Ulcerative Colitis Diet, Treatment, Symptoms Flare Up | Nursing NCLEX Review

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Ulcerative colitis nursing lecture on the symptoms, diet, treatment (surgery, medications), pathophysiology, and nursing interventions. Ulcerative colitis is one of the two types (other is Crohn's Disease) of inflammatory bowel diseases that causes inflammation and ulcers in the inner lining of the colon and rectum (large intestine). There are four types of ulcerative colitis: ulcerative proctitis, proctosigmoiditis, left-sided colitis, pancolitis. The cause of ulcerative colitis is not yet known but it seems to be an autoimmune condition that is triggered by either diet (dairy consumption), stress, illness (viral or bacterial), genetics, or NSAID usage etc. Patients with ulcerative colitis experience periods of flare-ups and remission where symptoms disappear. When inflammation occurs in the lining of the large intestine the cells die and ulcers form which bleed and produce pus and mucus. Typical signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis includes: urgent/frequent bowel movements, anemia, loss of weight, electrolyte imbalance, fever, abdominal cramps, rectal bleeding, and severe diarrhea with blood, pus, and mucus. Complications of ulcerative colitis includes pseudopolyps, bowel scarring which leads to bowel narrowing, loss of form to the haustra (pouches of the large intestine that help with food churning), rupture, peritonitis, toxic megacolon, and colon cancer. Surgery can be performed to cure ulcerative colitis. These surgeries include proctocolectomy or ileoanall anastomosis (J-pouch surgery). In addition, other treatments include medication therapy (anti-inflammatory meds such as Aminosalicylates or corticosteroids, immunosuppressants/immunomodulators, antidiarrheal, and antibiotics).

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Hello everyone :) Thank you so much for watching the video! I hope it helps you in your studies! Don't forget:


I quit reading the book chapters all the way, now I skim and supplement with your videos and I'm still aceing school. You're amazing! :)


I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis when I was two and I am 11 years old now and it makes me feel a little bit better that there are people out there just like me of course not the fact that they have a stomach disorder but it makes me feel good that I’m not the only one


You are the best nurse ever. I don't care anymore about my class lectures, i read my textbook, listen to your lectures, take the quizzes, then study my Saunders. Am just satisfied.Thanks so much NURSE SARAH and keep up the good job


I love all your videos! You're the reason why i'm passing nursing school right now. Thank you so much Sara!


I was diagnosed with UC about 10 years ago. Pretty rough stuff. I've been on varied doses of Mesalamine since that time and it worked pretty well. I decided however, that I wasn't happy with the idea of taking medications like this for the rest of my life and so I dug deep and found that there's a fair amount of anecdotal testimony about the carnivore diet. I decided to give it a try. Within a month, I'd stopped needing my meds and I continued the diet for another 2 months. After that I slowly reintegrated vegetables, first only very cooked and then slowly moved to raw. No fruit. AND I discovered that I'm gluten intolerant - which brings back my UC when I eat bread and things like that. I had my colitis under control with medication when I tried this, but I'm telling you right now, I reversed my auto-immune disease with an extreme diet for a few months and then slowly added things back seeing what I reacted to. Do your own work to learn more, but I'm willing to field questions about my experience. UC is reversible with diet - maybe it never goes away fully, but I haven't taken a single pill in 9 months.


you are a true life saver, i appreciate your kind act of helping people who really are struggling to understand these concepts. you are awesome God bless u always!!


My husband was diagnosed with UC in Jan he has just been released from the hospital after being in ICU for 4 days and now is having a flare up I've learned more from this 1 video then I've learned from probably 10 or more doctors so thank you for this I'm desperately trying to learn and try to help him through this so it's very much appreciated 😊


I've had UC for 16 years and have never really understood it. Thanks for your video to teach me!!


This is brilliantly explained. I got more information from this video than I’ve ever had from my GP here in the England. I’ve had colitis for over 3 years now (only been diagnosed just over a year with it) but my GP told me it was ibs and I had to just sort my diet out. I had a severe flair up recently and had to spend 9 days in hospital as my GP didn’t put me on the right medication. Lucking the hospital staff were a lot more help than my GP. But you have explained things so much better. Thank you.


In case no one ever told you, then I must say this: you are A BLESSING IN DISGUISE. You make learning fun and nursing concepts easy to learn. I really appreciate you. May God continue to bless you and everything you hold dear.


I have been a nurse for 16 years and I am learning a lot from you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day.


I recently discovered your videos and you are a natural at delivering and getting information across. Watching all your videos to
refresh my mind and get ready for my nclex exam.


You do such a great job at explaining these things, thank you. I'm a personal trainer, and I need to understand many medical conditions to give my clients the best exercise.


Thank you. I was being hospitalized for 5 days
with serious gastritis flare ups so CONTINIOUS daily DIET CONTROL IS VITAL
TO ADJUSTING the body to live with this horrible disease. Again thank you for helping me understand
what's going on. I suffer and I know there are others who likewise suffer too. Doctors need to refer
UC patients to your sight.


You are seriously helping me SO much through nursing school. I really appreciate your thorough videos!! You are awesome. Thank you.


Very good presentation. If I may make a recommendation, if you have a dietitian on staff, please consult them. They can spend a dedicated portion of time reviewing diet education and going over any nutrition questions the patient may have.


Hello, Sara. I’m a pediatrician. Thank you so much for your efforts. You’re making a good and useful things.


Thousand thank you for the bottom of my heart. Nursing school become just so easy with you


Thank you so much for your videos. I had a colonoscopy . I have learned more from you than I have from anyone else
