How to Make Your Ex Obsess Over You in 2024

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So you want to make your ex obsess over you, huh? Well, you’re in luck, because in this short video, I’m going to reveal 3 sneaky “mind tricks” that will make this a reality.

I explain what makes your ex want you back, how to make them think about you non-stop, and how to make them so obsessed with you that they ask you to take them back. So, if you want your ex to change their mind and ask for a second chance, watch the full video and learn all of my sneaky techniques to make an ex obsess over you....


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#bradbrowning #breakup #exback
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Everything worked the no contact and everything. It worked and it took like 3 months but everything feels different. Anyways thanks Brad. This guy is legit


1) recovery phase -No begging or pleading

no contact

hang out with your friends

join a club or sport

focus on a hobby or a passion

2- rekindling phase- establish a connection with your ex in a fun and attractive way

how to reach out without letting them know that you miss them and want them back?
you want them to think you're not interested in getting back together

-help date meeting- setting up a meeting because you need help with something like remodeling your kitchen

3) reattraction phhase- flirt like crazy

-make eye contact
-touch your ex
-just smile
-drop subtle reminders of your shared memories


Can someone explain WHY acting desperate or emotional is always a "turn off" ?
I feel like if I had someone in my life that acted that way I would appreciate the hell out of it.. people who show true emotions are rare


I wish I had discovered Brad browning earlier. but sadly I was too late. please tell others about this guy, he knows his stuff


In my experience, once women are done, they are done.


Lol I did the no contact and recovery phase with no intention of getting him back. I never once expected him to reach out. He ended things because he wasn't in the place to date and wanted to be friends but I was too devastated to be around him so I sent him a polite message saying no thanks. Five months later he is contacting me again with all the sentimental stuff. 😂


Just watching 4 of these videos makes me confident and I have been watching them over and over again to gain that confidence when I don’t feel it. I am only on the non contact phase and I am going out with my mate later so these videos have told me what I got to do over the next week. I will keep watching them until I win her back. Thank you!!!! They are so useful


Hey Brad I just wanted to say a huge thanks to you. Your videos not only helped me get my ex back but also helped me to become a better version of myself and I thank you so much for that. You are a truly inspirational man.


Hey Brad, you are a genius! I did the no contact for 2 months, we saw each other this past saturday (we were drunk) and made out. But the next day she face timed me, we have been face timing for 4 days in a row. Back then we would facetime but it wasn't fun. I was so boring. Now I flirt with her & she and I just keep smiling over and over like we did a year ago when we barely began talking. Tomorrow we are having lunch together.


I agree totally distracting yourself works! When I did it I spent to with my family and it made me feel happy that I was around my family. And I was able to forget about that depressing feeling for a while :)


yes this is true, my ex and i are talking again, we are not back togther yet but it's like we are back as strangers. The feelings were no longer there, but at least we are in good terms now, no hatred or resentment.😊


you have become slim and looking handsome. i guess your ex will be obssessed with u now ❤


No contact Rule!!
It worked!! Thank You


Hey Brad! Thanks for another video. I'm no longer trying to get my ex back, but I still like watching these for general knowledge and possible future tactics. I did end up seeing my ex in late December but she started bringing up all same bad stuff that happened in our relationship. I got fed up with hearing about it so I cut the outing short and I stopped talking to her afterwards. She helped me realize why I broke up with her in the first place. Good riddance! On to bigger and better things. But goes to show you that when you say "dont bring up old arguments from your relationship" that it is definitely a major turn off!


I feel much better after watching your videos after breaking up with my ex, keep up the good work dear . .. 👌👌👌


My ex and I broke up 3 weeks ago after 4 weeks with a break. I had struggled the previous months and had made him unhappy. I have realized my mistakes and I'm much stronger now. I really want him back. He said when we broke up that he didn't want to lose me. That he cared deeply for me. I believe he is "the one" for me. He has texted me a few times. I'm doing NC, but I'm not ignoring him.
I have heard that he is staying occupied with work and partying with his friends since the breakup. That he hasn't coped with his feelings. Is there a chance for us to get back together? If I prove to him that I'm stronger.


The no contact strategy.. I hear about this everywhere.. would be a lot easier if your ex wasn't also a part of your friend group xD


I have been desperate and emotional just like your video says, and begging and pleading, and you are right, it just pushes him away I think, he acts like he doesn't care, he never cries over me or begs and pleads. He is only mean and cold.


Stay positive, when you stay positive in a negative situation you always win .


What if some people are just cold and being in a previously abusive relationship they lack empathy and seriously moved on from a relationship where they previously displayed high interest and now probably replaced you like it was nothing?
