Experimental Physics Prof. Fabio Cardone confirms asymmetric noncommutative secret of the universe

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"The local Lorentz invariance (LLI), on the contrary, imposes an isotropic and flat space-time in any 4-dimension (4D) variety (Minkowski space-time) tangent to a possibly curved (Riemann) space-time, as assumed by the Einstein general relativity. The LLI holds in absence of local gravitational interaction. In this condition, the Einstein special relativity is valid....In fact, they both cannot occur according to the local Lorentz invariance (LLI), which assumes a flat, isotropic, and symmetric local space-time and symmetric isotropic interactions at any value of energy. In the case of electromagnetic and strong interactions, which act in the above experiments, the LLI is commonly assumed to hold, and the reported results are not predicted.
On the contrary, the deformed space-time (DST) theory [3] predicts a deformed space-time, therefore the LLI breakdown, in ranges of energy which are different for the different interactions."...
"Given that these correspondences between local asymmetry and large-scale asymmetry hold, not only the local breakdown of symmetry is studied in these experiments, but the same general asymmetry [36] of the interactions is put in evidence.
"In fact, no breaking of symmetry is necessary if the interactions are fundamentally not symmetric: no symmetry has to be broken as no symmetry holds in every condition but only in limited conditions. Therefore, spontaneous symmetry breaking is no longer necessary....
"The real novelty of the DST theory is the asymmetry, which must be implemented as a fundamental part both of the LLI violation and of the space-time deformation.
In other words, a fundamental asymmetry exists in nature. It must be implemented as a fundamental characteristic and not only as an additional theoretical hypothesis."
"The asymmetry of two experiments where the LLI appears to be violated is put in relation to the asymmetry of the CMBR, both from a geometric and an energetic point of view. As common directions of asymmetry are found in the three cases, a fundamental asymmetry of the interactions rather than a local violation of the Lorentz symmetry is so suggested."....
"We evaluated these directions from the point of view of an observer on the Earth. Different directions could correspond to different points of view in the Universe. We just put in evidence that some local directions of asymmetry could be related to some asymmetry directions at a larger scale, as these directions are seen from our terrestrial point of view.
This fact changes the so-called Copernican principle “the Earth is not a privileged point of view of the Universe” into the fact that “the Earth is a conditioned point of view of the Universe,” conditioned by the here-existing asymmetry.
In conclusion, here we presented hints that asymmetry is a fundamental property, characterizing any fundamental interaction existing in the Universe."...
"The list includes anomalies in the double-slit-like experiments, nuclear metamorphosis, torsional antennas, and the physical effect of the “geometric vacuum”(as defined in analogy with quantum vacuum), in the absence of an external electromagnetic field, when crossing critical thresholds of energy parameter values, energy density in space, and energy density in time. Concrete opportunities are suggested for experimental exploration of phenomena, either already performed but still lacking a widely accepted explanation or conceivable in the application of the approach here presented, but not tackled until now. "
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Hi Michael: I just did an hour of full lotus meditation - and then I left my room and made eye contact with my 87 year old mom. My eyeballs then pulsated at 7 to 8 times per second - The Schumann Resonance. This is how I do qigong healing on my mom. My eyes are shooting out the biophotons that I accumulated from meditation - back into my mom. It works via "yin qi" - so it's just psychic healing. Yin qi is the negative ions but they ride on the "yuan qi" which is the nonlocal awareness. The Yuan Qi emanates out of the pineal gland via the heart and the Yuan Qi is then stored in the lower tan tien. The psychic tantric healing then separates the yuan qi via the front channel - back into yin qi and yang qi. The alchemical process is turning the yin qi around - that goes out of the eyes via the biophotons. So the left eye is yin qi and "yang shen" (our external eye opening physical reality). The right eye is yang qi and yin shen (our spiritual ghost reality).
The Yuan Qi unifies with the Yuan Shen which is the "light of no light" or clear light - it also is seen as a white-yellow light and called the "yellow court" in Neidan alchemy. The Yuan Jing has to be built up via celibacy to then create a bilocation "yang shen" or another external physical body. That's how Saint Joseph de Copertino had bilocation ability. It's also described in the biography of Poonjaji - or H.W.L. Poonja, his memoir is "Nothing Ever Happens."
So I don't build up my biophotons much since I send then right back into my mom for healing energy. But ideally I would feed the yin qi back into the yang qi and by rotating the eyes around the yin shen and yang shen mix with the yin qi and yang qi to increase the Yuan Qi in the body. Eventually the whole physical body can return back to the Yuan Qi and a new Yang shen is created at the will or Yuan Jing of the Yuan Qi. This is called emptying out the 8th level of consciousness in Mayahana Buddhism, as explained in the books of Master Nan, Huai-chin (a best-seller in China but still hardly known in the West - he passed on about 10 years ago).


"The most common method for measuring temperatures of ancient Earth uses naturally occurring isotopes. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that are heavier or lighter depending on how many neutrons are in its nucleus....In controlled laboratory environments, we can measure the chemical makeup of the air that has been trapped - how much oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen gas was present in the atmosphere at the time it was buried in the ice. From these measurements, we can calculate past temperatures using empirical data on how these gases hold heat in the modern atmosphere. ....The two most common isotopes of oxygen in nature are oxygen-16 (8 neutrons) and oxygen-18 (10 neutrons). When the Earth cools down, the lighter, oxygen-16 found in seawater is locked away in the ice of high latitude glaciers due to evaporative processes, leaving behind relatively more oxygen-18 in the oceans. During warm global climates, melted ice returns oxygen-16-rich waters to the oceans. ...Earth Scientists recognize this oxygen isotope pattern between glaciated and ice-free climates, referring to it as the “ice volume effect”, and have since used it to reconstruct ancient Earth climates....By measuring the oxygen isotope ratio in foraminifera, scientists like Brian Huber, a curator at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, can reconstruct ocean temperatures more than 100 million years ago."


