The Root of Abandonment and 'Shame Attacks'

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Have you ever had a shame attack and did not even know it? Today I want to bring insight into the deepest root issue in our healing journey--abandonment. Most of the roads of our brokenness lead to abandonment. When shame and abandonment connect, it can trigger a chain reaction with our hearts that can drive us into a variety of struggles.

I pray that today's insights will encourage you to experience greater insight into your heart healing journey.

Disclaimer: The content published is for informational purposes. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in our material.

The resources given are not designed to practice medicine or give professional medical advice, including, without limitation, medical direction concerning someone's medical and mental health. Any resources given are not to be considered complete and does not cover all issues related to mental and physical health. In addition, any information given should not replace consultation with your doctor or any other mental health providers and/or specialists.
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Ugh, it's so hard to be human. To be human is to be imperfect and that's hard to accept.


So many doctors & Psychiatrists want to drug these feelings away and not deal with the root or the traumas a person has.


As a psychiatrist and a Christian it is refreshing to hear a pastor explain some of these very charged (and often misunderstood) psychologically based spiritual challenges that trips soo many of us up! Thank you for shedding light and PLEASE keep this up! We need it more than we realize!🙏🏽❤️


“Shame teaches you how to abandon yourself. Shame makes you small.” :O
Oh my gosh, I felt speechless when watching this video. It’s no wonder why I had attacks of shame/guilt and perfectionism tendencies. I’m starting to get more clarity.. praise God!


Knowing is half the battle. I hope I can break this cycle from within me. I know God is with me through this.


I was born with Autism, ADHD, and Tourette's. I did not grow up in a Christian home and I grew up in the 70's when they were not accepted as anything more than behavioral problems. I did not find out till my late 40s that these were 100 percent neurological and not mental illness at all. I was diagnosed by a neurologist. God led me to this and wanted me to know the truth. Everything changed but my wife was still struggling and the devil was still attacking our marriage of 30 years and family.

I was so afraid of failing and getting judged and shamed. I hear you brother. Jesus showed me that there is no shame in those who know him and I have not felt shame in over 3 years. I live in perfect peace. I knew it was god doing it when I got cut off in traffic and I was only concerned about the safety of the other driver. All I can see in others is someone Jesus loves and I love. I was given an new heart after water baptism followed by baptism in fire. I was on the floor on my face humbled before Jesus and given a vision of him sitting on his throne. I reached for his robe and was filled with pure live and anointing. Just like Jesus felt it go out of him when the bleeding woman touched him I felt it physically come into me and change me forever. We can do nothing but go in circles struggling until we receive the Holy Spirit.

Jesus told us if we can really love him we ill keep his commandments and it is true. My wife and I were both living with constant panic attacks and those shame attacks and God showed me they are demonic as the devil uses our fear and pain and the lies we were taught and he uses our unforgiveness against us. God cured my OCD and my anxiety and so much more. I was also physically cured. I have seen people getting saved every day since. God uses me to give me word for strangers I meet and they end up listening to the gospel smiling ear to ear and getting saved and becoming disciples who right away are testifying because they are meeting Jesus in me. He manifests in us he told us in John 14 if we keep his commandments. The greatest commandment is all about worshiping God with the power of his Holy Spirit and it is in Matthew 22 34 to 40.

When you really know Jesus and how much he loves you then you can never worry about what anyone else thinks of you again as you will know Jesus approves of all you do as it will all be with his lead. We will never be perfect. I am not trying to speak against your teaching here as I see you understand the enemy uses these conditions against us. These conditions are demonic and we need these demons cast out. God delivered me from them all alone at home praying my heart out to forgive and be who he made me to be. HE then gave me multiple prophecies for my family first and then for specific churches I was to attend int e last 3 years and bring the anointing to. I saw revival coming and I called 3 of them so far. Even Asbury and I am in Canada and never even heard of the place until I heard in in my head 3 days before the revival. I told people it would happen and would be triggered by worship. Again this is not my own understanding. God did this and I take no credit.

I has extreme PTSD most of my life including new trauma as an older adult. It was cured in an instant. My rotten tooth was also healed even though the dentist said it could not be saved. My kidneys also shut down and my feet then legs then entire body was so swollen the doctors said I would need dialysis for life. The next day after praying I was healed. My wife healed my cut hand almost instantly when laying hands also and it was all new to us but we knew it would happen as God makes you sure when he is talking to you. There is no more people pleasing or worry or struggle. Myself and my wife both. He resorted our marriage to be better than honeymooners and even physically restored our bodies to be able to make love for hours day after day. We live in complete bliss and can not be shaken at all. There is no temptation to feel self pity or shame or these negative thoughts. God took care of them and hides us in t eh shadow of his feathers where the enemy can not see us. My time belongs to him. I no longer want anything but to get closer to him and to please him as what he wants for us is what is best for us and fills us with joy unspeakable full of glory. God wants this for all of us. Do not let your heart be troubled. That is a commandment Jesus gave us.


Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.


This is what I'm going through & it's been really bad the past 2 years. I don't have support. I search for love. I suffer from CPTSD. I'm alone & a addict. I left the church because I don't want to be judged. Thank you brother you have no idea how bad I need this


Watched this in tears. I've been "spinning" for months now. I feel so alone in this healing, but also hopeful that I'm not alone. Your videos give me insights and the words what's happening in me. God bless you 🙏


I am so ready for this. I was praying today asking God why I can believe that His salvation and love is for them but I can't believe it for me. I felt a hard lump in my chest where love should be. You are speaking to that lump. I can feel it!! No one has ever spoken to me about this. I was let down all my life. I'm sure much of it reflection of past hurts and then reacting to them and living a cycle of rejection. I really need this!! Oh my goodness!! I want that lump in my chest gone and God's love and joy flowing freely.


Lord you are describing everything i felt and feel ☹️ as i am fasting to hear what the Lord has to say, through you he is speaking to many 🙏


For the past five years, I've bravely exposed myself to social interactions, yet every encounter leaves me feeling defeated. The difficulty is that I seem to make people feel awful around me. They can sense my toxic shame — it radiates from me, making them so uncomfortable because I'm painfully self-conscious and extremely awkward. I can't control this feeling. I never feel at ease with myself when I have to talk to people. I don't understand what's happening to me. I don't want to avoid people, and I certainly don't want to hide from them. But this overwhelming sense of toxic shame persists, even though I've been working in public for about six years in a restaurant. I'm 31 years old and have never been in a relationship with a woman; they all avoid me. I try my best to look charming; I take care of myself and dress well, but this toxic feeling of shame makes people suspicious of me. They keep me at a distance. Every morning when I arrive at work, my co-workers notice me. Their eyes blink, and they look in the other direction. This silent rejection is crushing. I don't know how to overcome this awful feeling of toxic shame. It's a relentless shadow over my life, keeping me isolated and longing for a genuine connection. Please, if anyone understands or can offer some guidance, I desperately need it. This is a cry for help from someone who just wants to feel normal and accepted.


This is Fantastic. Truely. I always thought it was some kind of felt so BAD! Shame attacks my whole life. Thank you for saving my life ! Literally! GOD BLESS. And to everyone here listening. You are loved.


"Like a pulsating nerve, that when it gets touched it explodes." So true in my life.


Mark you said something about abandonment that I've tried to articulate before but couldn't find the words. For far too long I have felt like I can vent and pray and tell God what's in my heart but more often than not it would feel like God is just sitting there, stoic just blankly staring at me which has left me feeling like, "are you even listening? Are you there? I know you're here but why do you just sit there and not engage."

You also mentioned (today but also many times before) which clicked for me today how its a battle regarding being disconnected from love. I then realized why I'm pursuing some things in my life both good and bad, and it's because those things have made me feel loved. Without God's love filling me first I have been trying to fill it with other things because I have struggled to connect to his love.

This video was packed full of good stuff that I couldn't see until now. I'm gonna have to go back and re-listen a few times to let it all sink in.

As always thank you Mark.

P.S. How do we send in questions and emails that you tend to pick out and answer regarding OCD and stuff? I'd love to send an email and get your thoughts.


While listening to this, I had a realization that I'm safe, Jesus isn't going to leave me nor forsake me. I'm justified and being saved, but it's God working in me and through me to do that! (There's a passage in Phillipians that talks about that) I'm loved right now. I've listened to this message before but didn't "get it" a little bit until now. I see a lot of my life through fear of abandonment. God's got me, He's with me, and He's for me. He is good.


That's me!!! That right there!!! Shame attacks and the whole 9. Praise the Lord for this message!!!! I won't be alone!!!


Hey now! Are you talking to me? LOL 😅 thanks for this teaching. It's helping me and my family.


This speaks to my soul Mark. Thank you, I'm really resonating with and loving your content. In my experience, the end point of shame feels something more like 'I'm going to be condemned to eternal damnation' than 'I'm going to die'. It sounds crazy to say it but dying feels more like a relief compared to the sense of eternal damnation.


Just when I thought we couldn't get any deeper into this subject you really opened my eyes Mark! I have these shame attacks but I thought there was something wrong with me and that I was sinning. Thank you for showing me that it's just part of the process.
