5 Tips on How to Get a Stubborn Ex Back

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Follow the steps from Get Your Ex Back Super System in order (don't skip a step) and you will get her back.

That is the guarantee my program comes with.

It's the best, easiest, fastest and most effective way to get your ex back.

Get Your Ex Back Super System also comes with two bonus gifts:

1. Texting and Calling Your Ex.
2. Ultimate Make Up Sex.

Your situation might feel hopeless (that's how 95% of guys feel when trying to get an ex woman back), but you CAN get her back.

How do I know?

I have received countless success stories from all over the world and in most cases, it was a difficult ex back situation (i.e. the woman wanted absolutely nothing to do with him anymore).

As long as the man follows the steps from the program, the woman suddenly changes how she feels and wants him back.

It's amazing how it works.

Get Your Ex Back Super System really does work and I actually guarantee it.


Use the techniques from Make Her Love You For Life to regain and reawaken her feelings of respect, attraction and love for you.

When you use the Make Her Love You For Life approach, she will feel attracted to you in new and exciting ways, which will make the relationship feel like it was when things were at their best between you and her, or the relationship will become even better than it ever was.

As a result, she won't want to leave you and will begin showing you more respect, appreciation, love and affection.

The relationship will also feel secure again, you'll both be in love with each other and will want to continue building a future together as a couple.


ModernX supplements only use ingredients that have been scientifically proven to work.

I personally take Max Man and Genius Brain every day.

Taking Max Man makes me feel stronger and more driven. It also gives me more energy and boosts my mood.

Taking Genius Brain makes me sharper and puts me in an even better mood.


- If you want to increase your libido (sex drive) and have increased physical pleasure during sex, take Libido Plus:
- If you struggle to gain or maintain an erection during sex, take Ready to Go:


How to get a stubborn ex back. The 5 tips in this video are:

1. Stop chasing a relationship.
2. Rapidly change and improve while giving her space.
3. Make her want you back, by attracting her in new, more interesting ways.
4. Let her feel like she is in control.
5. Get her to treat YOU better.

Many guys fail to get their ex woman back because they allow her to be in the power position. She is in control of the ex back process and as a result, she is being stubborn.

You need to regain power and control, so you can then lead her back into a relationship with you.

Don’t put all the power in her hands and hope to be selected by her.

Women don’t like that dynamic when it comes to relationships with men.

The dynamic that women want is where they feel so attracted to a man that they want to be selected by him.

He is in control of the process.

That is what excites women.

When you take control of the ex back process, your ex girlfriend or ex wife stops being stubborn, opens back up and gives you another chance.

She wants you back for her own reasons (i.e. she is attracted to you and feels like she will regret it if she doesn’t give you another chance and explore her new, more interesting and compelling feelings for you).

As a result, she comes right back to you and you give her another chance.

To learn more about how to get a stubborn ex back, go to:

Dan Bacon
Рекомендации по теме

Literally you just fixed my relationship. We have been fighting every day and you’ve just fixed it and I cannot thank you enough


Dude. I used your tactics. Got my ex back. And then I blew it again. ... But now restarting again. ..you give confidence. I'm just hoping I'm not wasting all this energy on a crazy woman. Lollll


Dan, I've been struggling with depression for a few years, and my recent relationship meant so much to me. I believe your tactics, based on the people in the comments, and because your logic is probably the best I've seen. Better than that Brad guy to be totally honest. A few days ago, I found myself with a rope, standing in my closet, with no emotions whatsoever, but now I feel like it's time to better myself.


Dan, you have saved my marriage and family. My Mrs lost the love for me due to my reactions, its been a bad few years with alot of different pressures and stress, i lost myself over time and we had basically turned against each other. I honestly thought this was the end of us, but your videos gave me the positively and confidence to change my ways and mindset for the better. Its all about knowing how to play the game, and your skills work perfect. You are an absolute legend, if your ever in the UK the least i can do is buy you a beer or 10 haha. Thanks again, you saved my 11 year marriage, Lee, Manchester UK


What if she loves you, but was unhappy with you?


Thanks for preaching that the no contact rule is crazy


I just wanted to say. I followed this, and it 100% worked. I just got home from her place at 11:42am, and we went for coffee yesterday at 5:30pm. Laid it down proper too. Thanks Dan.


Thanks bro. I used your advice and got back with my ex and it just took me a week. Now we are going stronger than before.


I have to say out of all the breakup videos I've seen. This has been the most helpful. This guy speaks my language.


I got your system and listened to it two weeks after she left me. It opened up my eyes and I have been able to change myself completely. It's been a month-and-a-half and we are now talking, meeting up, kissing, and hugging. She's still isn't completely there but there is hope. We have been together for 18 years and married for 8. She loves me but I hurt her. It wasn't a typical break up, it had more to do with others around us. You have opened my eyes and I endorse your program wholeheartedly. Thank you.


Omg this is the best advice! I tried that no contact got me no where. I’m getting some where now. Dan is the man!! ❤️❤️❤️


Very true first 1-2 weeks are crucial, 3 weeks she’ll be dating someone else, you can wait 3 months but realize she will be with a couple other guys in that time . Great women don’t stay single long


Its crazy how accurate you can be with your descriptions, after self reflection i realised i was complacent with her and our relationship, i stopped trying and this lead to us not being so connected like we were to begin with. It was the first relationship we ever had for either of us and it lasted 2 wonderful years. I dont think thats a coincidence or a fluke but rather we are meant to be together but we are just going through a rough patch


Day 2 of the official break up. I will follow this advice and make an update over the months. Wish me luck


This guy is great. And spot on, definitely knows what he's talking about


We broke up almost a month ago. Made the mistakes here and there. Did all sort of stuff to get her back - said sorry and beg for the relationship. It didn't work. I'll try this guide. Thank you for giving me the confidence.


dude, you are helping me so much emotionally. after feeling confident, im ready to set my mind right and get her back!


I know my ex... no way in hell the no contact rule will work on her


I moved to Texas all the way from Michigan for my girlfriend 6 years ago. And I treated her really badly over the past few years. I am the only man she has ever been in love with and I know she still has feelings for me bad. But she couldn't handle my anger and emotional issues anymore and the fact I wouldn't commit to her.

If I get her back. I will be posting back on here.


this guy knows his stuff, took my girl for a day on the lake, used all his advice. game changer....🙏 thank you legend!