"Information theory measures reveal one of the fundamental properties of quantum many-body systems, the area laws [3, 14]. It was first noticed in gravitational physics, that surprisingly, the entropy of a black hole is proportional to the surface area of its event horizon and not its volume [11]. Interestingly, a similar property was found in quantum many-body systems: The vN entropy of ground states of systems with a gapped Hamiltonian scales with the surface area of the subsystem and not its volume [14]."


Reference: “Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum” by Matthew B. Osman, Jessica E. Tierney, Jiang Zhu, Robert Tardif, Gregory J. Hakim, Jonathan King and Christopher J. Poulsen, 10 November 2021, Nature
The study, published Wednesday (November 10, 2021) in Nature, has three main findings:
It verifies that the main drivers of climate change since the last ice age are rising greenhouse gas concentrations and the retreat of the ice sheets.
It suggests a general warming trend over the last 10, 000 years, settling a decade-long debate the paleoclimatology community about whether this period trended warmer or cooler.
The magnitude and rate warming over the last 150 years far surpasses the magnitude and rate of changes over the last 24, 000 years.


Knowing whether the recent post-industrial rise in global temperature is superimposed on longer-term warming or cooling trends is a matter of practical importance, but climate models favor warming, disagreeing with temperature reconstructions from natural archives, which favor cooling. LTRR postdoctoral researcher Ellie Broadman is an author of an article in the journal Nature which reviews a large body of evidence on the disagreement, finding support for a cooling trend, but suggesting that more research is needed to resolve the issue.
More information
Original article

Kaufman, D.S., Broadman, E. Revisiting the Holocene global temperature conundrum. Nature 614, 425–435 (2023).


Bromley, Gordon, Putnam, Aaron, Hall, Brenda, Rademaker, Kurt, Thomas, Holly, Balter-Kennedy, Allie, Barker, Stephen and Rice, Donald 2023. Lateglacial shifts in seasonality reconcile conflicting North Atlantic temperature signals. Journal of Geophysical Research. Earth Surface 128 (1), e2022JF006951. 10.1029/2022JF006951

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The accelerating flux of glacial meltwater to the oceans due to global warming is a potential trigger for future climate disturbance. Past disruption of Atlantic Ocean circulation, driven by melting of land-based ice, is linked in models to reduced ocean-atmosphere heat transfer and abrupt cooling during stadial events. The most recent stadial, the Younger Dryas (YD), is traditionally viewed as a severe cooling centered on the North Atlantic but with hemispheric influence. However, indications of summer warmth question whether YD cooling was truly year-round or restricted to winter. Here, we present a beryllium-10-dated glacier record from the north-east North Atlantic, coupled with 2-D glacier-climate modeling, to reconstruct Lateglacial summer air temperature patterns. Our record reveals that, contrary to the prevailing model, the last glacial advance in Scotland did not occur during the YD but predated the stadial, while the YD itself was characterized by warming-driven deglaciation. We argue that these apparently paradoxical findings can be reconciled with regional and global climate events by invoking enhanced North Atlantic seasonality—with anomalously cold winters but warming summers—as an intrinsic response to globally increased poleward heat fluxes.

Scientists have for decades posited that Earth’s orbit around the sun goes from nearly circular to about 5 percent elliptical, and back again every 405, 000 years. The shift is believed to result from a complex interplay with the gravitational influences of Venus and Jupiter, along with other bodies in the Solar System as they all whirl around the Sun like a set of gyrating hula-hoops, sometimes closer to one another, sometimes further. Astrophysicists believe the mathematical calculation of the cycle is reliable back to around 50 million years, but after that, the problem gets too complex, because too many shifting motions are at play.
Kent and Olsen say that every 405, 000 years, when orbital eccentricity is at its peak, seasonal differences caused by shorter cycles will become more intense; summers are hotter and winters colder; dry times drier, wet times wetter. The opposite will be true 202, 500 years later, when the orbit is at its most circular. During the late Triassic, for poorly understood reasons, the Earth was much warmer than it is now through many cycles, and there was little to no glaciation. Then, the 405, 000-year cycle showed up in strongly alternating wet and dry periods. Precipitation peaked when the orbit was at its most eccentric, producing deep lakes that left layers of black shale in eastern North America. When the orbit was most circular, things dried up, leaving lighter layers of soil exposed to the air.

Jupiter and Venus exert such strong influences because of size and proximity. Venus is the nearest planet to us—at its farthest, only about 162 million miles—and roughly similar in mass. Jupiter is much farther away, but is the Solar System’s largest planet, 2.5 times bigger than all others combined.

Linda Hinnov, a professor at George Mason University who studies the deep past, said the new study lends support to previous studies by others that claim to have observed signs of the 405, 000-year cycle even further back, before 250 million years ago. Among other things, she said, it “could lead to new insights into early dinosaur evolution.” She called the findings “a significant new contribution to geology, and to astronomy.”


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