Stable Chaos is noncommutativity of discrete inverse frequency, solving renormalization as Yuan Qi

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Science as technology for imperialism has been documented as originating in 10,000 B.C.E. as a "symbolic revolution." Animistic art work was taken over by anthropomorphism and circular housing was destroyed. Rectilinear housing supported a war-dominant expansion of plow-based rectilinear farming. Thus was the West conceived.

"Moon farming" was prominent in the U.S. up till the 1850s whereby the time of planting, the management of animals and the cutting of trees were all determined by moon phases. In ancient Sumeria the moon god was Sin, the harmonic ratio 4:5. This ratio is the transition to phonetic writing since accounting for the difference between the Sun and Moon calendar (365-354) is tedious using right-brain ideograms. The ratio 4:5 (as it's harmonic inversion: 5:4) also is equivalent to the cube root of two creating the specific value for volume. Thus humanism as Original Sin has a very specific origin -- a technological attack against moon power.

Since the industrial revolution began, spawning the modern colonial movement, over half of the world's some 12,000 languages have been destroyed, along with the precise ecological knowledge for their cultural niche. The technology of science as an accelerating "progress" creates a rate of ecological and cultural annhilation rivaling the impact of a large meteor or comet. The goal of science is to complete the transition to machine control but the oceans account for 97% of the biological habitat on Earth and thus carbon-based life can be restored.

Time is the only measurement that transcends both objective and subjective reality. The ancients knew that "time is the image of eternity" (Plato) because sacred geometry, through natural number ratios, contains the physics of pressure as antigravity and resonance as spirit-light travel. To unite with Time is to go beyond Saturn and Jupiter with the Keplerian ratio of 4:5. Jupiter as the god of Space protects Earth from comets and meteors --- only if the ratio 4:5 is respected! Sometimes the rate of annhilation equals the amount of destruction and Time is vindicated by starting over again as Kali and Chronos.

Moon magic accounts for the origins of human speech so that long distance hunting could be ordered through a sex strike synchronized with the moon ovulation cycle. 90 percent of modern human history (100,000 years) has been a hunter-gatherer culture relying on weekly all night trance magic based on the phases of the moon. Buddhism and Taoism are the only prominent religions which still practice this moon magic although the Muslim and Jewish calendars are still based on the moon cycle. It was the end of matrilineal culture that lead to monotheistic imperialism -- Levant means "Sun Riser."

Deutsch misunderstands the hegemony of Pythagorean dynamics which Wheeler recognized as governing black holes. Euler and Bournelli spent over 40 years arguing about the mathematics of a vibrating string. Fourier fixed the partial differentials of vibrating variables by relying on the sinusoidal wave of Pythagoras but the physicists have to use computers to integrate the dynamic transitions.

There are 12 nodal points along the outside of the body that enable a person to heal themselves, regain happiness and bliss and even heal others by transmitting electromagnetic energy. This ancient practice, called "the small universe," is the same as the Law of Pythagoras creating the infinite spiral of fifths structured by the 12 note octave.

When the third eye is open then consciousness, beyond spacetime, can travel freely, powered by the life-force of the individual. Visions that bend spacetime happen regularly and bioluminesence wil be seen around life forms. Life is a feedback of chemoelectrical, electromagnetic and Pythagorean morphology. The full-lotus body position freely generates antigravity by making the center of pressure below the center of gravity, causing nonlinear, stable resonance.
By focusing on the 12 nodal points, the stomach, reproductive area, bottom of torso, base of sacrum, lower back, kidneys, top of back, base of head, top of head, middle of forehead, neck and heart -- a cycle of resonance is created through a phase-shift of the I-thought with evanescent virtual photons.
"Plato is responsible for an astonishing musical generalization of the base-60 tuning formula as 4:3 mated with the 5. His 3, 4, and 5 correspond with Sin = 30, Ea = 40, and Enlil = 50 and remind us that all tones are linked by perfect fourths, 4:3, which define possible tetrachord frames, or by perfect thirds, 4:5."
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Hence renormalizability remains a guiding principle to lead us into
the maze of speculations at the entrance of terra incognita.


