep, besides that being when I can get my "alone time" - I've begun to feel that it's because, when they're asleep, not only is that a sign of "peace" in the household (my family members are sleeping peacefully), but I'm also not being impacted by their emotional energies/wellbeing :o


This just hit home hard. Not only do I relate to all ten of these, but I almost cried on the last one. As another, all I can say is "Very true." I love the channel's content, and I'm so glad I randomly discovered it a good bit ago. Thank you, and keep up the great work!


10/10. Life as an empath in these times is really hard. Lately mostly. Imagine how awful it has to be to watch all these videos about Ukraine all the time, knowing you're powerless, feeling the pain of these people. I had in this month already 6 serious meltdowns, one even with suicide tendencies. And I was fine before for half a year. This is a lonely path... *sigh*


This is ironic my trauma turned me into an Empathetic person bc I never want anyone to go through what I go through


Caring about others and their feelings is one of my favorite ways to show people that I care. Sometimes all someone needs is a listening ear and understating 💜💜


Honestly, trying to watch the news as an empath is TORTURE. My parents always have it on and it hurts.. watching all those people suffer.. i can't 😥


The personal therapist thing hit so hard.. really, every single one of them did- but especially the therapist and boundaries.
Not knowing when to say no or being better at telling somebody I couldn’t help them through every emotional thing on their side has always been hard for me. And I’ve been sadly used for my ability to empathize and having a listening ear ready.
Thankfully, I’m out of the relationships with supposed friends that took me only for therapy and their need to control. I’m still growing from that, and I still suffer, but I’m getting better a little bit over time.
Being an empathetic is definitely nothing to be ashamed of or hate yourself for, both which I’ve felt for letting myself get used and not being as good in fun social situations like parties and meet and greets.
Our abilities give us more then they take us down, and you all deserve to know that you can grow and improve from the hurt you struggle within yourself and the ones you feel for everyone else.
It’s hard, but it’s possible. You aren’t alone.


I'm a normie myself but one of my friends is very empathetic and based on this an empath, the video and comments gave me some insight on her I wouldn't have otherwise had. Thanks gang!!


I feel like if you have the INFJ personality type ( as I do) you’re automatically some what an empath, or at least on the spectrum of it. Marked most of the boxes, although some of them were yes but not really..that’s why I think it’s a spectrum haha. Love your videos so much! Truly inspiring 💙


0:48 - Sign 1: You're highly intuitive

1:19 - Sign 2: You're highly conflict - averse

1:43 - Sign 3: You're everyone's "Therapist" / "Life Coach"

2:13 - Sign 4: You need time to recharge

2:37 - Sign 5: You tend to Self - Isolate

3:03 - Sign 6: You dislike crowded spaces

3:26 - Sign 7: You're overwhelmed by intimacy

3:54 - Sign 8: You have difficulties setting boundaries

4:19 - Sign 9: You feel like you don't fit in a lot of the time

4:41 - Sign 10: You have a hard time not caring

I hope this helped 😄


Came for lols and found out something new about myself. All of these have hit directly into myself. My cousin has a hard time voicing how they feel so I remember a hard discussion where they brought me into the room and I apparently translated how they felt perfectly into words. There are times where I just feel overwhelmed entirely after being around multiple people, and thanks to ur types of introverts i just assumed it was social introversy. This explains it alot more.


Being really empathic has given me so much wonderful things like friends that I trully care for as much as I would do for my family but has also given me somewhat of a burden sometimes when I feel like I am everyone's psychologist (especially with a narcissistic "friend" that I had). But at the end of the day, I appreciate that people choose to show me their weakest side around me because they trust me. Because helping those who I really care for by trying to cheer them up, comforting them or just listening to what they want to tell me it's one of the things that brings me the most joy in life.
if you read up to this point, thank you for lending me your time to read about my life and I hope you have a very nice day :D


all this time i though i was a just a introvert. but now i realized i am actually an empath. thank you for telling who i am~♡ now i feel better knowing me and understanding myself better~♡


I relate to everything especially the always caring part, no matter how hard i try i still cant hate the ones who hurt the most


I’m a nice person, I care about others and really understand others by reflecting on past experiences of mine, I think that very well proves that I am a “genuine empath”


I hate that there’s the kind of “pick me” category for being an empath, when it’s an actual thing haha. I don’t really tell anyone but I’ve had all my therapist tell me I’m very empathic/an empath. And it’s crazy all this stuff is SPOT on!! It is really tough bc I want to be social but it’s so draining, the crowded spaces is very true as well. Its just all so overwhelming sometimes.
I hope I can learn how to deal with all of this Bc it does hold me back a lot which is hard
