Do Narcissists always go back to their exes? Do Narcissistic people return to their exes?

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Do Narcissists always go back to their exes? Do Narcissistic people return to their exes?

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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Correction: Narcs don't need a reason to go back to exes, they go back bc they have poor impulse control, feel like their exes are their play toys, and they begin to simply miss them too much. You can do everything perfect and they'll still go back to exes. And for the exes that shut the door, trust they will spend a lot of time and energy plotting to get them to open the door bc they love a challenge and winning back old supply that left is a huge ego stroke


My narc had me aware of the ex, but little did I know it was the ex-ex I didn’t know about. He ended up with the ex-ex. It’s a never ending story. I’m just glad I’m out of it now.


The singles pool is getting filled up with narcs


Lee with the Tea ☕️. They have so many people in play… it’s relative 😝 Yep I’m the Old Supply watching All That. I love the person I thought he was but I know that person is just a made up Character.


I'm so glad he is gone back to his old supply. They both have the same energy. They like the energy they had together, he mentioned that to me. No surprise to me.


She tried to keep me on the hook and managed to for a few months until I got wise to her shenanigans


Lee is going to put a halt to the narcissists' game! Honestly, who are they going to pull all their crap over on after we have seen all his videos? The narcissists heydays are numbered!


They go to anyone who allows them back and nothing will change in fact they will get worse and the cycle will go on . What you allow is what will continue 💯 if they had really changed they would know due to there own behaviour they don’t deserve a seat at the table of you’re life the fact that they don’t even think 🤔 that is evidence that nothing on there part has changed and they are bargaining on you’re trauma bond to hook you back in to there disordered relationship . Go no contact


Cheeks being clapped everywhere! Love how much you make me laugh. They can't handle when they lose a main good supply. They should have thought about that when they had us while we were devoted to them and loving them and they just wanted to treat us like crap and discard us.


I'm that old supply he can't ever go back to.


Preach Lee! I'm the old supply, his timer's ticking on his new relationship, and I'm worried sick for her. But I'm sitting here with my playbook from Lee in my back pocket, and plenty of popcorn. The hoover is weak. And he has to pretend he's coming round because he misses my friendship. And I'm a motormouth. Watching him squirming every time he comes around listen to me prattle about what I learned about squirrels this week or whatever. Lol.
Hard chairs. He's not allowed on the sofa. I went with tepid friendship rather that no contact for various reasons. He's getting bored. Who knows what he'll find when he needs a new person to hurt the current supply with. It's gonna be gruesome but it's not gonna be me.


My baby daddy Narc just tried this to Hoover me lmao while having a girlfriend & all !!! Now saying he chooses me & our family 😭😭 (while having a girlfriend mind you)


THESE videos are a gift. People need to learn all of this, before they put themselves out there on the dating scene. It is a dangerous world out there. Lot's of 'wolves in sheep clothing', looking to take advantage of you. Once you been used and abused, you will never forget it. It hurts.


I've been with my fiance/baby daddy for 12 years. He had a 3 yo boy, the mother of the boy left 3 months before I met him left her child for 3 WHOLE YEARS.
I became a mother to that boy.
Had our daughter 8 years later.
My son doesn't see let alone text his mom, now 15 yo.
She's all over my fiances phone though. They broke up 12 years ago.
Why talk to my boyfriend if you don't want to see or talk to the child?
He dropped child support in 2019.
I'm making him turn it on again.
Because it'll hurt them both.
It's not rocket science, why she's so comfortable to be all over his phone, but not his son's.. our son calls his own mother the babysitter.. and a deadbeat.
Sad she's more interested in his father's life, than she is with his.
No bday gifts, no xmas, no graduation.. but needs to talk to my man!? Hmm... wonder what's going on??? Hahaha..not.!


See Lee, videos like this gotta be LONGER!! I feel like you make your best ones the shortest 😅


NEVER EVER !!!😡😡😡😡
I Like you doing the narcissistic robot Lee😄😂


Before he did a lot. Now, that I’m aware of his foolery I shut the door 🚪 on us. On the 15th will be 6 months no contact. Our past movement it didn’t matter how long we were a part we would get back together. Once I told him I don’t feel the same way about him (not even attracted to him anymore) I think he knew it was over. He has only tried to contact me once. Thank you Lord!!! Lol 😆


They have a supply harem, if you allow them they will use you of course


It's definitely a pattern. But not an absolute rule.


Caution with letting them come back cheek clapping cause std will be too.