Now one of the strongest argument in favor of the existence of (still unobserved)
supersymmetry is that it tames ultraviolet flows by adding loops of superpartners
to the ordinary loops. In particular a main argument for supersymmetry is that it
makes the three flows of the standard model U (1), SU (2) and SU (3) couplings better
converge at a single unification scale (see [77] and references therein for a discussion
of this subtle question). The taming of loops by superpartners is also very important
to improve the ultraviolet behavior of supergravity and ultimately of superstrings.
But we have now a new way to tame ultraviolet flows, namely non-commutativity
of space-time! The mechanism which killed the Landau ghost could become therefore
a substitute for supersymmetry, especially if superpartners are not found at the LHC.


States in algebraic quantum field theory “typically” establish correlation between spacelike separated events. Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle, generalized to the quantum field theoretical setting, offers an apt tool to causally account for these superluminal correlations. In the paper we motivate first why commutativity between the common cause and the correlating events should be abandoned in the definition of the common cause. Then we show that the Noncommutative Weak Common Cause Principle holds in algebraic quantum field theory with locally finite degrees of freedom. Namely, for any pair of projections A, B supported in spacelike separated regions VA and VB, respectively, there is a local projection C not necessarily commuting with A and B such that C is supported within the union of the backward light cones of VA and VB and the set {C, C⊥} screens off the correlation between A and B."
Noncommutative Common Cause Principles in algebraic quantum field theory
The benefit of allowing noncommuting
common causes is that they help to maintain the validity of the Weak CCP also in local UHF-type
quantum theories.
In the paper we have shown that the Weak Common Cause Principle can be maintained also in
local quantum theories with locally finite degrees of freedom if one allows noncommuting common
causes as well. Since observables do not commute even with its own time translates in general
and since the common causes are required to support in the (weak) past of the correlating events
we think that noncommuting generalization of common causes is a natural assumption in quantum


As a double consequence of better
experiments but also of better computations, quantum electrodynamics was demoted
of its possibly fundamental status and incorporated into the larger electroweak theory
of Glashow, Weinberg and Salam. This electroweak theory is still a QFT but with a
non-Abelian gauge symmetry. Motivated by this work ’t Hooft and Veltman proved
that renormalization could be extended to non-Abelian gauge theories [10]. This dif-
ficult technical feat used the new technique of dimensional renormalization to better
respect the gauge symmetry. The next and key step was the extraordinary discovery
that such non-Abelian gauge theories no longer have any Landau ghost. This was
done first by ’t Hooft in some unpublished work, then by D. Gross, H. D. Politzer
and F. Wilczek [11]-[12]. D. Gross and F. Wilczek then used this discovery to con-
vincingly formulate a non-Abelian gauge theory of strong interactions [13], the ones
which govern nuclear forces, which they called quantum chromodynamics. Remark
that in every key aspect of this striking recovery, renormalization was no longer some
kind of trick. It took a life of its own.


the geometric mean
between the size of the (observable) universe and the Planck’s length stands there-
fore around 10−4 meters, about the size of an (arguably very small) ant. In [2], we
proposed to call this the “antropic principle”.
What about renormalization? Nowadays renormalization is considered the heart
of QFT, and even much more [7]-[8]-[9]. But initially renormalization was little more
than a trick, a quick fix to remove the divergences that plagued the computations of
quantum electrodynamics. These divergences were due to summations over exchanges
of virtual particles with high momenta. Early renormalization theory succeeded in
hiding these divergences into unobservable bare parameters of the theory. In this way
the physical quantities, when expressed in terms of the renormalized parameters at
observable scales, no longer showed any divergences. Mathematicians were especially
scornful. But many physicists also were not fully satisfied. F. Dyson, one of the found-
ing fathers of that early theory, once told me: “We believed renormalization would
not last more than six months, just the time for us to invent something better...”


In Sec. 7 we discuss a mechanism that
can generically lead to discontinuities in physically meaningful contexts. The
mechanisms requires just the presence of δ-like events such elastic collisions
between particles or spike emissions by neurons. The “non-commutativity”
of such events represents a genuine source of discontinuities, which may, in
turn, give rise to SC. A diatomic hard-point gas and a network of coupled
neurons are discussed in Sec. 7 as examples of such dynamical systems."
