How To Make Your Ex Chase You

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In today's video, you're going to learn how to make your ex chase you by not chasing them first. That is pivotal. We all need to be the ones that feel that urge to chase. So if we are chasing someone or staking them, why would they chase us? They don't need to because we've taken that opportunity away from them. So what we need to do is to NOT chase them. Relinquish that right and let them initiate the chase.

So how do we do that? By detachment and acceptance. That means you break up from the breakup. Detach yourself from it and forget about the entire situation that led to the breakup. Accept it. They are no longer apart of your immediate life. That doesn't mean they can't be apart of your future. Watch this video to find out what you should be doing in the present in order to make your ex chase you again one day!

My name is Coach Abby from Love Advice TV. We want to give you at home all the tips and tools and resources you may need to see the change you want in your relationships. We offer these free videos to help you rebuild a connection with the person that you love the very most.

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Our Mission is to help people find happiness in love and to provide individuals and couples with the communication tools and relevant techniques to be together in healthy sustainable relationships. Over the years we have helped people in all types of breakups, separation, and divorces successfully get back together, and I highly encourage you to look into how we’ve been so successful.

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7 Guidelines For A New And Improved Relationship With Your Ex | In The Time Of Coronavirus:


By moving on, living your life & not caring if they come back.


Come back to this channl after 1.5 year .... And am completely different person now... . This channel .. made me mature
I focus on my self.... After.. no contact us not working ... For me. After again and again... There is no option than focus on my After 1.5 yr.. I look back . And see that this process made me who I am ... Now I am vry happy .. I completely move on and also now am in this process... Every single day I wake up I tried to be the best version of my self.. am vry much grateful for this channel .... Thank you thank you thank thank you very much


Kinda hard to do things and go places in a pandemic. LOL


We were once the prize. Never forget your worth.


I feel so much better after accepting that you can’t change it by trying. Just go about your business & every day you will feel a little better, eventually you no longer care either way. It’s empowering. 💋


6 weeks after the break-up I started no contact, and a week later I'm backpacking across the country 😂
It's lonely sometimes, but lots of fun


My ex agreed to work things out, then canceled dates and barely texted for a month. I told her I was done with that and I went no contact. I also had her block me on Facebook that way I can’t contact her and she knows it. Don’t want this person back anymore, she had too many issues and mental illness. Her living conditions were horrible. I didn’t find this out till I was already attached to her because she always came to visit me. She told me that “when guys find out what all is wrong with me they run for the hills”. I think it’s my turn to run for my own good.


If a person is Not the chasing type this does not work! Some like to be chased but they will Never Chase anyone else. I only know this from experience. So you will need to think of a different original way to get them re attracted


I chased him so much that he told me he would kill me. That was it


All of this I live by!! And I’ve been doing exactly all of this 😍 My ex watches all of stories/posts on Instagram and I’ve just been living my life


I am in a position where he broke up with me however he just “wants to make sure I’m okay 🤣 I try to keep the conversation light and upbeat but i have a feeling he’s reaching out to partially smooth him self. I know he is actively chatting to another person and I am in two mind a part of me says move on but obviously I can’t just delete my memories and love for someone whom I loved so dearly. He did love me too and I think I was to blame for the end of my relationship which is why is so hard to move on. I want him back but I don’t but I do-kinda situation. Well yes ofcourse I want him back I do but I just don’t know if I should ignore him and be a bit blunt or respond in a nice bubbly manner but at the same time I don’t want to be his step stool to “gradually move on whilst I’m just here supporting him like a looser. I am human too I have feelings you know


Ok, i did no contact for two weeks. And started gym, reading books, trekking, biking. lost weight, got new outfits. Now i have another girlfriend.


You literally made cry,
Thank you so much coach abby, I can't thank u enough, u helped me so much , this week I started sleeping more Comfortably


Great advice. It would really been much easier to do all the things as suggested, if one isn't a full time care giver taking care of a terminally ill mother. I look forward to the days where I have total control of my life back again and I can do all the things I enjoyed doing. Taking long walks in the park, jogging, being in the nature looking at leaves and flowers, all these things take time. The nature does help a lot in healing. But I agree no contact is an absolute must. Thank you.


I am redefined now. I was dumped by my ex..she said her mind was no longer with me. I let her go n never contacted her. Last 2 weeks she texted me saying I should pray for her cos she was very sick. Didn't want to reply at first. I just sent a prayer message to her n that's all. Sunday will make it one good month she broke up n I haven't contacted her.
I feel fulfilled now, I go to gym to keep fit n all that.
Right now, am not sure if I could ever contact her again. Am so much busy loving myself n investing in myself
Thanks for your advice.


I can’t I don’t know how to. And I want her back I would do anything to get her back.


I’m never getting my ex back. I did all the wrong things, I’m working on just moving on. I watch these to see if there’s anything I did right... I didn’t lol just have to hope I find someone when I’m ready that will make me happier and honestly someone healthier for me. It wasn’t the healthiest relationship, I also think it was wrong timing. But I don’t think I’m her type now either. Just didn’t work


Abby, my goodness, you have really grown into this role in a fabulous way! Your first videos it was clear you were a bit nervous. I applaud your ease with these videos now! You go, girl! I would schedule a coaching call if I could afford it just to hear you talk and spew wisdom! Well done!


Exactly what I needed to hear today. I got dumped last week during my father being in intensive care in hospital. At first it was a favour and I could focus on my parents.

But today is my first home alone and it all kind of hit me and I was spiralling into depression.

But no more! Thanks for the firepower Coach Abby!
