The Best Diet for Ulcerative Colitis Treatment

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Plant-based diets can be 98 percent effective in keeping ulcerative colitis patients in remission, blowing away other treatments.

Here are some older videos on IBD that may be of interest to you:

Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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Having UC and going through all the immune suppressing expensive drugs but non of them working, my doctor wanted to remove my colon. With my quality of life plummeting, I found out about eating a plant based diet. I switched immediately. My UC didn't go into remission right away, but other health issues started getting better. I had to temporarily go on a plant based diet high in soluble fiber for about 2 weeks. I went into remission and starting bringing back all other plants into my diet. It hasn't been an easy road. But I would highly recommend this to anyone with really bad UC. I've been in remission for over a year and a half. No more drugs.
In addition to the diet, things that have helped me has been, once in remission for a bit, is exercise. I am now running 3 times a week. Also intermittent fasting, giving your gut time to heal. And cold showers really seem to boost my immune system by calming it down.
Great video. So glad some research is finally coming out!
Good luck all with UC. You can go in remission. I did.


Dr gregger you literally saved my life back in 2013 with your video about the Japaneese research on colitis. It took me 2 years to clear the desease and since then Im on a plant based vegan diet with no drugs on a constant remission. So thanks again.


I have crohn's disease, have been on wfbp diet and it has completely changed my life for the better. Thank you for this video


On Humira since 2016 for UC. Sadly, nothing else seems to work to keep me in remission. I saw what you said at the end of this video and sadly, was not shocked. I would love it if you would dig more into biologics in future videos. Thank you so much for all you. You are a tremendous blessing.


I think this just proves it is extremely individual (think, bioindividuality. No two people are the same!). Even when considering two individuals with Ulcerative Colitis, one can respond extremely well to a healthy, plant-based diet, while the other may be triggered by the amount of fibre and lectins in the diet. I still think any diet should be primarily "plant-based", but when I'm having a flare, vegetables are the last thing I want to consume as they cause the most havoc. I have heard of people going completely vegan and healing. I have also heard of others going carnivore and seeing the same results. There is no "one cure-all" diet regardless of similar diagnosis. At the end of the day, I think it relies heavily on your confidence in your diet and routine, as well as eliminating any STRESS or trauma you have experienced. What I have noticed from everyone who has healed or entered remission from IBD, it's that they all have incredible attitudes and confidence. So many times I have beaten myself up or entered a depressed-like state when my body is not responding to my treatments or lifestyle. I told myself I simply cannot do that anymore. It's a vicious cycle between the gut and brain when you allow yourself to become stressed by the situation. I do believe it is extremely important to find a diet that works for you. But I have realized, more than ever, that getting the mind right is arguably more crucial.


I’ve been suffering with UC for a while now. I was on a plant based diet when I first contracted it . I’m now on the carnivore diet and having amazing results. Maybe it’s not for everyone, but it works for me.


I was vegan (WFPB) for 3 years when I was diagnosed with UC last July. I wish I understood more about why I got it with my risks being so low. That being said, it's a year to date when my symptoms began and I've put myself in remission without any meds. My GI said she's shocked but I'm right - my colon looks perfectly normal and healthy. Compared to only 3 months ago when I was 80lbs and bleeding every day. I've adjusted my stress and mental state which I think played a huge role. That and my vegan WFPB diet has once again put me in good health! Can't agree more. So glad I can stay off the biologic drugs and monthly infusions.


This is such better info than the rubish that was discussed on an episode of Dr. Phil with a representative from Pfizer pharma. That women was just doing one big infomercial for crohns and colitis patients. Can you see any conflict of interest here folks?


This is not true in my case. All I eat is grass fed beef and salt. I have UC and auto immune disease. Well I’m 100 percent in remission and medicine free. Interesting how every doctor says do different diets. No one knows. Our body’s are all different. Do what works for you!


Look, seriously, i have ulcerative colitis. I've been through it, okay, and what I've learn from 14 years of this terrible disease is that flare ups can't be fixed by a solely plant based diet. You have intestinal permeability, poor digestion accompanying undigested food particles, and these are making it past the villa entering the blood stream and causing a reaction when is then causing ulcerative, blood etc.

Doctor, you mean well, but please dont put this information out there willy nilly because some people thrive on a wfpbd. This simply doesnt work for people with this disease outside of a dump truck of pharmaceutical drugs. Carnivore is what you need to do when the disease is present until a resolution of symptoms at which point a SLOW REINTRODUCTION of easy to digest fruit's along with kefir, or a tolerable food that can replenish the gut microbiota.

Fiber fiber fiber, jesus if i hear another person whos a doctor think they know what theyre talking about with roughly 1 week of nutritional training I'll karate chop hiya! Them.

If i followed your advice, i qould end up in the emergency room!!

I think you discuss the solution with people who live with the disease and who have escaped the issue. Literally all you talk about is jow a wfpbd is the solution to everything, and its very closed minded.

Fiber is important in the instance where your actuaally in remission, there is no intestinal permeability, or sibo, and youre managing a vast arrange of other contributing factors such as stress, diet, excercise, etc..

Drugs are important, diet is important, stresss management is important, avoiding the fight or flight response is very important, avoiding drinking when eating is important to prevent undigested food from making it past the stomach acid.


My husband has been vegan/plant-based for 16 years, very rarely has UC symptoms since. It’s fantastic. We didn’t expect it would help, we went vegan for ethics reasons.


My son has ulcerative colitis, diagnosed at 16. He has been off meds for 3 years with no inflammation after switching to a wfpb diet.


I am on a plant based diet for 24 years now and still got diagnosed with UC.


Like how you emphasize your message with the tone of your voice


I have been eating a plant-based diet for seven years and was diagnosed two weeks ago with collagenous colitis. I am so frustrated I find eating any raw vegetables causes a flareup. I don’t eat gluten or dairy. They want to put me on steroids, but I would prefer a different option. Are there any recommendations for someone in my situation?


I'm recently diagnosed. I am going to try this. Thank you.


Sibo normally goes along with ibd due to low stomach acid. The bacteria are normally methane dominant or hydrogen sulphide dominant. Fiber will not fix this but make it worse. So it depends on your specific problem.


Each to their own. My Ulcerative colitis is triggered and exacerbated horribly if i overdo the vegetables.


Came to see if @VegetablePolice was in the comments 😎.


I watch for his humour as much as anything else lol
