How to ACTUALLY Fix Overthinking | Effective Way

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Do you find yourself constantly overthinking and unable to turn off your thoughts? It can be exhausting and overwhelming, but there are effective ways to stop overthinking. In this video, we'll share practical tips and techniques to help you overcome overthinking and find peace of mind.
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Sending super clarity in mind and lots of love and blessings to who ever is watching this and whoever needs it ❤🙏


My overthinking is sooo bad that my mind drifted off in the middle of the video and I didn't realize until the video was over, only God can help me at this point☹☹


I needed this. I needed this so bad. I’m constantly overthinking. I’m tired. I’m tired of thinking of things that I try to control knowing that I physically can’t and even if I can, I still can’t control what people do.
For you reading this, you’re not alone. I’m hoping for brighter days for you.


Regular practice is the key, remembering yourself that you are the master of your thoughts and to dismantle the tricks your mind are playing with you.
Took me around 4 months of regular practice and routine, I was once able to control my thoughts and I had a clarity of mind I can’t even believe was possible. All of it vanished when I started going out a lot again, and troubled my routines. It’s hard to keep peoples opinions away, but like everything it’s possible, just keep practicing, be patient, and stay conscious of what happens around and inside of you !
Good luck friends 🙏🏾🙏🏾 and thank you for this video.


This is something I'm guilty of at certain times. This is something We can all overcome, just as We have overcome certain boundaries before this one. ✌️ and ❤ To Anyone watching this.


I've noticed that journaling throughout the day when I catch myself over thinking has helped to lower my anxiety and to let things go. Once it's out if my head and in the journal I feel freer and can move past whatever had me stuck in that loop.


Watching this video could not have come at a better time. Thank you for your wisdom.


This video came up first thing this morning. Unfortunately, I can fully relate to it. Getting out of one's head will be the most liberating feeling. Anxiety is truly a detrimental state of being both mentally and physically. Really need to put this right. Got to turn it around and breathe calmness. It's like stepping off at the wrong stop and not being able to find your way back.😢This video is a blessing.


I needed this and will use this as my guide. I once was married and got cheated on. I went completely ghost from getting involved back into a full blown relationship until this year. In the beginning I had no cares about anything negative but as our relationship progressed I started overthinking in the worst way! I’m not going to say I’m fully recovered but this video helped me to understand why and what I need to do! I love my gf so not only will I trust her I will put my faith in God that he protects my mindset! Thank you for this video


Just the right message which i need badly. Thanks the source for sending this message thru this channel. 🙏


Thank you for all of your videos. This video is definitely the one I needed to hear. 2011 is when I started independence and done heaps of good working, living and growing. 2017 was when I became over worked in my mind. 13 of august 2017 is when I wasn't suppose to be here anymore but I woke up in the hospital after 2 months of being in an induced coma. My return back here on earth has been a big battle. I did have a really good understanding in life as I grew from a kid to an adult. I did know how to do a lot. I forgot heaps loosing 80 percent of my blood and braincells. I didn't want to have medicine or rely on that, so I have been on a journey to return. I got stuck in metacognition since November 2017 and I knew heaps of people that know me did not understand that word or what that actually is. I have been watching heaps of videos we are now in 2023 and I am so grateful and thankful for this video from you. This is the video I needed to see and I do have a good feeling that this is going to really help me. Thank you .. Keep bringing your videos they do help us✌💛💛💛


Life in this physical reality always presents seemingly endless obstacles and challenges. Solve one problem, or accomplish one major task, and another just pops up. Then another. There are no such things as "mistakes". If an action or decision didn't produce the desired result, you just learned what doesn't work. Then you try something else. "I have not failed. I've just found 10, 000 ways that won't work."-- Nikola Tesla. Also attributed to Thomas Edison


It is night in my part of the world actually4h30 am. Have been overthinking forgeting to be in the refreshing present moment. Instant change of energy.
Thank you for this reminder😊❤


I kind of remember the more options I have, the more it is difficult to choose. Now I realise, it is because of overthinking. We tend to do this as a means of survival. Thanks for this message. Love your work!


I have heard so many motivational

I myself create impact on people geniuenly touching their hearts.. But your voice is so unique and you are the best of all the greats I hear.. More importantly the topics you cover and the clarity you provide is a life term learning. Thanks for being with us in this unrealistic humane world


I am at my favorite sushi restaurant. I so needed this. Be Present allow yourself time to make the best decision and move forward. ❤❤❤❤


Thank you so much, I needed this so much❤😢 thank you god for bringing me here


I struggle with overthinking but the fact that I’m aware of it and that it’s a problem I’m making progress.


I am absolutely grateful for this video.. I’m about to listen to this video, at least four times, because I need your words to sink into my brain .
I am guilty of overthinking everything and everything you said in this video is absolutely correct. You literally described me..


Thank you for these powerful message. Overthinking, overthinking and overthinking is killing me! I'm tired and exhausted of this.Hopefully these messages will help me going forward.
