Dating Someone With High Functioning Autism: 5 Surprising Truths

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I'm on the spectrum and I feel like I'm too fundamentally broken to be in a relationship.


1. Quiet but lovely; choose a quiet or silent place to share words, like a quiet cafe or park.
2. Eye contact might be a struggle, as well as other sensory issues.
3. Value routines; ask about your daily schedule and adapt yours.
4. Emotional capacity of ASD can be greater than that of allistic, but they often don't know how to express it and are often misread as emotionless. Have difficulty reading cues.
5. Brutal honesty can be good or bad. Don't expect autistic partner to read hints.


My boyfriend is on the spectrum, and he's the most amazing man I've ever met ❤️


Dating my autistic partner presents unique challenges, but it's absolutely worth it. I love who he is, and I'm so grateful for our connection.


I have never been on a date with a woman in my life. Presently, I do not have a car nor a lot of money and where I live, there are not very many places I can visit that would work on a date. I appreciate that this video provides assistance to people dating individuals with autism. I appreciate you posting this video!


Understand that we need our "autistic rest" or we won't be functional. If you date, it's one thing but think long term. Some of us go as far as getting our own bedroom so we can get the space we need to survive. For me, when I enter my room at night, I put on anime and sometimes, I don't even watch it. It's for the noise that is constant and expected. And it's the same feeling as laying down in a hot bath and letting go. I used to explode in anger and fits due to overexposure and stress. It's not that I don't love my wife and kids. I simply didn't even know I needed that.


I have Aspergers this really helped me understand that people do understand what we go through


All these things are true at first i have a difficult time with dealing with my boyfriend since he doesnt tell me yet about his condition but after awhile i learn to adapt and when he told me im not surprised anymore and were still together 😊 hes the sweetest and most faithful guy i ever met and we click a lot so i dont mind at all


Dating with a ASD is very challenging and not for everyone, let alone marryingone. You will need high flexibility, love and patience.


Me and my wife are autistic we went to the park on our first date


I’m on the spectrum and just learning about this… I’ve always hid my asd because I was made to feel different but now I’m done trying to fit in. Thank you for these videos I am sending them to my gf so we can understand it more, I believe my behaviors caused our relationship to end.


At first I didn't derstand why my boyfriend didn't had eye contact with me, the brutal honesty, the sarcasm and why he avoid crowds. Then he confess me a few days later that he is in spectrum, I didn't mind at all, he is a wonderfully man and I am happy that I have him in my life. now, everything makes sense, I'm super happy to be able to understand him better and his needs, instead of been all judgemental. I will make sure to keep educating myself ❤😊 thank you very much.


One word: Don't. Not bein' mean, just honest.


Amazing advice. All correct to the single small detail.
Usual advice I've seen tends to have that emotional side you talked at the end wrong.
While it's in the essence masking, and fear of disclosure, because of past experiences when people reacted badly. And it's impossible to talk about feelings if blocking them.


Thank you for this video! At 58 years of age, I have only recently discovered my Autism and it now makes so much sense as to my differences in approaching life. Jeffrey Z. in SC


I asked my ex aspie, if his "flirting with me" he answerd "no"/ but all his behaviour shows the opposite. each time i have a problem he is there, he often asks me things to do for him while he could do them himself. He says i'm wise and beautiful. I'm the one who drop the relation, because of his lack of communication, and demonstration, I still care for him but i doesn't know it, It told him I never go back wtih him, Today I could not continue keeping in touch with him it hurts me to see him so kind with me


It can also help to choose activities where both of you are focused on something in common. "Working alongside" is very valuable for the autistic's experience. :)


I am a 22 year male, christian, looking for the love of my life. I live on the east coast, usa.


I am on the spectrum as well and I find it very difficult to get close to people (hugging and kissing for instance) as well as driving, which basically screws me out of ever getting a relationship :(


I’ve been having a problem with the last one but I have rest all down :3 ❤
