The 7 Foods I Will NEVER Eat Again (no matter what)

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7 Foods I Will Never Eat Again

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro
0:39 - 30% Off Your First Order AND a Free Gift Worth up to $60
1:59 - Margarine
3:35 - Pudding Cups
6:50 - MSG
9:22 - French Fries
16:32 - Alcohol
18:38 - Red Dye 40
20:39 - Tilapia
Рекомендации по теме

1. Margarine
2. Instant pudding/pudding cups
3. MSG
4. French Fries
5. Alcohol
6. Red40
7. Tilapia (farm raised)

Having consumed alcohol daily for about 45 years at the level of at least a bottle of wine/six pack of beer/half a bottle of spirit (not all of them, just one of them) or more every day, I became sober at the start of the year. Over the years I’ve had a small break or two, but in general I’ve been a solid drinker for all of my life. I now sleep much better and are starting to see a number of other benefits in my statistics. I don’t miss its affect, but I do miss the taste and social connections. This year I will be dry for the whole 12 months


I’m 10 days sober and hearing what you had to say about alcohol is encouraging me to keep going.


clean and sober for 36 years. Congratulations on everyones sobriety. I'm 80 yo and no meds at all. Ive recently started carnivores' lifestyle and fasting 16/8 . I'm sleeping better. Reduced inflammation. Brain fog gone. Just wish I'd stated sooner. TY ALL SO MUCH. BLESSINGS TO ALL WHO READ THIS. ❤😊


I quit alcohol at the beginning of the year. 3 weeks ago, I removed all sugar from my diet. Doing that for a solid month. No bread, no pasta, no rice, and no starch. Nothing but meat and vegetables. I do drink tea and coffee, but now I don't add sugar or cream. Hardest thing I've ever done.


My son attended a private school that taught kids with learning disabilities. They were very strict about what foods they could bring to school. No cheetos, doritos, fruit roll ups, oreos, animal crackers, goldfish, cheezits and many others because of red 40. There were some others certain blue and yellow dye as well. There were extensive studies showing neurological problems in kids after consumption . This was 25 years ago yet the USDA still allows it in our foods


at 64 years of age, all 7 of these things are at least 4 decades in my rearview I still appreciate the sharing of this info


I skimmed through a book called 'alcohol explained ' and it definitely changed my opinion about drinking it. How your body reacts to attempt to counteract the consumption of it is very interesting.


Not all emulsifiers are bad, mustard is the emulsifier in vinegar and oil salad dressing.


3 months of zero alcohol has increased my strength and decreased my body fat, nothing else changed. I was already eating healthy and exercising frequently. Quitting drinking beer on the weekends had a bigger impact than I thought it would.


At 4:18….. “I’m just pudding it out there…” Classic. 😂


1. Margarine/shortening
2. Instant pudding cups
3. MSG
4. McDonald’s French fries
5. Alcohol
6. Red Dye 40
7. Tilapia


Great, now I have to stop smoking french fries.


Right on Thomas! I've been into health, fitness and nutrition for over 3 decades, have watched you probably the longest, and your explanation of problematic foods and or supplements is spot on. With my current age and state of physiology I've moved into the longevity area of my lifestyle. You're expert interviews with cutting-edge influencer's has been eye opening at times. Most of the stuff you talk about, I've already implemented into my routine, but the red dye thing, has shed some insight into some of my families children's instabilities. This goes along way my friend!! Keep up the great content 👍 👏 👌.


Started my keto journey again last week. After watching your videos, I’ve now realized how bad of a keto diet I was on in college. I feel tons better and have such great mental clarity already. Thank you for all the info you put into your content!


I decided to give up drinking since Jan 2023 not because of a problem but as of a direct result of the literature. I can't tell you the backlash I have recieved from so called friends on my decision. The stangest and most idiotic comment was, " what are you doing? do you think you are better than us now?" seriously!!! For me it is like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders where I did not have to have a drink because it was " the social thing to do"


Not sure if this will be seen or not, but I have to thank Thomas for the wealth of knowledge and information he's given out. Since I started listening to his channel roughly 3 months ago, I've gained so much knowledge about health, foods, exercise and a bunch of other stuff. I've also lost 30lbs in the process as I've made some real life changes with my overall health and body. Again I say, Thank you thank you, thank you!


Excellent list! Well explained. Thanks!


Do you have a video for which ingredients are the worst found in whey protein/protein powder. What should we look out for when buying?


Replace your pudding cups with avocado mash cups from Costco in the refrigerated section. Has the consistency of pudding, keto friendly, organic and delicious.
