Reverse Time is inherently noncommutative organic protoconsciousness force that is seemingly random

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Thanks to peter for asking me or commenting about what is "reverse time." The loud "overalls in the dryer" sound noise stops after 7 minutes!! Sorry.
"Isotopic chirality: New method for efficient molecular motors
"Through advanced computer simulations at the National Supercomputer Centre at Linköping University, NSC, Bo Durbeej and his co-workers also show that isotopic chirality can even be advantageous, for one important reason. - If you switch a chemical group for a hydrogen atom it lowers the weight of the molecule, which then leads to a faster rotation. Basically, there is more power in the motor, says Bo Durbeej.
Molecular motors is a field in fast expansion, basically for its great potential. The 2016 Nobel prize in chemistry was awarded to the pioneers of the field."
In particle physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics. In essence, it describes how light and matter interact and is the first theory where full agreement between quantum mechanics and special relativity is achieved..."
"In the calculations from 2019, however, the way the information inside of the black hole is encoded in the Hawking radiation is mathematically analogous to how a gravitational system is encoded in a lower-dimensional nongravitational system according to the holographic principle. And these techniques can be used in situations more like our universe, giving a potential avenue for understanding the holographic principle in the real world. A remarkable fact about cosmological horizons is that they also have an entropy, given by the exact same formula as the one we use for black holes. "
investigating how the inextricable link between an observer and the cosmological horizon affects the mathematical description of quantum cosmology."
This article was originally published with the title "A Tale of Two Horizons" in Scientific American 327, 3, 42-47 (September 2022)
Рекомендации по теме

That was fantastic. Never doubt that you are influencing hearts and minds here in the Overlap


Just finished watching this, fantastic work man. Thank you for sharing this. The amount of stuff you conveyed in this video that I was able to follow would have taken me 100+ hours normally. I'm saving this one.


This is also why Jean Gebser recognized the ear as the primary organ of the earliest humans through his study of the mouthless depictions of the human body in their ancient red ochre rock art paintings.

Gebser also recognized the importance of integrating this non-visible truth of our ancient past (which Hempel has realized is responsible for the creation of matter from the negative frequency true quantum physics of the future overlapping with the past which births new matter and life). And Gebser also recognized the danger of interpreting time linearly as progress and as an irrational geometric spatial magnitude.of eye-based measurement which can never absolutely measure the non-visible infinity of the whole.


Wow this video is gold! Thanks for clearing up entanglement is just the exposing of the non local spin because the two other values of the split electron cancel out. :)


One of your best video summaries yet haha


But Gebser did not realize the pythagorean meditation alchemy healing and the early Khoisan human culture n'om trance dance healing alchemy that Drew Hempel reveals. Gebser did support further study of the paranormal and did not dismiss it, but he did not realize the truth of non-commutative physics which proves the reality of the paranormal.


Roger Penrose emphasizes that mass (spacetime) originates as Frequency and so the gravitational potential at the origin of the Universe is highly asymmetric time due to reverse time and negative frequency energy. This is nonlocal energy to the end of the Universe after the black hole singularities dissolve as Hawking Radiation. So the end of the Universe and beginning of the Universe overlap in the 5th dimension with no size at all - just pure time that Penrose calls "fundamental time" and it is inherently asymmetric or noncommutative.


The brilliant Drew Hempel debunks civilization & explains how the emptiness/non-visible reverse-time noncommutative-nonlocality is the truth of creation and the source of negentropic bliss meditation as eternal liberation and equanimity. Modern acience is based on exponential function which is based on logarithms which is based on Archytas misinterpretation of true pythagorean non-western music theory and sound healing alchemy meditation. Time is the 5th dimension non visible void of the whole which cannot be seen, but only inferred. Hence the ear's deep listening awareness is more closer to reality and more primary than the eye based logos of external abstraction which created a false "time" as geometric spatial measurement and the false infinity of exponential mathematics as the increasing entropy of technological progress.


Someone recently told me the non-local spin / torsion field was scale invariant. I looked it up and it seemed to make sense to me :) similar to your "its not a wave" statement


Man I'm 15 mins in and I need to tell you you are onto something big with the spin force. :) Also rotating spinning metal bodies fast will cohere torsion fields / macro neutrinos to electrons and subsequently matter. Kinda like those experiments that turn light to matter but different. So as you say the chirality of two combing opposing torsion fields is as I understand it the source of all matter. Or as you always say the reverse time and forward time frequencies. I don't have any problem with negative entropy as conscious systems which cohere torsion energy through fractal phase synchronization are due to there macro coherence able to release heat, but when you take coherent matter and turn it into non coherent matter you absorb surrounding thermal entropy. I never liked the idea of the big bang, but I'm convinced the conversion of these coherent neutrino/dark matter/torsion energy into regular matter is at least one of the primary sources of negative entropy as a fraction of total matter in the universe. Bearden always called neg entropy reverse time. I'm still not sure its the same thing, perhaps the same as material time, but perhaps different than primordial/spiritual time if such a thing exists.


More parallels from feminist Lynn Brunet supporting your stuff (page 86 of her thesis from Chapter Two - 'Terror, Trauma and the Masonic Tradition' - exploring the theme of paternalistic masonic traumatic ritual, its relationship to knowledge of the right/left hemisphere actions of the brain and how the initiations intend to dissociate with trauma into an out of body experience and then "reunify" the psyche through retrieval of the terrifying lost memories with the aid of the geometric symbology within the temple and ritual practices... she is positing that this science of initiation and its focus on geometry as the idealistic image of god is founded in a fear of the nonvisible intuitive maternal space of creativity etc

-- "Relating the concept of geometry to the work of modernist artists Donald Kuspit has
suggested that “geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent” and as such contains
within it a therapeutic aspect, healing psychic wounds.124 He argues that in Mondrian’s painting geometry, “comes to the therapeutic rescue: it initiates one into interiority and affords redemptive understanding of the ‘union of mind and the whole of nature’ ... it is a method of introspection, and ultimately of intuition.”125 In the Masonic context it could be
suggested, then, that geometry provides the comfort that within the experience of confusion and loss that marks the liminal space there is some primal order. In gendered terms the realm that the initiate enters, overseen by Isis as a space of feminine intuition, or what Freemasons call the ‘Mother Lodge’, is thus protected ‘magically’ by the constant reminder
that there is structure here. Geometry becomes the anchor for the men who voluntarily immerse themselves into this overwhelming and possibly dangerous space. As Kuspit suggests, geometry “becomes the magical touchstone of existence.”126 This concept of geometry seems to me a very male perspective, possibly because it does suggest a discomfort with the intuitive realms, which for women may not necessarily be so
threatening. The idea of divine geometry, of God represented as a triangle, which follows from the privileging of the geometrical sense as the most important amongst a number of the right-brain functions, may again suggest a need for order in what may otherwise be perceived as a chaotic maternal space."


Can quantum theory be based on the commutative and non-associative “Jordan product”
commutative algebra which is not associative but satisfies another identity, namely
(x2squared • y) • x = x2squared • (y • x)"


Wow man wow, so much shit is coming together with this video. As I understand it decreasing entropy of matter increases entropy of gravity because gravity relies on interaction of macro neutrino toroidal energy with matter, which involves conversion into matter which decreases net entropy as a fraction of matter. The amount of energy absorbed per matter generated is very large. This depletes the surrounding macro neutrino energy thus increasing the entropy of gravity.


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