Dark Heavy Light as Yuan Qi or coherent asymmetric reverse time energy as eternal conscious-motion

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Sir Roger Penrose uses this SAME Barber Shop Pole analogy to explain what a 1/2 spin or Spinor is. So the idea here is that instead of light being a spin 1 boson - there is an inherent noncommutative phase energy of light that is the relativistic mass of light when it changes into matter and vice versa.
So we think of light as a particle photon or a wave (electromagnetic) but in fact there is this Dark Heavy Light based on the virtual photons and gravitons. Standard science assumes there can NOT be negative time or reverse time since there HAS to be a zero time "rest frame" as the phase between two objects being measured externally. But de Broglie's greatest discovery was his Law of Phase Harmony based on the quantum Pythagorean concept of reverse time from the future or "negative entropy." Schroedinger wrote an essay on this in 1927 but it has been ignored by most of the scientists - as the secret explanation of the Compton Effect due to a subobservable acoustic phonon pressure wave so that the momentum as phase is reversed - at a superluminal nonlocality.
This is why Schroedinger embraced nonwestern philosophy as nondualism - not quantum entanglement as some special experiment configuration but rather the inherent truth of reality.
"Einstein's relativity theory appears to be very accurate, but at times equally puzzling. On the one hand, electromagnetic radiation must have zero rest mass in order to propagate at the speed of light, but on the other hand, since it definitely carries momentum and energy, it has non-zero inertial mass. Hence, by the principle of equivalence, it must have non-zero gravitational mass, and so, light must be heavy. In this paper, no new results will be derived, but a possibly surprising perspective on the above paradox is given."
"The energy-momentum flux will be larger in the blue shifted part than in the red shifted part....In a moving frame, they diverge: the mean internal frequency of the photon will increase; simultaneously the orbital frequency of the photon will decrease due to the relativistic law of the slowing down of clocks. Despite the difference in frequency, at any point in space-time these two oscillations must be in phase....
This provides a possible physical origin for the postulated law of the "harmony of the phases" first proposed by de Broglie, which lies at the origin of quantum mechanics. ..."
Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft:
"The inward particles are related to the outward particles...the inward particle has the momentum increasing exponentially...the outward particles come out with the momentum DECREASING exponentially and position increasing exponentially. The closer the inward particle goes into the black hole, making a nuisance of itself, making a firewall, the outward particle leaves the black hole. And here comes the important observation. The outgoing wave function is a quantum clone it seems of the wave function going in. Quantum cloning forbidden according to the well-known law of quantum mechanics - you get impossibilities when the particles are entangled. So you can't have quantum clones.
But here you can [have quantum cloning] and the reason is that the in going particle can NOT be seen anymore - Don't worry - No body can see the quantum cloning..."
Martin van der Mark:
"It's far too simple to describe what's going on when you all these beats and the Harmony of Phases. You can't describe two phases with one phase! You can't describe the three oscillations in one phase! You're already lost and everything you do from there from 1950 for the entire physics community - is blind to that! De Broglie pointed this out - the wave functions are frame dependent...That is so stupid!!"
"Do you know what the really brilliant piece of work here is? It's de Broglie! It's tremendous imagination. To find there are TWO oscillations where are EVERYWHERE AND IN ALL TIME IN PHASE AND YET IN DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES: THEY MOVE THROUGH ONE EACH other seemlessly - it's magnificent!"

Dr. Martin van der Mark
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photons in Photons”
Adrian Ferent

“How the Photon was created in Ferent Quantum Gravity:
The result of the interaction between Dark photon and Graviton, is the
increase in amplitude and the decrease in speed for Dark photon, and the
Photon was created”


looking for effects of direct interactions between gravitons — theoretical particles that carry gravitational force
— and photons, the particles that make up light. By studying those
photons after they've interacted with gravitons, you should be able to
reconstruct properties of a gravitational wave, according Subhashish
Banerjee, a co-author of the new paper and physicist at the Indian
Institute of Technology in Jodhpur, India. Such a detector would be much
cheaper and easier to build than existing detectors, Banerjee said.


. But according to a collection of theories, together known as "massive
gravity, " gravitons have mass and move slower than the speed of light.
These ideas, some researchers think, could resolve problems such as dark
energy and the expansion of the universe. Detecting gravitational waves
using photon scattering, Banerjee said, could have the side effect of
telling physicists whether massive gravity is correct.


An antigraviton would actually be a particle of dark energy, which is
viewed by today's science as the force opposing gravity and causing the
universe to expand. The antigravitons I propose do not contribute to
expansion, but to a universe that's static at the largest scale. They
oppose gravity as we understand it by existing in another large-scale
dimension that's composed of dark matter, and they only interact with
this dimension gravitationally.


Theoretically, a heavy photon can transform into what is known as a virtual photon—a short-lived fluctuation of electromagnetic energy with mass—and vice versa. This should happen only very rarely and for a very short time, but it still means that experiments that produce virtual photons could in principle also generate heavy photons. Producing enormous numbers of virtual photons may create detectable amounts of heavy ones.


But what if the essential properties of the photon -- c, E=hf, and p=h/lambda -- remain unobserved in the electron (yet generate the electron's de Broglie wavelength and the electron's quantum wave functions), while the observed properties spin, charge and rest mass of the charged photon--now called an electron -- are different that that of the ordinary photon.


Conversion of Gravitons into Dark Photons in Cosmological ...
by E Masaki · 2018 · Cited by 3 — We find that gravitons can effectively convert into dark photons in the presence of cosmological dark magnetic fields. The graviton-dark photon .


Booo! I missed this one because I was at my new job
