Ulcerative colitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

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Lol i see people saying they have exam, well i came here because i have this disease, and its a nightmare


I ate eggs on toast and it sent me to the hospital to FINALLY be diagnosed with colitis after YEARS of being ignored. YEARS. I was a child having symptoms, it took me going through the most horrible and intense pain I ever felt in my life, throwing up everything including water due to the swelling basically causing blockage.
They thought I was faking or something because they had me sit there in pain for so long.

The MOMENT I was done being scanned by CT scan was the moment faces changed and people were actually urgent to help me and gave me something to help the swelling and pain. Was finally diagnosed with "left sided colitis" but I'm hoping to be able to afford a Dr later on in life so I can properly get diagnosed and see the full extent of damage as I was ignored for over 20 years.


I was diagnosed with severe colitis. I not longer have any signs of a previous colitic event in my bowels. I went GLUTEN FREE. Gluten causes inflammation of all sorts in the body. Been gluten free for 8 years. Have had no issues for almost that length of time.


Just recently got diagnosed with this. Worse pain of it is the rectum in my opinion. Thank you for helping me understand more


Thanks for sharing this! Here's a Fun digestive fact: what you eat can change your gut microbiome in just 2 days!!


almost 2 yrs ago, i was losing blood internally and didn’t know what it was, got a colonoscopy & found out i had extremely severe ulcerative colitis. at the time i got diagnosed, i was in the middle of a flare up so it took about a month to get biologics & get through all the red tape. well, i kept losing blood. and i went into the ER bc i couldn’t walk 10 steps before feeling dizzy, ringing in my ears, and extreme fatigue. it was a very traumatic experience. it turns out i had a 2.1 hemoglobin lvl. it was by far, the worst time of my life. and what i found out was even worse, was what it did to my mental. and how i am still today. it’s miserable. and everyone tells me i can live a healthy life & all this. but it’s not that simple. reading on google that you can live a healthy and good life jus like anyone else. is a bunch of bs. it’s miserable. im trying to my best to look on the bright side. and idk why im really typing this. i jus needed to get it off my chest i guess.


i have had uc for over 10 years, i have cut out sugar and i believe it has helped me big time


Thank you for this. I’ve been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis for nearly 17 years and am struggling with it. This has really helped me understand what I’m experiencing. Thank you :)


You guys always have such fantastic content. And totally relevant for me today - I'm taking my SAGES FES skills exam tomorrow (skills test that all surgeons must pass in order to be credentialed for colonoscopy and upper endoscopy 😊). Rock on, Osmosis crew!


I am lucky that I only have ulcerative colitis. Crohns seems worse. And I am blessed that it isn’t as bad as other people’s ulcerative colitis


Never stop making videos ... Really valuable... 👍


Being a chrohns sufferer myself, i would say this is an excellent video.


Thank you for your work! This channel is great and should be more popular across students and non-students.
I have a question: have you ever done a video on angioflogosis? I'm studying it right now but I can't really grasp it all.


I appreciate the author of the video not authoritatively saying a cause is known. It is very counterproductive to finding better treatments for this disease when so many healthcare professionals are causing learned helplessness in UC patients. There is still a lot to be learned, especially about mitochondria, and how metabolites like ROS may be driving inflammation, which correlates closely to stress, and UC amelioration through electron donating reducers like 5-ASA and antioxidants.


Should include more histopathological features, as it more diagnostic feature and used to distinguish between crohns


I suffered 5 years with ulcerative colitis nothing work with medication and my colon nearly ruptured resulting in me having all my colon removed 2 weeks later I ended up with necrotising facciitis, having bowel disease is no joke and surgery is also extremely difficult, I wish I had more information when I was younger in terms of diet, exercises etc anyone suffering please modify your diet and behaviours to keep you in remission and if you end up with a stoma don’t feel your life is over sometimes your living condition and pain will be much better than living with severe colitis


I'm wondering what I have as I have had ongoing diarrhea for well over 2 years..I FINALLY have a gastro consult on 8/23/2024.. praying for an answer


During my bachelors i loved this online tutot❤
Now after 4 years m here once again


I came here to say I've just had my large bowel taken out, stoma on my lower right side. I was always told i had Crohns disease because an MRI showed signs of inflammation in the lower part of my small intestine. My surgeon visited me after the op and told me he thinks i had Colitis rather than Crohn's and that even with Colitis there can be a little bit on inflammation in the lower end of the small intestine.
I will try to update when i get a definitive answer


Hi Everyone! We've updated this video to add a few sections and clean up the audio.
