Foods With Healthy Fat and How Much You Should Eat | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A

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This show is all about fat. Which foods contain healthy fat and how much should you be eating?

Dr. Neal Barnard examines the role of fat in your diet when he joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room LIVE.

- Can healthy fat cause heart disease?

- How does fat affect menopause?

- Can you survive without eating fat?

- How can you tell whether a fat is healthy?

- And more!

Have a question? Post it in the comments or chat and we’ll answer as many as possible during the live broadcast.

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Physicians Committee

Dr. Neal Barnard

Chuck Carroll


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The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. We combine the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.

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I can not believe Dr Barnard is 70 years old…he looks much younger!


Listening to this podcast is like having a personal friend offer to come over to your house a few times a week to enlighten you on all things health. How can anyone in their right mind turn down such an offer. Thank you both for sharing this life saving content. I LOVE how doctor Barnard has the ability to simplify the most complex topics.


FACT: I did Keto a few years ago and felt horrible but did lose about 60 lbs in 6 months, then gained it back. I am now HIGH carb WFPB vegan and lost 100 lbs in 5 months


My absolute favorite podcast, especially when Dr. Barnard is on!!


Wonderful and clarifying. I'm a vegan for 7 years but these podcasts are wonderful because I'm always learning.


Say what!!!??? 😮70??? No way!!! He looks 55! 🎉And by the way he is adorabel ❤


Chuck and Dr. Barnard are easy to listen to. I lost 50 pounds on the McDougall diet. I listen to all the whole food plant based Doctors on YouTube to stay motivated. Great videos keep it up gentlemen!


I end up in the 50g per day range....but it's due to my seed and nut consumption. I put 2 tablespoons of flax, hemp & chia seeds in my oatmeal just about every day. Also a 1/4 cup of walnuts. But I really try to keep any other fats to nil or an absolute minimum. My saturated fat I keep below 10g daily.


For those who struggle with peanut butter: PB2 was a real savior for me - its peanut butter powder with the fat removed. Finally, I could have peanut sauces and things like that again.


A wonderful presentation. I am a great fan of Dr Neal Barnard


Chuck Carroll You Are Great 👍 Podcast Interviewer!! You Rocking This Lifestyle Too!


It’s reassuring to hear that some fat is required. I was never so sick as when I truly went fat free. Just some olives make a huge difference. The problem with the nuts is that they are “roasted” meaning mixed with oil (usually soy or some vegetable oil) and put into an oven-the nuts aren’t fried, but they might as well be. Consider eating only nuts that can be eaten raw or prepared in a way that doesn’t involve “roasting.”


Love this podcast my daughter has endometriosis am going to get her to watch this video thank you doctor Bernard and Chuck I love listening to the exam room


Thank you to Chuck Carroll and Dr. Barnard… you two are the Dynamic Duo of vegan 🌱 presenters and podcasts! The Q & As are packed with useful information!!
I always learn something new- and I’ve been studying and practicing veganism for 3 years. Keep up the good work!


Dr. Bernard is a wealth of information - thank you for this wonderful program.


I appreciate your program, Chuck, and the very informative people that are your guest speakers. Understanding the differences between all the different kinds of fat has been a challenge, especially on my journey to reach my ideal body weight. Thank you, Dr. Barnard!


I just want to share my just over 3month experience with being a (whole foods starch-based) no-added oil and low fat vegan. I was worried about my skin drying out and being constantly hungry, but this has not been the case at all. I get great satisfaction, enjoy the food, and within the past 2 weeks or so began to notice what appears to be improved skin quality; this is not only on my face but my body. It is not dry at all, but very bright, smooth, clear, soft and “fresh” for lack of a better term. The texture, appearance, and moisture level has improved. As a matter of fact, when I went on a beach vacation about a month ago, my skin did not even peel. It usually does peel, even though I always use sunscreen. So technically the skin benefits probably started sooner than I officially noticed a difference in its quality. I don’t even eat fatty whole foods on a daily basis, only every so often, maybe once per week. But what I do eat daily are legumes and fruits and veggies high in vitamin C like broccoli, brussel sprouts, broccoli, citrus, bell peppers, etc.


Glad Dr Bernard replied to my comment. I've been on a standard ketogenic diet and now I'm going vegan. I have been following some Vegan Keto channels here on Youtube but it is a very restrictive diet I have found it very difficult. Really to what extent should we restrict the consumption of grains, cereals and legumes just to lose weight, right? I'm slowly getting back to consuming my whole carbs and that makes me happy.


I just love Dr. Barnard, and I'm so grateful to him. His personality and demeanor are so kind and easy to listen to!


Universal Meals is such a brilliant idea, genius Dr Barnard and PCRM will help even more people. Thank you too Chuck
